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Homework for Week Beginning 21st October

Please return the homework folder to school on Friday.

22/10 – Roll a sound game. You can play with a partner.

23/10 – Bug Club – Log in to mystuff and have a look at a new book. Remember to answer the bugs too. Have a go at playing the Phonics games.

24/10 – Hidden Jewels game. You can play with a partner.

We are having our Hallowe’en Parade this Friday. Come to school wearing your Hallowe’en costume for some spooky fun.



Buddy Time


Dash the Robot

P1B had fun trying out Dash the Robot today. We were learning how to Code by giving Dash instructions on where to move around the classroom. We even programmed Dash to dance!


P.E with our Buddies

P1B and P7S have been using our Buddying time to familiarise ourselves with all the gym equipment. P7S have been setting the hall up and taking P1B through all the different stations in a block of Gymnastics.

Litter Pick P1A and P6A

We worked with our Buddies on Thursday to pick up litter from the garden at the front of the school. We then went for a walk around the school to see some of our local area.

P1A meeting P6A

P1A met their new Buddies from P6A this afternoon. We have had good fun introducing ourselves and getting to know each other by drawing pictures together. Our favourite bit was talking to the bigger boys and girls.

Marvellous Me

Our new topic is Marvellous Me. We are learning about ourselves and the world around us. We thought a nice starting activity would be to share photos of us as babies. If possible, please send in a picture of your child as a baby with their name on the back to allow us to create a class display. We are looking to start collecting them from Monday 9th September,

We will return all photos at the end of the topic.

Many thanks,

Team P1

Settling in to P1

Primary 1 pupils have been in school for two weeks. They have settled very well into their new routines and staff are  pleased with their achievements.

Our PE days are Thursday and Friday .

No earrings or jewellery should be worn while taking part in PE activities for Health & Safety reasons.

Please label all clothes, water bottles and pack lunch boxes.  The cost of milk is 20p.

We look forward to an exciting term in Primary 1.

Team P1: Miss Adam, Mr Boyd, Mrs Cree, Mrs McKie  and Mrs Findlay

Settling into School

Primary 1 pupils have been in school for two weeks. They have settled very well into their new routines and staff are  pleased with their achievements.

Our PE days are Thursday and Friday .

No earrings or jewellery should be worn while taking part in PE activities for Health & Safety reasons.

Please label all clothes, water bottles and pack lunch boxes.

We look forward to an exciting term in Primary 1.

Team P1: Miss Adam, Mr Boyd, Mrs Cree, Mrs McKie  and Mrs Findlay