Car Access to Barrhead High

Image result for one way graphicsImage result for parking graphic

We are still a few weeks away from the final completion and handover of the carpark and MUGA pitch and running track … but not long now!

By that point we will have  a new road layout with a one-way system sign-posted in the carpark. However we already have enough parking spaces available to implement some new arrangements.

From tomorrow, Friday 17th Aug, all the disabled access spaces will be active and reserved for Blue-Badge holders. Parking for all other staff and visitors will only be available in marked parking bays.

There will be a bike shed  erected in the area beside the front path and the area immediately in front of the main building will be reserved as a drop-off zone.

We will cone off areas to assist staff and visitors, and staff will be present to direct cars over the next few days. Once the road-markings are added it will be clearer but we will be directing cars in the one-way plan. However be extra vigilant, particularly until the signage is in place, as some people will not be aware of the new procedures.

I would still recommend that parents drop pupils off and pick them up outside the school grounds but if you are entering, please note:

  • only Blue-Badge holders will be able to come along the road in front of the main doors.
  • only Blue-Badge holders will be able to park in the disabled access spaces
  • all parking must be within a marked parking space.
  • you will be directed in a one-way approach to the drop-off zones and soon there will be signage to clarify that.
  • You will not be able to park in the drop-off zone. If you require to stop and wait or come into school, please use a parking bay.

I hope that we will make the adjustment quickly and easily to the new arrangements and appreciate everyone’s cooperation and support.  At the end of the day, your child’s safety is our first concern and this should improve the access arrangemnts for everyone.

This Car park plan may – or may not! – help clarify the arrangements.