Monthly Archives: March 2019

Time buddies⏰

Mrs Saxelby’s P2 class invited us to their classroom to teach us how to tell the time . We learned o’clock and half past. Thank you P2S.


Primary 1 👏.

Our Buddies showed us how to play games in the playground and helped us to read Bug Club Books. 📕

We were writing words with a single or double phoneme. 

We planted a seed as a secret for Mothers’ Day.🤫 Sh!


Beautiful Baskets🍎🍇

We have been reading Red Riding Hood. We made her basket and filled it with fruit🍊🍐🍇.

Active Primary 1s🤸‍♀️


We are learning about money this week. We are able to recognise coins. We have a Book Shop in the classroom and can buy books for 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. 

Red Nose Day🧣🤡

Primary 1 had  a fun day wearing funny clothes. We all looked great ! Miss Adam played her trombone  to all of us and we guessed the tunes. We were so impressed👍.We  also went to do Zumba with Mr Swan and Parents /Carers joined in! We had a good day⭐️.

World Book Day📕

We took part in World Book Day and dressed up as a book character. We brought in books and our buddies read them to us.