Hi everyone,
Welcome to our P2 Homework Page. Homework will be allocated via Glow on a Monday, giving a full week to complete the provided tasks and activities. This allows you to choose the time which is right for your child and your family to engage in homework.
Your child has been given a homework folder to keep resources together and includes a homework jotter and helpful materials which will assist their learning across the curriculum.
Due to current COVID-19 restrictions homework jotters will not be brought between home and school. These are suggestions as to what you can do to support your child’s learning each week.
The previous “oo” homework has been completed in class to show you an example of how to lay out the literacy activities for all subsequent joined phonemes.
- Ask your Homework Buddy (adult at home) to help you cut out all of your cards from the sheets that are in your brand new Homework Folder. These cards are the single sounds and joined phonemes you have experienced in class so far!
- Say your alphabet and joined phoneme sounds flashcards.
This week we are learning and using “ck”.
- Watch this video:
- Use the space at the top of the page in your homework jotter to draw and label 4 pictures of “ck” words you know or remember from the video.
- Use your alphabet and joined phonemes flashcards to make the following words.
track - Use the strategy LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK to copy the words you made above onto the lines at the bottom of your homework jotter and write them 3 times.
Here are some examples of work.
- Complete allocated Bug Club book(s) and activities.
- Complete any allocated Heinemann Active Maths games within Bug Club.
Any questions or log in issues, please contact your child’s class teacher ASAP.
Hi there is no links for the videos on this blog. Can you assist. Thanks. Allison
Sincere apologies and thankyou for sending me a message. When I composed the homework the safe link wouldn’t upload off the work system but that should be it now!