Netball Club

A well done to all of our S1, S2 and S3 pupils who attended Netball last term. Everyone worked very hard and attendance was excellent!

The teams played various matches against other schools with most of the results being a victory!

We also managed to take the pupils to see a professional match in the new Emirates Arena, Glasgow to watch teams playing in the World Premier Club Challenge.

In this new term we are arranging more school matches and tournaments and hope for an exciting time ahead.

Netball starts back today, Monday, 14th January 2013. The club runs every Monday after school from 3.45 pm – 5 pm. We look forward to seeing all of our current members at training and we invite anyone new to come join us.
All ages and abilities are welcome! Don’t worry if you have never held a netball before… that’s what we are here for!

For details please come along on Monday or come and speak to Miss Grant (PE/Pupil Support), Miss McArdle (PE) or Miss Walker (Geography).
Thank you.