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Update – Scholastic Book Fair

Today will be the last day that our Book Fair will open in the library. Any pupils who have ordered a book or requested that one is set aside in the Office please ensure that payment is made NO LATER than MONDAY 14th MAY.

Unfortunately any books that have not been paid but set aside for pupils will be returned to the mobile library. The school order will be placed on Tuesday 15th and any pupil who has requested a book order will also need to ensure that payment is made by Monday, otherwise the order can not be placed.

Thanks to all those who supported the fair! An update will be posted when we know the total raised!!

What does late coming mean?

We are working hard with parents/carers to reduce late coming. Arriving at 09.00 instead of 08.45 every day amounts to missing just under 2 weeks of learning across a whole year. It is important that pupils arrive on time as this is an important skill for life, learning and work. If you need support in dealing with late coming then please speak to Pupil Support.