On St Andrews Day (Friday 30 November 2012) our pupils will be participating in a health event to raise funds for extra-curricular activities connected to the school. 

Pupils in the Pastoral Groups (Nugent, Van Looy, Bradley and McLean) will, as teams,  attempt to complete 470 miles – the length of the new walking Scottish Trail  stretching from Kirk Yetholm in the Borders up to Cape Wrath in Sutherland.  They will attempt the 470 miles by cycling in 3s round  a circuit in the Cowan Park using the school’s mountain bikes.

Pupils are asking Family and Friends to donate and they have each been given a sponsored form to record their contributions.

We would kindly ask that you support this event and thank you in advance for your support.

Up-dates will be available nearer the event.

This will be a no-uniform day.