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Xmas Fair Secret Square- squares still available!

What an amazing turnout at our Christmas Fair!  Thanks to everyone who supported the school by attending and donating.

The P7 Residential fundraiser still has a few squares remaining, with the opportunity to win £100!

If you would like to enter, our P7’s will be coming round the classes starting tomorrow.  Squares cost £2, with the winner being drawn once all 100 squares are sold.  Square will be sold on a first come first served basis.

Please send £2 in with your child if you would like to purchase a square!  Good luck!


Be Bright Be Seen – Friday 25th November


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Amy and Aleesha, our JRSO officers, presented an informative PPT to both infant and upper assemblies on Friday.  They explained that we will be celebrating Be Bright Be Seen day on Friday 25th November.  Children should come to school wearing bright and creative clothing.

Please look at the website below for key messages about the importance of being bright near the road!

Why be Bright? – Brightkidz



UNICEF Universal Children’s Day

The United Nations’, Universal Children’s Day, is on 20th November.  This important, worldwide celebration happens every year.  It is a day for everybody to think about children, help create a friendly world for every child and to help children know their own rights.

During Friday’s Get Together, we explored how people around the world were working hard to protect children’s rights.  We discussed how taking part in Anti-Bullying Week was a good way to highlight children’s rights and to set up systems to ensure these rights are protected.

Communication Friendly Schools – BSL Sign of the fortnight

We are on our journey to becoming a “Communication Friendly School.” Mrs Johnstone is our Communication Champion and she has her leadership group working along side her to develop this in our school.  We have lots to do to achieve this and need to cover aspects in 5 areas to be successful.

One way we want to become a Communication Friendly School is by introducing the use of British Sign Language (BSL) and encouraging everyone to use is appropriately. We will share our SIGN OF THE FORTNIGHT video which will show you how to do the signs.

This fortnight, we are introducing – thank you, well done and sorry.

Thistle Reward for Term 1

As Thistle had the most points in Term 1, the house captains, Bruce and Orla, have been busy planning a fun reward session for them in the gym hall tomorrow.  Can you please ensure that if your child is in Thistle house, they come to school wearing their leggings/jogging bottoms, polo shirt and have indoor trainers with them.

Thank you!

Anti-Bullying Campaign 2022

Image result for listen up anti bullying campaign

This session New Cumnock Primary School are taking part Anti-Bullying Week Scotland and in the Respect Me, ‘Listen Up!’ campaign.  Watch the video below to find out a bit more about the event.

We will start the week with an Anti-Bullying Get2gether, led by Mrs McMurdo.  Throughout the week all classes will take part in activities that will promote anti-bullying messages.

This session we will also be working on the pledge below to ensure we are tackling bullying effectively should it occur in our school.  We promise to keep you up to date with our progress across the session.

Remembrance Day Get2gether

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We were delighted to welcome Christine Wilson and our local minister Ken Yorke to NCPS to our Friday Get2gether.  They spoke to the children about special memories, including what we should remember when we see the poppy.  The children were reminded that poppies are worn as a show of support for the Armed Forces community.   The poppy is a well-known and well-established symbol, one that carries a wealth of history and meaning with it.  House Captains will continue to go round classes this week to collect donations for Poppy Scotland.