Christmas Show Photographs

We apologise for the delay in the publication of our Christmas show photographs.  This will be published soon in the form of a password protected SWAY document.  The password will be emailed to the main contact on our school records.

If you do not wish your child’s photograph to be used in this please contact the school by the end of Thursday this week.


SCIAF fun day!

On Tuesday 19th March, Primary 5 are organising a SCIAF fun day for the entire school. We are asking all our children to bring in a donation to take part in this day full of activities. The money raised will go straight into the charity boxes in each class. On this day, we have our active schools co-ordinator Mark Devlin providing a golf input for every class, we have gardening with Mr Leslie, litter picking, egg decorating and much more. We are also going to have some outdoor play and with this ask that your child brings in an outdoor toy such as a bike or a scooter for this time. They must bring a helmet due to health and safety reasons.

We are also asking that children wear old clothes on their bottom half due to the nature of these activities as we may get mucky during them. School jumpers should be worn on top.

Please give a small donation to this wonderful charity.

We can’t wait!

Thank you, Primary 5

SCIAF - Scotland's International Development Alliance

Lent Activities

Free Lenten Prayer Cliparts, Download Free Lenten Prayer Cliparts png ...
Please see below the weekly activities for our SCIAF Lenten Fundraising – 
Thursday 29th February – Wear your trainers for Strider (Living Streets mascot)
Thursday 7th March – Dress down for World Book Day activities 
Friday 15th March – Wear green for St.Patrick’s Day  (no football colours)
Tuesday 19th March – P5 Active Schools Fun Day  -timetabled for classes
Wednesday 27th March  – Easter Technology Challenge – bonnets/egg decoration and parade
For each activity we will suggest a cash donation. These will be put directly in SCIAF boxes in class. These will then all be collected and given to Fr Jim for the church collection. 
We will also have the individual class raffles for Easter Eggs and the whole school raffle for the bigger egg 🙂 

NEC Bus Cards

Please find below links to apply for either a Kids Cards or a NEC card for your child dependent on their age. This card will enable your child to access FREE bus travel throughout Scotland.

If your child has previously had an NEC and has lost their card please do not use the links below, please contact the school office and we will send home the relevant form for you to complete.

Application Form 1

This form is for pupils aged 5 to 10 years old. Parents should use the link below to apply for this card on behalf of their child, the person completing the form on behalf of their child MUST be the main contact registred for the pupil.

NEC Card 1 5-10 Application Form – Mount Carmel

Application Form 2

This for is for pupils aged 11 to 15 years old This application is for a National Entitlement Card for pupils under the age of 16. Parents must apply for the card on behalf of their child, the person completing the application MUST be the main contact registered for the pupil. Parents will then have the option of having the Young Scot branding and/orthe PASS Hologram as well as free bus travel added too this card.

NEC Card 2 11-15 Application Form – Mount Carmel

Please note we are only able to process application forms for current pupils of Mount Carmel Primary. Any other application forms will be deleted

If you require any further information please contact the school office.

Primary 7 Secondary Transfer Application-Reminder

Dear Parent/Carer

Your child is due to transfer from primary to secondary education at the beginning of the new school session (August 2024).

Online P7 transfer applications were due to have been made no later than Wednesday 24 January 2024. 

If you have NOT already completed the online transfer application form please do so via the link below as a matter of urgency.

Thank you

Secondary school hand books are available at:


Vision,Values and Aims Steering Group

We have created a steering group to support with the creation of our new Vision, Values and Aims.  We plan to have two meetings for this – Thursday 15th February at 2pm and Thursday 14th March at 2pm.  If you wish to take part in one or both of these meetings please complete the related form.

P7 Leavers Hoodies

2024 School Leavers Hoodies UK | Free Samples | Yazzoo

Our Primary 7 Leavers Hoodies will be given out to P7 pupils this Thursday!

Please put your child’s name or initials on the inside of their hoodie as soon they bring it home.

