The timetable for the new Session 2012-2013 begins on Wednesday 6 June.
New S2 pupils have the following arrangements for period (1)
1.1 into 2.1 to go to French with Mrs McPherson
1.2 into 2.2 to go to French with Ms Ness
1.3 into 2.3 to go to RE with Mr Weighton
1G into 2G to go to Science with Mr Caniffi
1E into 2E to go to ICT with Mr Shankland room 50
1F into 2F to go to Drama with Ms Booth
PLEASE NOTE – 2.4 and 2.5 and 2.2 all HAVE PE ON WEDNESDAY so please bring your PE kit
NEW S3 to go to the Theatre where they will be issued their timetables. If you have choosen NQ PE please bring your PE kit with you.
NEW S4 please go to the Games Hall – new S4 will all have PE period (1) PE kit is required for this lesson. PE staff will issue New S4 with timetables
NEW s5 and S5 Please report to the Canteen where timetables will be issued. Higher Pe and Int2 Pe will be timetabled for Wednesday so please bring your kit.