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Early Level Transition

Today the pre school children came over from the ECC to enjoy discovery time with the current P1 and P1/2 children.  The aim of the visit was to allow the children to visit the school building and become familiar with the classrooms. They will visit another twice to allow this aim to be covered and then various other transition opportunities will be planned.


We use our Learning Journals as a way of reporting to parents throughout the year and we are wanting to make sure that every parent has the opportunity to access these.

Through observing the parental data on Learning Journals we are aware that not all parents are accessing this wonderful resource and we want to help everyone to do so, in order to keep you up to date with your child’s learning.

We are holding a drop in Parent Workshop on THURSDAY 19th JANUARY at 3pm in the gym hall. Childcare will be provided to allow parents to attend the drop in. Once you have collected your child at home time, please come to the Community Entrance.

Bring your questions and queries. We would love to help you!

If you would like to come along, please fill in the following form to let us know how many people are coming.

Do you require childcare during the session?(required)

Xmas Fair Secret Square- squares still available!

What an amazing turnout at our Christmas Fair!  Thanks to everyone who supported the school by attending and donating.

The P7 Residential fundraiser still has a few squares remaining, with the opportunity to win £100!

If you would like to enter, our P7’s will be coming round the classes starting tomorrow.  Squares cost £2, with the winner being drawn once all 100 squares are sold.  Square will be sold on a first come first served basis.

Please send £2 in with your child if you would like to purchase a square!  Good luck!


Be Bright Be Seen – Friday 25th November


See the source image

Amy and Aleesha, our JRSO officers, presented an informative PPT to both infant and upper assemblies on Friday.  They explained that we will be celebrating Be Bright Be Seen day on Friday 25th November.  Children should come to school wearing bright and creative clothing.

Please look at the website below for key messages about the importance of being bright near the road!

Why be Bright? – Brightkidz