ERC Holocaust Memorial Event

Each year, East Renfrewshire and Renfrew Councils join together for an event to encourage people – young and old – to remember the holocaust and the lessons that can be learned from it.

As well as organising our own in-school event, Kirsty Robson (S6) was invited to speak at the Councils’ event about her experiences of visiting Auschwitz through the Holocaust Educational Trust and her involvement as a Holocaust Ambassador since then, helping other young people learn lessons from that.

On the night, Kirsty spoke fluently and powerfully on this subject and won the respect of all those listening. She also showed brief clips from a film made last year in Barrhead High School by their Rights Respecting School committee and herself, with support from David Hunter of Moving Films.  This film captured moving testimonies from Holocaust survivors  Judith Rosenberg and Henry and Ingrid Wuga, who live within our local community.

You can see the full film with the link below.

RRS group video