Onthank Primary 3

June 3, 2020
by eacarol.saxelby@glow

Mrs Saxelby’s Thursday

Hope you are enjoying this week’s activities. I have a wee surprise for you today. I have been exploring technology during “lockdown” and have learned to do something new involving YouTube! OK, we will get going!

NUMERACY: Time – Duration

Do you remember adding and taking away hours on a clock? It was easy as we used the counting on or counting back strategy!

HINT: If we are adding or taking away hours it is only the hour hand that moves, NOT the minute hand!

TASK: Look at the times on these clocks and write:

             a) The time on the clock     b) The time one hour after     c)  The time one hour before

             e.g. 1a)  half past three, half past four, half past two    or     3.30, 4.30, 2.30

CHALLENGE: You can repeat this task again but instead of adding one hour before and after you can try 2, 3 or 4 hours!

LITERACY: ck joined phoneme

Remember digraph is the same as a joined phoneme!

Task:  Go round your house and garden to see if you can FIND any items that have the CK joined phoneme.

             WRITE all your findings down in a list and TAKE a photo of them to POST onto your blog page?

             WATCH this video and READ the CK words and CK sentences!        

Challenge: Can you write your own big sentence with lots of CK words in it.

                        I would love to see your BIG sentence on your blog!


 I hope you enjoy my story everyone! Sit back and relax!

Time to go and enjoy the rest of your day.

See you tomorrow for Catch Up Friday.

Love Mrs Saxelby and P2 Team!

June 3, 2020
by ealaura.milligan@glow

Calling all sports stars!


I’ve been delighted to see so many of you taking part in our sports week and trying to earn points for your teams. I have seen some videos on your personal Glow pages and wanted to check that you had sent your entries to Mrs McKelvey on the main Glow page here:-


There is a link to click to complete an entry form near the bottom of the page. For it to work you should be logged into your own Glow page. I worry that this might be tricky, and so you could directly send your videos to Mrs McKelvey here: –


To make your points count, include your class and sports colour then either follow those steps or if it’s not working properly then please email your class teacher and attach the video clips so that we can help get them to Mrs McKelvey. 



June 2, 2020
by eacarol.saxelby@glow

Mrs Saxelby’s Wednesday

Dr Seuss Wacky Wednesdays , Free Transparent Clipart - ClipartKey

Hello all, hope today finds you healthy and happy!

Let’s get to work!

Numeracy: Telling the Time

Task:  Read the times on these clocks and record.

             Remember we have explored o’clock and half past.


Worksheet containing 9 analogue clocks showing o'clock or half ...

Challenge: Play this game which allows you to practise times using O’ Clock and Half Past!

Telling Time Hour, Half Past – Math Game for Kids

LITERACY: wh and ph sounds

Task: Read this note between two friends and record down in a LIST the words that have:

            1)  ph in them       2) wh in them

Dear Steph,

Did you hear that Whitney took her nephew and niece to Whitewash Zoo last week? When they were in town they picked up a pamphlet and her niece Phoebe whinged and whined about visiting until Whitney whispered, “Aright, we will go!”

Whenever she was next off work, she took them both. Whilst they were there they saw five elephants. One was a baby orphan but it was looked after by the others. The zoo keeper fed them using a wheelbarrow to bring in the food and she also wrote the times when the baby ate on a large graph.

They also saw a dolphin show in the huge pool. Phoebe and Phil had a fantastic time as they got a photograph taken with two dolphins called Whoosh and Splash. When the lady whistled they whacked their tails in the water. They were so excited after this they phoned their mum to tell her all their news!

I think we should visit the zoo! See you soon,

Love from Phyllis x

Challenge:  Add more wh and ph words, that you know, to your lists.

                        How many ph words did you get altogether?

                        How many wh words did you get altogether?

 * POST your lists on your blog for us to see!


HEALTH & WELLBEING : Feelings and Emotions

Do you remember Lucy’s Blue Day story we listened to the other week?

Here is another story about Lucy, let’s watch!

Task: Draw a picture of you and colour your hair to show us how you are feeling today?

              e.g. Blue = Sad, Red = Angry, Yellow = Happy, Green = Jealous, Purple = Excited etc.

