Monthly Archives: November 2020
Miss Telford and Team P2
Pupil Glow Pages
Due to a national directive taken outwith our control locally, all pupil login data has been reset for primary one and primary two pupils. It has been decided that if pupils need to log into their own Glow page then it will only be updated and used at school as required to support any work in class.
The impact on our pupils will be minimal. Homework and information about Primary two will continue to be posted on our primary two Glow page and can still be accessed through google without log in information. Any completed homework should be emailed to the class teacher. A reminder of our email addresses are as follows: Miss Baillie Mrs Kidd Mrs Saxelby Miss Telford
Indoor P.E.
It is our final week of outdoor football so please bring a change of clothes on Monday.
We have recently received guidance and risk assessments on the reintroduction of indoor P.E. sessions. As a result we will be preparing to begin indoor P.E. sessions again very soon.
If possible, we request that all pupils bring a gym kit in a kit bag that can be hung on their own coat peg. It would be beneficial for your child to have a change of shorts and soft indoor shoes. Thank you for those who have already handed in PE Kits at the beginning of the term.
Our gym days will still be a Monday and a Thursday.
Mrs Kidd and the P2 Team
Anti Bullying Week 16 -20th November
To begin our focus on Anti-Bullying Week, we invite YOU to wear ODD SOCKS to school on Monday.
We will have information and activities which aim to help all our children support friendships in class and manage big feelings as well as providing top tips on calming down quickly and relaxing!
Things to return to school
Trip letter
Could we please remind parents that we sent out an orange consent letter to give your permission for any school trips throughout the year.
Thank you for all forms submitted so far however, if you’ve still to return your form we would appreciate it if you could sent it into school as soon as you can.
If you have misplaced your form please contact the school office to request another one.
Telephone: 01563 525477
Having had their photographs taken last week any outstanding orders for the images that were sent home should be returned to school ASAP as the envelopes will be collected on Monday 16th November. These must be in school by 12pm that day. Ordering the photos online earns the school more commission than ordering through the school and we would encourage you to use this service if possible please.
Children In Need – Friday 13th November
It’s Children In Need day this Friday 13th November. Follow the link below for more information.
School photographs