Week 2 of Home Learning

Some updates for P4.

Remember we will sometimes be adding new ideas to the pages at the top.

New spelling words have been added to our spelling page.

A new page has been added that gives some help using Glow blogs.

Check out Mrs Williams’ post on Bug Club comments – remember the teachers can see any answers you type in when answering a question.


It would be nice to see some more pupils logging on to their blogs so please take the time to try it if you have a way of getting online. Blogs will be used in stages p5-7 to record learning so it would be a valuable experience.


Hoping everyone is well.

Team P4

2 thoughts on “Week 2 of Home Learning”

  1. Mrs Easter, I’ve made a separate page for Lilys work on her own blog, let me know if you can see it before I add any of today works 🙂 Claire .

    1. Sorry, I’ve only just seen your message. I’m still getting used to how these Blogs work. I’ll have a look now.

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