Duke of Edinburgh (S4 Bronze Award)

If you undertake DOFE with Mr Boag, please note the following:



Previous DOFE posts are here:

  1. DOFE post, 25th August

2. DOFE post, 19th August

Expedition – Kit List

If you are unsure what kit to bring on your expedition, then this Kit List might be useful.

Students should ensure they have clean dry clothes for both days. All clothes and sleeping bag should be put inside a plastic/rubble bag to keep everything dry. Students should note the weather, both for during the day and at night, and ensure they have sufficient warm clothes, including  waterproofs.

Students should be aware of the above, this has been discussed at the last two DOFE meetings.

2. Pick-up Points

After some negotiation, some students have asked if they could be collected from the Barrhead train station.  The minibus will leave from Barrhead High around 9am on Tues, 6th Sept, and collect the remaining DOFE students at the train station around 9.10am.  Students must let Mr Boag know which pick-up point they will be at.


3. Preparing Expedition Dinners/Breakfasts

Student should note all the information contained in the DOFE Presentation on 31st May 2022 regarding food preparation. Students have organised themselves into tent-groups (pairs or threes). Food should be pre-cooked prior to the expedition. One person in each tent should bring dinner for everyone in the tent, another should organise breakfast for everyone in the tent. Students should split the cost of this equally between them.

Each student should bring their own lunches for both the Tuesday and Wednesday, as well as snacks and water.

4. Returning Kit

All kit should be returned, clean and dry, to the Fairweather Hall on Thursday, 8th Sept between 4pm and 5pm.

Please note: The kit may well be handed straight back out to another school that same day, so please ensure all kit is returned at this time. £50 deposits should be collected to.

5. Following the DOFE Expedition

To get up-to-date information on how the groups are progressing with their DOFE Expedition, including the time we will return to the school, follow @Barrhead_DOFE on Twitter.