Covid testing in schools

Dear Parent/Carer,

The Scottish Government is working with local authorities and schools to put in place a testing programme for staff and senior phase pupils (S4-6) in order to identify asymptomatic individuals in school environments at the earliest possible opportunity.

Please note in particular the following points:

  • Participating pupils will be provided with three boxes, each containing three individual tests.  This provides a total of 9 individual tests which will last approximately four and a half weeks.
  • The kits are for home testing and tests should be undertaken twice per week at regular intervals e.g. Mon day and Thursday (and ideally in the morning before attendance at school).
  • Testing is voluntary and no one will be required to complete a test if they do not wish to, nor will pupils be prevented from attending school if they choose not to access testing through this scheme.
  • Participants’ test information is provided directly to NHS Test & Protect through the return portal.
  • Testing should not be undertaken by anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19 with a PCR test in the past 90 days.


Both you and your child should read the privacy notice provided by NHS Test & Protect.  If you are happy for your child to participate in this scheme, you can submit your consent electronically by following this link:

LFD Expansion – Parent Letter

LFD Expansion – Privacy Notice