Remote Learning Take 2: Day 1

Well, what an unexpected Sunday/Monday! Primary 7.27, and I, find ourselves in self-isolation! I hope that everyone is keeping well during this time and that you are all looking after yourselves.

We started our first day of remote learning very similarly to how we would usually start our days in class – by watching Newsround.

I then asked the children to collaborate on a Jamboard to get their views on what they would like from their remote learning experience. It also gave us some time to chat with each other which was lovely!

Favourite ideas seemed to be:

Kahoot quizzes, Goodnight Mister Tom book to be made available, time incorporated for homework, ‘Fun Fridays’ with activities like Origami, opportunities for filming and writing scripts/plays/alternative endings, interactive posters, outdoor learning, and also some cooking!

Flipgrid was also a popular suggestion but unfortunately, this cannot be used at the moment as the council is having to ensure that it is GDPR-secure.

People also said they felt it would be important to keep it similar to school with literacy, numeracy, and another task for each day and I tend to agree.

I’m ever so glad that Mr. McKenna has worked with the class this term on improving and enhancing digital skills, and that they’ve been able to teach me, as we are now more ready than ever for the next few weeks.

Today we worked on a variety of literacy skills whilst reading about Polar Bears and then self-assessed our work. Some people chose to then use their new knowledge to create a new text – which was AMAZING!

George chose to create a leaflet, with some outstanding artwork!

Ibrahim created a really impressive poster about Polar Bears, using Google Drawings. Fantastic!

We also completed some numeracy work where we consolidated last week’s class learning of calculating percentages of amounts.

I’ve taken everyone’s views into consideration when planning our day tomorrow.

Bring on day 2…