            You could add words around your drawing that will explain your mood further    OR

            You could even write a sentence or two to let us know exactly how you are feeling?

Please post your work as your teacher would love to hear how you are feeling during Lockdown!

Well Done for all your efforts today and we will check in tomorrow for more learning experiences!

Virtual Hugs from Mrs Saxelby and P2 Team

June 1, 2020
by eacarol.saxelby@glow

Mrs Saxelby’s Tuesday

Library of wednesday clipart black and white download quotes png ...

Hello everyone! Yesterday was another scorcher. I am looking forward to seeing your Onthank’s Virtual Sports Day Videos. Remember each video you post will earn YOUR HOUSE some team points.

**You have all week to complete the Sports Day tasks.**

Numeracy: Reading Time on Clocks

We will carry on the theme of Time this week. Can you remember we revisited O ‘Clock Times and we introduced Half Past? Watch this video to help refresh your memory!

Task: Answer these questions. You can write your answers or tell your homework buddy !

           1) How many numbers are there on a clock face?

           2) What does the short hand represent?

           3) What does the long hand represent?

           4) When it is o’clock, on which number, is the minute hand always placed?

           5) When it is half past, on which number, is the minute hand always placed?

           6) What time does primary school start in Scotland?

           7) What time does lunch start at Onthank Primary School?

           8) What time does primary school finish in Scotland?

           9) How long do we spend in primary school each day ?

           10) What time do you usually have your tea at?

Challenge : Draw your own clock using chalk, pens or crayons?

                         Record the time you go to bed on your clock!

LITERACY : wh and ph

We have learned about these joined phonemes and they were quite tricky!

Task: Can you read these words:

whisper     phone     elephant     whine    while      alphabet     when     phonics     whirl

dolphin      sphere    whoosh       why        photo     phonics       what      phoneme  wheel


Pick 2 “wh” words an 2 “ph” words and write a sentence with them.

e.g. My wheel on my bike goes round and round.

       The elephant was drinking water from the water pool.

Health and Wellbeing:  Sun Safety

Listen to this song and think about the message it sends!


Design a Sun Safety Poster that can be put up to educate any visitors to your garden on how to keep safe on sunny days. You might want to include:



Slogan (a wee phrase that is catchy and people will remember) e.g. Sun is Fun But It Burns!


Good Luck with all of the tasks and I look forward to seeing your work online!

Mrs Saxelby and Team P2 xxxx



May 31, 2020
by eacarol.saxelby@glow

Mrs Saxelby’s Monday

 HVAC Can Be Easy With This Guide. You have to have your HVAC system, so allowing it to fall into wrack and ruin isn't acceptable. Monday Morning Quotes, Happy Monday Quotes, Happy Monday Morning, Cool Pictures, Pictures Images, Photos, Have A Happy Day, For Facebook, Day For Night

Hope you all enjoyed the gorgeous

sunshine over the weekend!


It is as sunny as it ever gets in Scotland so, for today only, there will be no tasks apart from to have fun in the sun and join in Onthank’s Virtual Sports Day!

Come on Primary Two, get busy and upload your Sports Day videos to the blog and earn your House some points!! I will be doing my own races too!

Have fun, missing you all!

Mrs Saxelby and P2 Team





May 31, 2020
by ealaura.milligan@glow

Wonderful Work!

I just wanted to write to say a HUGE well done to all the pupils of Primary 2 for all of the amazing work you are sending us. Your teachers are loving reading about your work and looking at your photographs. We miss you dearly and hope you are all remembering to stay sun safe while you stay safe at home.


Suncream on, hats on, drink plenty of water, cover up bare shoulders and get lunch in the shade across the middle of the day. Doing this will help you to enjoy this wonderful weather safely.


I’ve been working hard to create a gallery of all your wonderful photographs so that you can easily see all the smashing work you’ve done so far in one place. It also means your buddies that haven’t been able to see you can see that you’re doing ok and working hard like them.

You can find all this Super Duper work in the Primary 2K tab in the top menu. If you click that and then ‘Wonderful Work’ you’ll see what P2K have been up to over the past three months. I’ll update for June too so keep checking back.

