Monthly Archives: March 2019
Heather made us Fairyland cupcakes to ice.
Time buddies
Mrs Saxelby’s P2 class invited us to their classroom to teach us how to tell the time . We learned o’clock and half past. Thank you P2S.
Primary 1
Our Buddies showed us how to play games in the playground and helped us to read Bug Club Books.
We were writing words with a single or double phoneme.
We planted a seed as a secret for Mothers’ Day. Sh!
Fairyland Ball
You shall go to the ball!

Beautiful Baskets
We have been reading Red Riding Hood. We made her basket and filled it with fruit.
Active Primary 1s
We are learning about money this week. We are able to recognise coins. We have a Book Shop in the classroom and can buy books for 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p.

Red Nose Day
Primary 1 had a fun day wearing funny clothes. We all looked great ! Miss Adam played her trombone to all of us and we guessed the tunes. We were so impressed.We also went to do Zumba with Mr Swan and Parents /Carers joined in! We had a good day
World Book Day
We took part in World Book Day and dressed up as a book character. We brought in books and our buddies read them to us.