Value of the Month Family Challenge – Responsibility

As our value this month is responsibility, we are spending time thinking about how to be respectful. In school, we have identified the following ways we can show responsibility and we are working hard on this.

  • Making good choices
  • Being trustworthy
  • Caring for our school community

This month, we invite you to:

  1. Discuss with your family what things you do in your home and community to show responsibility. This might be being responsible for making your own pack lunch or doing a community event with one of your clubs.
  2. Complete the sheet by drawing pictures or making a list, showing what things you do to show responsibility. You might need to ask an adult at home to help with this. Your teacher will give this out.
  3. You will be discussing how you have displayed responsibility in your home and community during week beginning Monday 30th October. We can’t wait to hear all about your experiences.

To support living by our values in school, at home and in our local community, we have given every family one of our values magnets to display in your home as a reminder.


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