Mrs Strain has a tab inside her Primary2St menu called “Sharing Our Work” for her class.

Mrs Saxelby has a “Show Off Your Wonderful Work” tab on her Primary 2S menu for her class.

Check them out when you get a chance. Well done everybody!

May 28, 2020
by eacaroline.strain@glow

Friday 29th May

Happy Friday P2!

This weather is amazing !!

I hope you are all able to get outside and play, maybe get your paddling pool out or have a BBQ?

Why not try to spot a butterfly or two?

Or watch the bees being very busy flying from flower to flower.

Friday is a ‘catch up’ day so no new work will be posted today.

Don’t forget that there are lots of online thing you could do if you want; like Bugclub, mymaths or Teach Your Monster to Read.

If you are looking for some maths games to help practice your mental maths skills or place value- tens and ones, then here are some links to Topmarks games you might remember from school-



Some of you have been super busy and have almost finished your Bugclub book allocations.

For some of you this means that your teacher will not allocate you any more books. That doesn’t mean that you can’t practice reading though.

Do you have books, magazines or comics at home that you could read?

If you love reading online then don’t forget about Teach Your Monster to read and here is a link to the Oxford Owls website where you will find free ebooks to read at home and lots of good resources.


Art Competition!

There are details on the main Blog page about an amazing competition set by JK Rowling, who wrote the Harry Potter books.

Lots of you are now 7 and lots of you are amazing artists, so why not give it a try?

Here is the link to ‘The Ickabog Challenge’

Good Luck!!


Before I go- Don’t forget to check out the P2st ‘Sharing our work’ tab to see pictures of yourself and your friends and see what they have been up to at home. It looks like this-

You don’t have to be in P2st to have a look!

Next week Mrs Saxelby is taking over the Blog.

Have a lovely, ‘sun safe’, fun filled weekend,

Mrs Strain x





May 27, 2020
by eacaroline.strain@glow

Thursday 28th May


Good Morning P2

I hope everyone is healthy, happy, feeling good and ready to learn.

Active Numeracy

Today we are going to do some numeracy, which you can do outside in the sunshine.

Yesterday I asked you to think about how we measure time and do some activities to develop your sense of how long a second is.

Today I would like you to do some investigation into how long 1 minute is. This song from yesterday teaches you that there are –

  • 60 seconds in 1 minute
  • 60 minutes in 1 Hour


Watch this ‘Round The Clock’ about 1 minute-


What am I going to do?

I would like you to have fun estimating and recording how many things you can do in 1 minute.

What sort of things?

You could find out things like –

  • How many words can I write in 1 minute?
  • How many star jumps can I do in 1 minute?
  • How much can I draw in 1 Minute?
  • How many times can I jump up and down in 1 minute?

So many ideas………..

How do I record my results?

You could write them down the way I showed you yesterday, or if you are feeling extra smart today you could make a short video  like the kids in ‘Round The Clock?

Don’t forget to post your work on your blog.

Literacy/science/health and wellbeing

Over the past few week you have been learning all about growing and life cycles.

Yesterday you learned about metamorphosis.

Metamorphosis means when something changes from one thing to something totally different.

Frogs and Butterflies start their lives looking totally different from the adult.

Frogs hatch out as tadpoles and Butterflies hatch out as caterpillars

It’s quite amazing if you think about it!

That is why the Butterfly got so puzzled in yesterday’s story. 

Listen to this song about growing up.


If you watch this short film called, ‘Growing Up’ you will have a good laugh at the end.


You have grown and changed a lot since you were born. I would like you to do some investigation into how you have grown and changed since you were a baby.

I would like you to ask your ‘grown up’ to help you find some photos and videos of you as a baby and a toddler.

Have a look at them and think about how much you have changed.

  • What can you do now that you couldn’t do then?
  • What is different about how you look now?

You might want to write down the changes from ‘Baby me’ to ‘Me now’.

I have done one for my son Calum-

Baby Calum


Calum in P2

P2 Calum can now-

  • walk
  • talk
  • read and write
  • do lots of things for himself like eating, getting dressed, going to school…….

