Julie Vance Photography will be in school on Wednesday 27th April to take year group photographs of pupils in Primary 7. This year there will be a choice of styles to choose from when ordering including a class group, year group and a fun photo. Please ensure that your child is wearing a white shirt and school tie that day.
Primary 4/5 Room 9 would like to invite their family and friends to a story launch on Thursday 28th You are welcome to drop in between 2.15pm and 3pm when you will be able to read their creative writing stories. Tea and coffee will be provided.
We are still looking for volunteers for this Saturday’s Playground Clean Up event. Due to the extremely low uptake, we are opening this up to parents who would need to bring their children with them in order to attend. Previously we had felt that the type of work being undertaken might not suit having children present, but we understand that on a Saturday morning it is extremely difficult to facilitate this. As such we again invite any parents who would like to come along and lend a hand!
School will be closed on Monday 2nd May for the May Bank holiday.