Today is Mr Meehan’s last day at Bearsden PS. Mrs Lynne Stewart will fulfill the HT post on an Acting basis until Mrs Smith takes up post in January. If you have any concerns or queries, please contact the school office and they will pass them on to the appropriate member of the management team.
There will be no after school orchestra club on Wednesdays until after the New Year. Pupils from the club will be playing at the Church service on 21st Please remind your child to bring their instruments that day.
Lunch arrangements for Wednesday 7th December: In order to ensure that children are changed and ready to begin the Christmas concert at 1.30pm it will be necessary for all pupils P1-3 to have lunch from 11.30am until 12.15pm and P4-7 from 12noon until 12.45pm on that day.
The school crossing patroller will be on duty from 11.30am should any pupil be going for a home lunch.
Christmas Concert: Evening Performances
All children should arrive at school at 6.00pm and report to their starting classroom.
The concert will finish around 7.30pm and parents who are not attending the evening performance should collect their children from the classrooms at approximately 7.45pm.
Lunch arrangements for Wednesday 14th December- Christmas lunch is being served in school on Wednesday 14th December. All orders should be placed with the school office by 9th December. If you do not order lunch for your child by 9th, you will need to provide them with a packed lunch that day. Lunch will begin at 11.45. The school crossing patroller will be on duty from 11.45am should any pupil be going for a home lunch.