Barrhead Pupils on TV for Waterworks Award

Grow Wild won the Best Environmental Project award at the recent Big Lottery Awards. Some of our pupils were present on the day when the award was announced at the Waterworks in Barrhead and then featured in the video clip played at the awards ceremony with 2 of the girls speaking (unfortunately although the other 2 also spoke well, they suffered at the hands of the editors!).

The extract below is from the Awards ceremony on BBC on Sunday 11th September.

Big Lottery Awards – Grow Wild Waterworks Project

Pretty Muddy Stuff

A group of pupils and staff joined together on Saturday to take part in the Pretty Muddy Run.





The Barrhead High Team have already raised over £1500 for Cancer Research UK – I am sure any of the team would appreciate a contribution through the fund-raising page

Well done ladies – brilliant effort!