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Pokemon Cards

We respectfully request that children do not bring Pokemon Cards into school.

Regretfully, we have been dealing with increased incidents of disruption and upset amongst pupils across all stages regarding Pokemon Cards.

Please could all parents ensure Pokemon Cards are left at home for the foreseeable future.  Children who do bring Pokemon Cards to school will be asked to put them away in school bags, and are left in school bags at their own risk.

Thank you for your continued support in this matter.

We Need Your Help!

See the source image

As a school we are keen to involve the wider school community in the decision making process regarding the running of our school. We are currently planning our School Improvement Plan for next session (2022/2023) and would like your input. Please click on the link below to take you to our GLOW Form.


World of Work Week Day 1


Today we were so excited to welcome representatives from Vattenfall Windfarms and RJ McLeod who took time out of their day at South Kyle Windfarm to dial in to talk to our pupils about STEM careers and local opportunities.

Carol Kane from Vattenfall spoke to pupils about what the windfarm does and why it is an important part of our community.  We listened carefully to her presentation which included information about  sustainability and renewables, as well as different career roles available at the windfarm.

Ian Sloan, one of the Project Managers, spoke to pupils about his own time at New Cumnock Primary School (the former Castle Building).  He told pupils about his job on the windfarm and the subjects he enjoyed at school.

Finally, Rosie Gillan from RJ McLeod spoke about opportunities for girls in STEM careers.  She encouraged our girls to take part in science and maths at school, and talked about her job at the windfarm.

We are so excited to take up their offer of a visit to the windfarm in the near future to get real hands on experience at the site!

Thank you to all involved including Tamara Campbell and Christina McKitrick who were integral in setting up this opportunity for our pupils!

🐣 Easter Activity Number 1 – Kids #ReNew and #ReMake Workshop 05/04/22🐣

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Let the kids get creative and bring along an item of clothing that could be doing with a bit of a revamp!  And with help of fabric pens, fabric paint, sequins and much more we #ReNew them into something fabulous!
Sign up via the following link:
Open to all young people in the community age P1/P7 and as always its FREE (funded by NCDT).
If we can get enough fab designs and fab young people up for it we will hold a fashion show for our parents/carers to come along and see their hard work!

 NCDT Community Kids 2022  

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As we continue to develop youth work and youth provision in New Cumnock we are delighted to let you know that we are on the look out for NCDT Community Kids 2022!
Our community kids will represent the community at wide range of NCDT events from April 2022 to April 2023! They will attend activities and have a special range of duties to carry out over the year!
We will be recruiting x2 junior Community Kids from the CURRENT primary 3 and x2 senior Community Kids from the CURRENT primary 6.
If you think you know a young person up for the challenge and who can represent New Cumnock for the year with a smile on their face and ready to be involved, then please mail our Facebook page or email for more information or an application form.
*Please note applicants will be expected to come along for a chat with a couple of members of team NCDT.
We cannot wait to see who is chosen! ⭐️