Network Rail & Siemens Logo Competition

A reminder that this STEM competition closes on the 28th Feb.  All entries need to be sent Mr Boag prior to this date to allow them to be submitted via a school email address. Best of luck.

Network Rail and Siemens have recently created a new company and are looking for students to submit a company name, logo and strapline or slogan.

  • Students can work individually or in groups – you decide.
  • All entries must have an accompanying paragraph explaining why their design is right for the new partnership company.

The winning entry will be awarded a £400 voucher for the arts and crafts shop, Cass Art.

  • All entries need to be submitted by the 1st March 2021.
  • All entries must come from a school email account, not a personal email account. Please email all entries to Mr Boag (PT STEM) by 28th Feb 2021.
  • All entries must include page 5 of the document below and have the two check-boxes ticked to acknowledge you have included a paragraph explaining your logo and that you have read and understood the terms and conditions.

Network Rail-Siemens Competition