Distance Learning – Day 9 and 10

This week, I set the children the challenge of using green screen technology at home to create a short video or photo. This is my short Lego Star War movie introduction (excuse my son’s audio in the background) to provide some inspiration.

So far, I have received two videos and they are both amazing. Firstly, Jamie send me this video which I think is possibly inspired by Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak.

Jemma decided to combine two of our Google classroom activities and produced this green screen video about polar exploration. Fantastic!

I’m so pleased that the children have been able to learn new skills at home whilst having fun.

I also set an art activity this week with the phrase, “What I’m going to do!” as the inspiration.

Noah made this this as he is clearly missing getting outside with his friends.

Wint is thinking about taking a aeroplane flight to visit her family.

And Jamie has read my mind with this very evocative piece of art. Great work everyone!

I also posed a question on Google classroom this week about the current distance learning workload.

From the chart above, we can see that 85% of the 13 children who answered the question think that the number of activities per day is about right. I will continue polling the children to assure that we have got the balance of work just right.