East Renfrewshire and Renfrewshire Councils will jointly host their Holocaust Memorial Day Ceremony virtually this year on Wednesday, 26 January at 7pm.
The annual event cannot be held as it normally would due to Covid-19, so instead as in 2021 a Ceremony will be hosted virtually on the Councils’ Facebook and Twitter channels.
The theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2022 is One Day. Survivors of the Holocaust and of genocide often talk about the One Day when everything changed, sometimes for the worse and sometimes for better.
The Ceremony will have comments from Provost Fletcher of East Renfrewshire and Provost Cameron of Renfrewshire. Amongst other things, the Ceremony will also include footage of local residents describing their family’s persecution and their subsequent move to Scotland; music provided by East Renfrewshire and Renfrewshire school pupils; a prayer; and an opportunity to light a candle in your own home in memory of all those who were murdered in the Holocaust, under Nazi persecution and in other genocides which have taken place such as in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.
You can join the virtual memorial on Wednesday, 26 January from 7pm using the links below:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eastrenfrewshirecouncil
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTha5en8Mq3kODNuJvc8Wyw