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P1 Homework WB 25th Nov

Week Beginning 25th November

Remember to bring your homework bags back on Friday.

Task 1– Have a look at your new book, can you spot familiar letters? Talk about the pictures. Can you retell the story?

Task 2 – Phoneme challenge – These are the phonemes we have learnt so far:

s a t p i n m d c k o r e g

What words can you make? Make a list!

Task 3 – Log in to Bug club. Remember to answer the bugs!

Task 4 – Play this monster addition game.

Practise add 1 and add 2.

P1 Homework WB 18th November

Week Beginning 18th November

Remember to bring your homework bags back on Friday.

Task 1– Have a look at your new book, can you spot familiar letters? Talk about the pictures. Can you retell the story?

Task 2 – Use your alphabet rainbow to say, make/break, blend, read and write these words

can red top and nip

nod ant den sock

Task 3 – Log in to Bug club. Remember to answer the bugs!

Task 4 – Play the maths track game with a partner.


P1 Homework – Week beginning 11/11/19

P1 Homework – Week beginning 11/11/19

We are taking part in Children in Need on Friday. The children can come to school in spotty/Pudsey clothes and bring a small donation.

Task 1– Have a look at your new book, can you spot familiar sounds? Talk about the pictures. Can you retell the story?

Task 2 – Have another go with your book. Log into Bug Club. Remember to answer the bugs!

Task 3 – Go on a numbers hunt! Tell us on Friday what numbers you spotted and where you saw them. Draw a picture if you like to show us where you saw them.

Task 4 – Design a new colourful bandana for Pudsey Bear to wear.


DFS Week🧩

We enjoyed the DFS Assembly which P4K presented to us . We also had lots of fun trying the activities P4K set out for us at the workshops. Thank you Mrs Klein and P4K👏

P1 Homework Wk beginning 4th Nov

Week Beginning 4th November

Over the course of the week, have a go at these activities in your own time. Please return the homework folder to school on Friday.

Task 1 – Have a look at your new book.

Task 2 – Have another go with your book.

Play the track game with a partner.

Task 3 – Log into Bug Club and look at mystuff. Remember to answer all the bugs.

Task 4 – Have a go at playing this ten frame game.

Active Maths and learning through play

P1B have been looking at number 9 this week and what it means. We’ve been discovering how to form 9, counting on from 9, doubling 9, finding different ways to make 9, finding 9 in different numbers and making patterns.

As well as looking at 9, we also explore numeracy through play experiences.

Have a look at some of the ways we do our Numeracy.

Homework wk beginning 28th

Week Beginning 28th October

Over the course of the week, have a go at these activities in your own time. Please return the homework folder to school on Friday.

Task 1 – Have a look at your new book. Can you count how many words are in the title? What do you think story is about?

Task 2 – Have another go with your book.

Alphabet Rainbow. Use the letters to have a go at making these words;

sat   map   rip   mad   sad   pin

Want a challenge? Have a go at these words;

snap   star   pants

Task 3 – Log into Bug Club and look at mystuff. Try the new games.

Task 4 – Try this online game Caterpillar ordering 1-10 forwards –

Fancy a challenge? Try a harder level or ordering the numbers backwards!

Halloween Fun

Primary 1 had some Halloween fun in the gym hall today. We played Pumpkin Soup, Corners, Spooky Statues and had lots of dancing! Well done to everyone for the super costumes!