Mearns Maths Habits

During maths we have been exploring the good habits that people can develop to improve their understanding and attainment in maths. These are know as the Mearns Maths Habits.

Today we took a closer look at them and over the next few weeks we will be extending our understanding and skill of using these habits within our maths. We even have a handy wee record sheet to track our use of these habits in our learning.

Problem solving


After a quick start getting ourselves into a rectangle…(and discovering that a square is a very special rectangle) we got straight into solving our missing numbers problems today.

We had to recreate a partially completed grid and work out the magic number that was missing from it.

Some of of us moved on to a second challenge which involved us being given a magic number to include on the grid, but we had to fit in all the missing numbers….it was a very tricky challenge, but what brilliant discussion and amazing team work we displayed.


Friends of Ten

Despite the cold weather, we had a great time outdoors today. We searched for triangular things and organised ourselves into a triangle outside too.

Once we had played some warm up games to practise our listening and watching skills we moved on to some number bond games. We each got a calculation and we were to find a partner whose number added to our own number made ten. It was so complicated at first, but we got there in the end!

Then we went on to make some ten rockets. We all worked well in teams collecting everything we needed together and I am sure you will agree our rockets look amazing!

First Day Back

We had a brilliant first day back after Lockdown.  We were all so happy to see each other and the day was spent playing and socialising and feeling happy again.  We built Lego creations, read books, did craft, coloured and created 3D structures.  We also did a bit of phonics and maths.  But the highlight of the day was playing in the field for the afternoon.  we climbed trees, made a pretend campfire, walked about with enormous branches, balanced on branches and discovered a whole world of minibeasts.  So much learning outdoors in the lovely sunshine.

Unfortunately, Mrs Arbuckle didn’t take any photos!  So unlike her!  She was too busy enjoying being back with the children and playing alongside them. : )

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