Putting reading for pleasure at the heart of our school!

We are currently committed to building a reading culture for our learning across our whole school community. We are doing this through Reading Schools, which is the Scottish Book Trust’s National accreditation programme. We will be sharing our journey and learning this session on this page, so please stay tuned!

Our Reading Schools Pupil Leadership Group

Borrow Baskets

The Reading Schools Pupil Leadership Group have created Book Borrow Baskets. They introduced them to pupils at a whole school assembly. There is a Borrow Basket in every class and pupils will be encouraged to bring in a book that they are finished reading. They can add it to the basket for other children to borrow and they can choose a book from the basket to read. They can do this as often as they wish. If your child wishes to have their books back at the end of the year, they can write their name inside the cover.