Pupils can wear their hoodies next week to school and also to Lockerbie. Going forward after that they will only be allowed to wear them to school on a Friday.

Thank you for your co-operation

Burns Celebration Day

We have had a wonderful day celebrating the life of Robert Burns and Scots language. At our morning assembly we were entertained with amazing performances from every class and enjoyed singing The Jeely Piece Song and Auld Lang Syne as a whole school. Lunchtime brought lots of happy faces as we tucked into a menu of haggis, neeps and tatties, steak pie and some delicious shortbread! 


Primary 1 Curricular Update – Term 3

Happy New Year to you all! I hope you had a very enjoyable festive break with your families.

In Primary 1 we are ready for a new year of learning!! Please have a look at the information below to see what we will be focusing on in each subject.


Phonics – We will learn the remaining letter sounds of the alphabet this term while improving our word building skills.

Spelling – Now that we can read and write our sounds, we will be writing as many words as we can! Some of our common words cannot be sounded out so we have to practise the spelling of these in lots of different ways to help us remember the letter order.

Writing – We are continuing to develop our skills in sentence building this term. We will be using our knowledge of the letter sounds to independently write words in a simple sentence for a variety of stimuli.

Letter formation and hand writing will continue to be a focus to allow us to showcase our spelling skills with ease.

Reading – Now that we are using worded texts, we will be developing our word attack skills, remembering to use our letter sounds to help us with unfamiliar words, while looking for our common words too.

We will also be developing our comprehension skills by answering questions about our texts. This term we will be looking at Traditional Tales, discussing character traits and sequencing the main events of the stories.



During our Mental Maths sessions, we will continue to practise counting forwards and backwards. We will also be seeing how quickly we can respond to more and less questions.

We will continue to focus on our addition skills, partitioning the quantities to 10 and learning the different ways to make each number. We will be learning about the doubling and halving of quantities.

Towards the end of term, we will be exploring Money, initially brainstorming our ideas about when and how we use it. We will be introduced to all coins up to £2, ensuring we can correctly identify these and as our addition skills develop, we will combine these coins to “pay” for goods in our class shop.

Through our topic work, we will also be exploring Data Handling; sorting a variety of objects into groups and recording and displaying the information that we have gathered.

Health & Well-Being (HWB)

During PATHS time, we will be learning to “Do Turtle” when things become stressful. We are going to be problem solving for Twiggle and his friends by helping them overcome difficult friendship scenarios. We are confident we have the necessary knowledge and strategies to help them!

In other areas of HWB, we are considering the impact of physical activity on our bodies and identifying the physical changes we feel after a period of exercise.

We will also be discussing the importance of personal hygiene; reinforcing our tooth brushing and handwashing techniques.

Keeping ourselves safe will also be a focus this term as we think about our road safety techniques and how to react in an emergency situation.

During our PE sessions we will be completing a block of gymnastics, reinforcing the skills from last term while incorporating these into sequenced movements.

Fun fitness will be our final topic, developing each child’s personal level of speed, agility, stamina and strength through fun activities and exercises.



The first half of the term will focus on the Holy Family and how life would have been for Jesus as He grew up in Nazareth with Mary and Joseph. We will talk about the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist and revisit our own.

As we move towards Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent, we will talk about the meaning of this special time. During Lent we will take part in special prayer and reflection times to prepare ourselves for the special celebration of Easter.


IDL (Topic)

Our first topic this term will be “Weather”. We will be exploring and naming the different types of weather and discussing which of these are typically seen during each season. We will record the weather in different way and discuss the impact it has on our daily lives.

Our second topic will be “Senses”. We will identify and explore our 5 senses through a variety of practical activities.

Expressive Arts

Our art and music will be linked to our topics this term. Art will see us focus on the “design” aspect of the subject and within Music we will be using our senses to listen to excerpts, identifying the beat, pitch and tone of the music before exploring these on tuned and untuned percussion instruments.

We cannot wait to get started!

Mrs Duff.

East Ayrshire Council Site

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