
Every day we keep abreast of world events by watching Newsround. We enjoy discussing the news and following different stories across the week.


The website contains the new broadcast, further information linked to the stories and a range of quizzes.

Information Handling- Outdoor Maths

We have been exploring information handling and looking at ways of collecting, sorting and displaying information. Today we took our learning outdoors.

First we organised ourselves into teams and collected various natural items.

Then we sorted our items into different sets using our own criteria.

Once we had done that we created tables to display the items we had found.

Then we used our tables to create and answer questions on what we had found.


The Weather

Yesterday in class we checked the weather forecast to see when this week to plan our outdoor maths activities. We used the Met Office site and this lead to great excitement amongst the children who wanted to know what the weather was like in various places around the world.


As they requested here is a link to the site so that they can explore weather around the world in more detail


The Met Office

Self Portraits

Over the next few weeks we will be creating self portraits using a variety of different media. Today we started by creating line drawings of our faces focussing on the proportions of our faces and the placing of our facial features.

Now that we have had a first attempt we are going to create another line drawing self portrait later in the week to improve our technique.


In 4.14 we take every opportunity to immerse ourselves in literature and each day we have an ERIC ( Everyone Reading in Class) session where we can relax with a book of our choice.

It is one of our favourite times of the day.

Supporting Detail

To continue our work on Main Idea and Supporting detail we applied the strategies to a media clip.

First we watched the clip then we worked in teams to discuss and agree upon the main idea of the clip. We used supporting details to justify our main idea decision.

It was fun applying our strategies in a new context!

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