Parental Letter 2.4.2020

I have sent a letter to all ‘Main Parental Contact’s email address drawing attention to some of the issues we are currently facing and how we are addressing these (if you have not received this email please let us know your email address so we can update our records). There is a copy of the letter at the link below.

I have included reference to the online work going on presently. I am conscious that we are about to go into what would be the Easter break and I am not expecting pupils or staff to continue working in this way over the next fortnight. However it is a good point, 2 weeks into the shutdown, to assess how your young person has been engaging and ensuring they are ready to start back again on Monday 20th April.
I have sent this letter at this point in any case because because it also highlights other support available and the lack of structure over the next 2 weeks could become a challenge for some young people.
Someone will still check school emails on a regular basis, so this is still the best means of communication if you require to get in touch.
Hoping you are all staying safe and healthy
Mr Sinclair