To ensure all our young people are safe and understand the new procedures, we will have a staggered start on the first day only. All our young people should enter by the front door on day 1 only:
Period/Time | Year Group |
Period 1: 8.40 am | S1 |
Period 2: 9.35am | S2 |
Period 3: 10.40am | S4 |
Period 4: 11.30am | S3 |
Period 5: 1.05pm | S5 |
Period 6: 1.55pm | S6 |
All learners will have the opportunity to meet with their Pastoral Teacher to discuss their health and wellbeing.
Please share the locations below with your child. S1 learners will be reminded of the name of their teacher when they arrive.
Mrs Wallace- R212
Mrs Merrylees- R122
Mr Maybury- R124
Miss Van Looy-R213
Miss Smith- R108
Mrs Mahon- R122
Learners will be able to access the canteen and we will work with young people if they do not have a note of their pin number. Some learners may wish to bring a packed lunch.
Welcome back to Barrhead High.