Category Archives: Social Studies



WOW! Everyone was absolutely blown away by the exceptional models which 7.27 created to showcase their individual concepts for learning which they had been working on. I’m sure you’ll agree they are absolutely fantastic and show such high levels of creativity and problem solving. We all peer- assessed the models and wrote some excellent feedback for each other.

Well done!


Polar regions


Our topic this term is looking at the Polar Regions of our planet, looking at the people and animals that live there and comparing their environment and life with ours in Scotland.

To kick off the topic we have been looking at where the polar regions are located on the planet and finding out if we can explain this by considering the Earth’s position and relationship with our Solar System.

We were able to explain successfully why we have night and day on Earth and why the Equator is hotter than the Pole. However, we require further investigation to explain why we experience seasons on the planet and why they are opposite in the northern and southern hemispheres,

Using balls to represent the planet, pins to represent the pole, and torches to represent the Sun, we discovered that the earth orbits the Sun at a tilt of about 23 degrees explaining why the planet experiences different seasons at the same time.


European Day of Languages 2019

To celebrate European Day of Languages 2019, Mearns Primary have decided to study various European artists. In P623, we can chosen the Austrian artist Gustav Klimt.

We looked at the paintings “Portrait of Adel Boch Bauer” and “The Tree of Life” to discover the unique style of Klimt.

We conclude that Klimt’s paintings have the following in common

  • use of bright colours
  • use of metallic elements
  • bright colours and
  • geometry shapes and patterns.

With this information we created our own Klimt inspired artwork using Mary Queen of Scots and the Darnley Tree as our context.