Virtual Sports Week!


Virtual Sports Week has arrived! What a lovely sunny week we have to complete our races!

Look out your House colours and take part in our School Sports Week. Are you in Fleming, Burns, Livingston or Scott?

Watch the video link below to see what your house captains have in store for you and to hear the instructions of how to submit your scores.

Refer to the main Onthank Blog for more information!

Have a great week everyone and do the best you can to help your team!



JK Rowling competition for keen illustrators

JK Rowling is writing a new story called The Ickabog and she is putting up the chapters on the book’s website for people to read. Check out the Reading and Writing page for more information.

There is also the opportunity to contribute illustrations to go with the story. Click on this link to find out more:

Let us know if you draw any illustrations for the competition or just for fun after reading the chapters.

Welcome back!

We hope you had a lovely long weekend P4 and are ready to get going again.  Today the p4 teachers had a meeting through video chat:

Even though we chat almost everyday through messages sometimes it is nice for us to see each other’s faces. 😊

Now try to check each tab to see what new or revision tasks we have suggested for this week. Remember not to stress, try to enjoy your home learning and take time to do something that makes you happy. 😀

Also, Onthank’s second virtual assembly is here! If you click on the link it will take you to the post telling you more about it. 😀

Virtual Assembly 27th May 2020 – Watch Now!

Have a good week everyone.
Team P4


Happy Long Weekend!

We made it to Friday and the exciting news is Monday and Tuesday are holidays for pupils. 😀 Therefore we will not post any new learning until Wednesday.

We would like to say well done to all of P4.  You are all working incredibly hard during this trying time and we know you are missing your friends (and maybe even the school staff 🤭).  We miss you too and we love seeing your smiling faces in photos, videos and your chat on Teams.  Looking through our Home Learning Gallery the P4 teachers often say how proud we are of what you are doing at home and think you are all superstars.

Ideas for your days off

Now usually when you have days off some people would maybe go out for a day visit somewhere but we are still not allowed to do this so instead you could go on a virtual tour at a museum.  Many museums across the world have online virtual tours, video clips and activity ideas for people during this lockdown. Here is a list of museums that look pretty cool:

If you click on the picture the website link should be underneath.  If any of you choose to explore one of these online museums please let us know.

Stay safe everyone and enjoy your long weekend!

Team P4

Mental Health Week 2020

Happy Monday P4! Hope you all had a good weekend.



We love seeing your work on your blog, teams page or by email. We are enjoying hearing what you have been up to at home. You are all working so hard and taking on the challenge of learning in a different way! Well done everyone! Keep it up!;-)

In celebration of ‘Mental Health Awareness Week 2020’ and the theme of ‘Kindness’ we are encouraging you all to get mentally healthy by spreading a little kindness.

The calendar below includes two acts of kindness each day – one for someone else and one for yourself.

It is important to be kind to yourself too!

You could follow the ideas on the calendar or create your two tasks each day. At the end of the week you might want to think about what helped you to feel happy this week.


Design a Nation Book Token Competition

If you are feeling creative why don’t you try to win £5000 for our school and £100 for yourself by designing a new book token. Here are some previous book token designs to get you inspired, you could use your favourite book, a place you like to read, words and pictures.

Click on this link and it will take you to the website for all the information you need and the template and entry form:

There is going to be a winner every week for the next few weeks,  the competition runs from the 6th of May until the 28th of June. So get designing and good luck.


Monday 4th May 2020

  1. Welcome to a new week p4!

We hope you had a nice weekend.

Just a wee reminder about our blog being pick’n’mix and that the pages will be updated with some new activities during the week.


*Teams – each class now has a Teams group (see Mrs Wright’s post below).  Click on your class’s tile and use your Glow login details.  We would still like you to upload your work on to your blog but Teams can be used for the following:

*Asking your teacher questions about your home learning.

*Requesting a password reset.

*For chatting with classmates or your teacher – remember it is good to stay connected.

Teams alerts teachers when someone posts a message so this is a quick way to get a response.

*Bug Club account – Pearson, the company that runs Bug Club and Active Maths, has made several additional resources free for schools to use during the lockdown.  So sometimes you may find some new activities in your ‘My Stuff’ section.  These include spelling games, Rapid Reader books and maths videos.  Here is what it may look like:

*STEM activities are now also available.

*P4 Picture Gallery is where we are celebrating home learning.

*Did you know that you can email your teacher from your own email account through Glow?  Just click on this tile:


As always, we are only providing you with ideas for home learning.  You also have your paper pack and we are more than happy to hear about your own ideas too.

Friday 8th May is a holiday this week. It is a bank holiday celebrating the 75th Victory in Europe Day (VE Day) which helped bring an end to World War 2 in 1945.

So enjoy your 4 day week and hopefully we will continue to get nice weather.

Team P4