Monthly Archives: April 2019

Homework wb 29th April

Homework for this week:

Log in to bug club and explore Mystuff.

Ask an adult to help you find an example of each type of coin. Talk about the size, shape, colour and any other numbers or pictures you see.

Science lab – investigate what happens when you mix oil and water together? Ask an adult to help and talk about what happens. You might want to draw a picture.

Have a go at this phonics game. How many balloons can you pop? (This is the tablet friendly version).

P1 Homework WB 22nd April

Fact Finding

For Homework find an interesting object to bring to school this week. Be prepared to tell us about it (What it is, where you found it, what it’s used for? etc.)

Log in to Bug Club and explore MyStuff.

Have a go at the “sorting the coins” game