Primary 2 Home Learning Grids WB 25.5.20

Hello Boys and Girls!

Well done for another wonderful week of learning! Thank you to everyone who sent me photos of your fabulous work, I can see you have been working so hard. I am so proud of every one of you! Keep up the amazing effort!

Below you will find your home learning grids for next week WB 25.5.20. I have sent out your literacy and numeracy task sheets to your individual email accounts. Next week is a short week as we have a long weekend so there is less tasks for you to complete. Remember, core tasks are in red and there is no expectation that all tasks should be completed. Just do what you can!

P2 Literacy Learning Grid 27.5.20

P2 Numeracy Learning Grid 27.5.20

P1 to 3 IDL grid 27th May

French Greetings 27th May

French Rainbow

Suggested Timetable:

8:00 – 9:30 Get up/Get Dressed/Eat Breakfast

9:30 – 10:00  Joe Wicks/Outside Play

10:00 – 10:30 Literacy/Numeracy Task (Choose 1)

10:30 – 10:45 Brain Break/Snacktime

10:45 – 12:00 Literacy/Numeracy Task (Chooe 1)

12:00 – 12:30 Lunchtime (Can you help your adult to make lunch?)

12:30 – 1:30 IDL Task (Choose 1)

1:30 – 2:00 Cosmic Yoga

2:00 – 2:30 Literacy/Numeracy Task (Choose 1)

2:30 Free Time!!

Have a lovely long weekend everyone, stay safe! I am looking forward to hearing your news next week!

Mrs Dunsmore xox

Primary 4 – Learning Grids 25.5.20

Good afternoon primary four,

I hope you have all had another fantastic week and made the most of the sunshine.  I can see that you have all been super busy again this week, which is amazing! I am so proud of you!  You are all SUPERSTARS!

I know this weekend is a strange one as a lot of you would of been looking forward to making your Communion,  some of you will be feeling a bit disappointed and that’s OK.  When the day does come, we’ll make sure it is incredibly special and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers this weekend.

Take care and enjoy the long weekend!

Love from,

Mrs Strachan x


Literacy – P4 WB 25.5.20

T-L-5091-Roald-Dahl-Quotes-Mindfulness-Colouring-Posters t-l-51740-ks1-roald-dahl-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity_ver_3

Time Capsule Activity Booklet

Numeracy – P4 WB 25.5.20


Rainbow 4-7

Les Couleurs(1)


Suggested Timetable
8:00am Wake up and have breakfast
9:00am Some exercise Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga
10:00am Complete a math activity or practice your times tables
11.00am Have a break/snack
11.30am Complete a literacy activity or read a book
12.30pm Help make some lunch and go outside
1.30pm Finish the day with an IDL task

Primary 1 Learning Grids

Hello boys and girls,

I hope you have all had a lovely week. Thank you for your lovely emails and well done for having a go at your tasks.  You are all amazing!!

We have a lovely long weekend ahead so you have less tasks to choose from next week. Core tasks are in red text, but remember just to do what you can.

I wish you and all of your families a happy holiday weekend. Looking forward to hearing from you next week.

Lots of love Mrs Duff xx

Primary 1 literacy grid May 27th

Primary 1 Numeracy Grid May 27th

P1 to 3 IDL grid 27th May

french rainbow

French Greetings 27th may

Here is an idea of how your day could look:

9am – Joe Wicks PE on Youtube

9.30am – 1 or 2 Literacy tasks from grid

10.30 am – Snack and play/walk outside

11am – 1 or 2 Numeracy tasks from grid

12 noon – Lunch and family time

1pm – Activity from IDL grid

2pm – Story time (cosy up with a book from home or online)

2.30pm – Cosmic Yoga/Go Noodle Pizza Song (YouTube)

3pm – Free Time!!!!!

Have fun everyone! xx



P7 Home Learning w/b 25th May

Hello Primary 7,

This is a bit of a different week because you are on holiday from school Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th. Therefore you only have five tasks in the Numeracy and Literacy grids to do. Again, do what you can, when you can. I am on Teams from 9-3pm.

I am still looking for Primary 1 photos, I’ve sent another reminder email out.

I hope everyone managed to read the S1 Transition message from Mr Kane and Mr Boyle. It is on the Mount Carmel blog page and I emailed it.

Lastly, I love looking at all the work you’ve been sending me. I am very proud of you all. Thank you for all your hard work. Bitmoji Image

Have a relaxing long weekend and fingers crossed the sun comes out at some point.

