World Book Day

Well done to all the pupils (and teachers) who dressed up to celebrate World Book Day today.

Lot’s of photos still to follow from our amazing World Book Day today.

We are delighted to get a special mention on the official East Ayrshire Police twitter page. Our lovely campus officer PC Dempster visited today and read ‘Topsy and Tim visit the Police Station’ to the infant department.


Toys in school

Please remember that toys should not be brought to school daily. There are lots of wonderful activities for the children to complete outdoors. They should not bring their own toys from home to play with at break and lunch time. If the class teacher requests toys to come in for a special occasion then they will be kept safe in the classroom and again should not be taken out to the playground.

Thank you for your understanding on this matter.

Uniform Exchange

Very soon you will see a big change taking place in the school foyer as we would like to create a uniform exchange area in the school. If you have any donations of school jumpers, cardigans,  skirts, trousers etc. that no longer fit your children but would still be great for others.

We will let you know more about this once we have properly created our area for the exchange.

Primary 4 Homework

Primary 4 Homework

Maths – Log onto Sumdog and complete 1000 maths questions as part of East Ayrshire Competition (some time will also be given at school).

Literacy – Reading taking part in the First Ministers Reading Challenge.  Please read a book with your child and complete a review in their Reading Passport.   Also complete ‘Share a Story’ tasks.

World Book Day – Thursday dress up as a character from a book of your choice, bring the book if possible to share with the class.

Optional homework – decorate a potato as  a book character of your choice and bring to class on Thursday.

Our P.E. days will be on Tuesday and Friday this week.

Thank you,

Mrs Strachan

World Book Day

On Thursday 5th March we will be celebrating World Book Day .

Children are invited to dress up as a character from their favourite book and can bring that book to school with them. This is the first of our SCIAF activities – £1 donation can be paid through Parent Pay.

There will be lots going on throughout the day including:

  • Whole school character parade
  • Author’s Live with Michael Rosen and Tanya Roberts
  • Community story sharing- Visits from PC Dempster and Fr. Martin (Friday 6th March)
  • Launch of our Share a Story campaign- more information to follow.

Primary 7 Homework – World Book Day

World Book Day

On Thursday 5th March we will be celebrating World Book Day. Along with planned whole school activities, Primary 7 have their own World Book Day home challenges to complete. There will be no spelling homework this week to allow the learners more time to complete the home challenges.

On Thursday the learners can come dressed as their favourite character from a book.

To celebrate World Book Day, and promote reading for enjoyment, there are FREE audio books available here –

Numeracy Homework 

For Numeracy homework the March Rigour Calendars are available below for 1st, 2nd and 3rd level (challenge). Learners can start completing their calendars this week. Completed calendars can be handed in at the end of March to receive house tokens.

Happy Reading!

Miss Mudge

Book Week Homework – P7 – click here for the Home Challenges

Reading-stars-leaflet-4 – click here for Reading stars challenge

March Calendars – click here for Numeracy Calendars


Lollipop Bill is retiring

We are very sad to announce that our much loved and respected lollipop man, Bill Robinson has decided to retire!

As a school we feel we cannot let him go without acknowledging his service and how much we have appreciated him helping the children of  the local community over the years. Which is why we will have a special presentation for Bill during our whole school assembly this Friday.

We wish you a long, healthy and happy retirement Bill from all the pupils and staff at Mount Carmel Primary!


Every year during Lent, SCIAF launch their  WEE BOX, BIG CHANGE appeal and ask people here in Scotland to donate to their life changing work around the world. This year’s appeal focuses on SCIAF’s work in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in Central Africa.

DR Congo is home to over 85million people. It is the third largest country in all of Africa. It’s also one of the poorest countries in the world. SCIAF are working with partners in DR Congo to help the people live in peace, to recover from the war and rebuild their lives.

Thank You.

Aladdin Cast

The cast for the senior summer show ‘Aladdin’ was announced this afternoon. We are very proud of all the pupils who auditioned for parts and the teachers found it difficult to cast the show as the talent was so high! The pupils know that all the parts are important and we can’t wait to start rehearsals.

Scripts will be given out in due course and rehearsals will start shortly in school.

Thank you!



Lenten Fundraising Activities 2020

  Thursday 5th  March World Book Day;

All children can    dress up as a character from a book.  £1 donation via Parent Pay please.

9th-12th March:  Guess the Bear’s Birthday

– 50p per guess-please bring your money into school for this activity. Winner announced Friday 13th March.

 Friday 20th March- Crazy Hair Day

£1 donation via Parent Pay please

  Friday 27th March – Fun Zone

 For all classes to enjoy a session!- £1 donation via Parent Pay please.

  Thursday 2nd April- Easter Bonnet Parade/Easter Raffle 

There will be a special Easter prize -one winner per class, £1 donation via Parent Pay please. Our Grand Easter Raffle will also be drawn today with one lucky pupil winning an Easter treat!! Raffle tickets will be 20p per ticket…….Good Luck!

Whole school Science Centre visit

On Wednesday 11th March we will be going on a whole school trip to the Science Centre in Glasgow, where they will participate in a range of activities.  Letters have gone out to children today along with a permission form which must be completed and returned to the school no later than Wednesday 4th March please. There is no cost for this outing

Please ensure your child comes to school on the day with their school jumper, suitable footwear and comfortable trousers/leggings.

The kitchen will provide a packed lunch for children if you wish, but they are also welcome to bring their own if preferred.  There is a tear -off portion on the letter where you can indicate if a school packed lunch is required or not.

Buses will leave the school at 8.30am sharp, unfortunately, anyone not in school by this time will be unable to attend.

Swimming Success!

Well done to all primary 6 and 7 pupils for completing their swimming lessons! Every child made personal progress and massively enjoyed the experience.  There are lots of family swim sessions available across the authority for parents to admire their skills!

The Galleon staff made a point of telling us that the behaviour and manners of our children was exemplary!   Well Done Team Mount Carmel!

Confirmation arrangements-Primary 4

Can parents and P4 pupils attending on Monday Night please be at the church no later than 6.30pm. On arrival at the church, pupils should make their way down to the front rows with their sponsors.

Children should wear something smart,  no school uniform please.

A warm welcome is extended to those who wish to join us at the school for tea/coffee/refreshments after the service.

P7 Homework

As this is a two day week no homework will be assigned to Primary 7.

Auditions for our senior summer show ‘Aladdin’ will be held on Monday afternoon. Pupils who stated they would like a speaking or singing role have been given part of the script to practice at home.

Happy Practicing!

Miss Mudge


Practical Cycling Sessions – P6

Primary 6 cycling sessions will take place on a Tuesday beginning on Tuesday 25th Feb and  are as follows:

  • 25th Feb -The Roads Alliance Team will be carrying out initial safety checks on all bikes and helmets on this date.
  • 3rd March, 10th March, 24th March, 31st March.
  • 21st April, 28th April.
  • 5th May, 12th May.

****Please note there will be no session on 17th March****

Children are required to have their bike and helmet with them on the above dates. If your child does not have a helmet, one can be provided for the activities in school.



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