Duke of Edinburgh – Diamond Challenge Event

East Renfrewshire Council’s Young Person Services are organising a Diamond Challenge Event to celebrate the 60th-anniversary of The Duke of Edinburgh Award.

The event will be held at Eastwood High School on Friday, 25th Nov from 3pm to 7pm.

All money raised will help to transform the lives of disadvantaged young people.

People of all ages and abilities can get involved and complete a challenge, either in a team or individually. Participants can take part in a relay involving cycling, running, swimming or walking 60 miles.

Those who don’t want to take part in a physical activity can bake, learn an instrument, hula-hoop, sing or do yoga.

If you would like to take part in the Diamond Challenge, please contact Stuart Boag (DofE Coordinator) through the school office. All participants will receive an allocated time to arrive at Eastwood High School  and complete their challenge.