Tag Archives: Outdoor Learning

**New NEWS** Primary 2 football coaching.


The Scottish Football Association will be leading football coaching with all Primary 2 pupils for 4 weeks.

Due to the current health and safety guidelines we are unable to hold these sessions indoors at the moment. As a result, regardless of the weather, we will be participating in outdoor football coaching until further notice on the following days: –

Thursday 2nd September

Thursday 9th September

Thursday 16th September

Thursday 23rd  September

On football training days, pupils can come dressed in active wear to participate. It would be beneficial if you could send a change of clothes for sessions that include long trousers and outdoor trainers as well as a waterproof jacket if the weather is forecast to be cold and wet. In the event of poor weather, pupils can change before they participate and then change back into their school clothes after the session.

Thursday will also be our Primary Two Outdoor Learning Day. Please can you send your child to school with appropriate clothing and footwear depending on the weather. A change of shoes or wellies if it is especially wet would also be helpful.