All posts by Mrs McMurdo

The Exchange!

Image result for councelling service image cartoon children

The-Exchange is now providing counselling and emotional and psychological support in your child’s school.  This service is available to children aged 10 and over and provides a private space where children and young people can talk about things which are troubling them.  Talking things over with a professional can help children to find better ways to cope with difficulties.  If your child’s teacher or a key adult within the school feels that counselling may be beneficial to them, they will always contact you before making a referral to The-Exchange.  For children under the age of 12, parental consent is required in order for the child to attend the counselling or psychological support sessions.  When supporting children under the age of 12, The Exchange involve parents at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the process with an aim to improve the overall resilience and psychological wellbeing of the family.

If you would like further information, please contact Mrs J McMurdo (Head Teacher) on 01290 338404.


We continue to be overwhelmed by the kindness of our Parent  Council and wider parent body.  Today we received a delivery from our Parent Council.  They have kindly bought every child in the school a new pencil case with stationery included.  P1-3 will receive theirs next week when they return to school.  Arrangements have still to be made for the distribution of the gifts to P4-7 .  We will be in touch!

We also received a special delivery from a group of parents for NCPS staff to say ‘Thank you!’ for their efforts during this period of lockdown.  All staff were ‘touched’ by this kind gesture and really appreciated the thought.



Phased Return!

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We are really looking forward to welcoming our P1-3 children back to school on Monday morning!  Routines regarding entering and exiting the building, play times and lunch times are as they were prior to Christmas.

Please drop your child off between 8.50am and 9am.  They will then be supervised by staff in the playground. Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 children, please use the pedestrian gate nearest to the Main Entrance.  This is to prevent congestion with the upper primary pupils accessing the ‘in-school provision’.  Parents and carers are not permitted to be in the school grounds due to the current pandemic.   Can I also remind you that Parents/Carers need to wear a mask and  stay 2m apart in order to avoid transmission of the virus when dropping their child/children off for school?

We would appreciate it if parents/carers could also have a conversation with their children prior to returning, regarding precautions against COVID.  The posters below may help you to structure this conversation.



Primary 4-7 will continue to access Remote Learning from home.   Please encourage your child to complete their work every day and to send it to their teacher via Teams or email.


Those children from P4-7 who are accessing in school provision (this must have been discussed previously and agreed with a member of the management team) will access the gym hall via the Breakfast Club door.  Please use the pedestrian gate nearer the car park entrance.

We know this is a very challenging time for everyone just now and appreciate that everyone is doing the best they can in a very difficult situation.  Remember, if we can support you in any way possible please don’t hesitate to get in touch.  A member of our management team will be in school every day should you wish to speak with someone.  Take care everyone and stay safe!

Mrs McMurdo (Head Teacher)

Virtual Get2gether – How important is it to plant more trees?

Scientists say that ten rules for tree planting must be top priority for all nations this decade.  This week’s Get2gether explores the question ‘How important is it plant more trees?’  Please click on the link below to view!  If you manage to complete any of the challenges below please send your work to

See how this week’s Get2gether link to the UN Rights of the Child below!