Calum looks different from baby Calum. He is –

  • Taller 
  • His face has changed
  • He has more hair
  • His legs and arms are longer
  • He looks like a boy not a baby

I’m looking forward to reading about all of the things you notice about how you have changed and grown since you were born.

In the ‘Growing up’ film the tiny acorn grew into an enormous tree.

It might be fun to think about what you will look like when you grow up.

What changes will have happened then?

What are you looking forward to being able to do?

You could draw a picture of yourself as a ‘grown up’ and add some information about what you think you will be able to do by then.

Here’s a surprise for you. This is what that cute wee boy grew up like-


Don’t forget to share your work on your Glow Blog and check out this week’s Gallery in the P2St ‘Sharing Work  tab.

Have some fun in the sun!

Mrs Strain x

Calum Strain

Team P2



May 26, 2020
by eacaroline.strain@glow

Wednesday 27th May

Hello P2!

I hope you all had a lovely long Bank Holiday weekend.

This is a short work week, and the weather is going to be lovely so hopefully you will get lots of outside fun time.

I have planned some phonics, numeracy and science/topic activities for you this week; with Friday as a ‘catch-up’ day.

Phonics Challenge

I have made up a phonics challenge for you to solve with your family.

Do you remember the joined phonemes we learned with the long ‘oo’ sound?

You might be  a bit ‘rusty’ as it’s been a long time since we’ve been in class.

I’ll give you a bit of help.

Some of these words rhyme-

look, book, hook and cook


blue, clue, true and rescue

Have you guessed?

Our two different phonemes and spelling patterns with the long ‘oo’ sound are-

oo – as in room and look

ue – as in blue and clue

Task- This gallery has photos or clues to help you find 18 words with either the ‘oo’ or the ‘ue’ phoneme in them. Some are easier than others and you might need some help from your ‘grown up’!

You can write your answers down like this and then share them on your Glow Blog page-

(Hint-‘room’ is NOT one of the pictures in the challenge)


Today we are going to think about how we measure time and do some activities that will develop your sense of how long a second is.

Watch this Youtube song about seconds, minutes and hours-


Watch this ‘Round The Clock’ about seconds-


You can do this numeracy challenge outside if you want.

You will need-

  1. Some good ideas
  2. A timer- you can use a phone, tablet, watch or stopwatch
  3. Paper and pens or pencils to record your results
  4. Your estimation skills that you practiced last week with Mrs Kidd   (*remember-an estimate is a ‘sensible’ guess where you try to get as close as possible to the correct number*)

Time Challenge

1.Think of something that you think might only take 1 second to do.

I estimated that it would take 1 second to clap once.

I set a timer and I was correct; it took me 1 second to clap once.

Then I did the same thing to see how many times I could blink in 1 second.

2.Now think of things you could do quite a lot of in 30 seconds.

I timed how many star jumps I could do.

My estimate was 27. Then I set a 30 second timer and counted how many I could do. I beat my estimate because I managed 42!

You can do this as many times as you want for different activities. The whole family might want to join in?

Record and share your results on your Glow Blog  like this-


Life cycles

Over the past few weeks you have been learning about the lifecycles of lots of living things such as plants, birds and frogs. This week we will learn about the lifecycle of a butterfly and what metamorphosis means.

Here is a fun song all about lifecycles-


If you listen to Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson you might get some clues about what metamorphosis means. Think about why the butterfly gets so mixed up when he is trying to help the little monkey find his mum and dad.


Did you work it out?

Watch this SciShow Kids clip to see if you were right and learn more about the lifecycle of a butterfly and metamorphosis-



That’s a lot of work!

 We will learn more about life cycles and metamorphosis tomorrow. 

I have seen some fantastic life cycles you have made at home for chickens and frogs. If you want to make and share a butterfly life cycle then that would be great. 

You could look for some butterflies outside, I’ve seen quite a few in my garden. Can you spot any?

*Also-Remember to check the main school Glow page for information about another Virtual Assembly*

Happy learning!

I’m looking forward to seeing your work on your Glow Blog!

Mrs Strain x

Team P2



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