Love Miss Mudge



Primary 7 Literacy Grid wb 25th May

My Shadow poem

Green Group Poetry Tasks

Yellow Group Poetry Tasks

Green Group prefix activity

Yellow Group Spelling Task and Answers


Primary 7 Numeracy Grid wb 25th May

Circles Numeracy Task 1

Circles Numeracy Task 2

Triangles Numeracy Task 1

Triangles Numeracy Task 2


Rainbow 4-7

french rainbow



Primary 3 home learning tasks week beginning 25th May 2020

Hello Boys and girls,

Here are your learning tasks for the week ahead. You are doing an amazing job so far and I am so very proud of all of you. I have included  an example of what your day could look like but just complete your tasks whenever you can. There is no expectation for all of these tasks to be completed. This week you will also notice there are fewer tasks. This is because Monday and Tuesday are holidays for you all. This means you have a lovely long weekend and I would love to hear all about it. Send me an email of some of the wonderful things you have been doing. Hope to hear from you all soon. Lots of love, Mrs McCreadie x

Possible daily routine

08:00-09:00 – Breakfast/ cartoons/ outside play/ get dressed

09:00 – 10:00 – Exercise time – Joe Wickes/ just dance / Cosmic yoga

10:00 – 11:00 – Home learning – Literacy task – choose 1 activity

11:00 – 11:30 – Snack and play

11:30 – 12:30 -Home learning – Numeracy task – choose 1 activity

12:30 – 1:30 – Lunch and play

1:30 – 2:30 – walk or some exercise

2:30 – 3:00 – Home learning – IDL grid – choose one activity

3: 00 – RELAX!! Nice Emoji Clipart

Literacy mat

Numeracy mat

IDL grid

french rainbow

French Greetings

Home Learning Assembly

Hello boys and girls! Welcome to our third Home Learning Assembly.

We hope you are all well and continuing to enjoy the tasks and activities from your teachers. We have loved hearing from you and seeing all the great things you are doing at home. Remember just do what you can, when you can and know that we are here to help you.

We will begin our assembly by taking a moment to speak to God-

Dear God,

Thank you for our homes and our families. Please continue to help us and keep us safe. May we live like Jesus and show others your love in all that we do.

Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer.

A few weeks ago Bishop Nolan asked for pictures of our priests to be sent to him and we know that many of you had great fun drawing pictures of Father Martin! This week Bishop Nolan has a new challenge for you – he would like you to paint or draw a picture of your family. These will then be used to fill the Cathedral at a time when it cannot be filled with people. Ask a grown up to send your pictures via Facebook Messenger to the RC Ayr Page or you can email them to Mrs McGahon on Glow.

On the Wellbeing blog you will see lots of top tips on how to stay positive and have a healthy mind. This week for Mental Health Awareness Week we are asked to think about how kindness can make us all feel better.

Over the last few months we have seen many wonderful acts of kindness. From Captain Tom’s pledge to raise money for the NHS to each and every one of our amazing Key Workers who have put patients, customers and others before themselves. Kindness is spreading everywhere!

What does kindness look like for us? How can we feel better by helping others? Click on the link below and we can watch this short video together –  

“Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give”. Here are some ideas of ways that you can show kindness from home –

  • Send a friend a card to let them know you’re missing them.
  • Invite a friend to play a safe online game with you.
  • Sort through your old clothes or toys and choose a few things to donate to charity.
  • Give a compliment to someone at home – this could be yourself!Remember all the wonderful compliments your friends and teachers at school gave you.
  • Help a younger brother or sister with something they don’t understand.
  • Set the table for dinner and help to clear up afterwards.
  • Leave a thank you note for your postman/woman or your bin collectors.
  • Clap to thank the NHS and put a rainbow in your window.

We know that lots of you will be doing these things already and it would be lovely if you could share some of your acts of kindness with us! Let us know what you did and how it made you feel. You can email them to your class teacher or to Mrs McGahon.

We have so many reasons to be proud of ourselves and others during these unusual times. This week Mrs Duff and Mrs McIntyre would like to share their Proud Clouds with you!


Thank you also this week to Jessica (P1), Hannah (P3) and Olivia (P7) for sending in their Proud Clouds, check them out on the Wellbeing blog! Remember you can send yours to Mrs Crawford at We are so proud of all of you!

This Sunday would have been the celebration of First Holy Communion for our boys and girls in P4 who have been preparing for their sacraments –

Maia, Kinga, Megan, Lexi, Marcie, Harry, Oliver, Chloe, Annalise, Ethan, Emily, Damon, Zak and Indigo we are thinking of you and sending our love and prayers.

There will be a special Mass streamed live by Father Martin at 10.00am from St.Matthew’s Church. Just search for ‘Kilmarnock St Matthew’ on You Tube and you will be able to take part.

Let us now finish our assembly with a prayer sent to us by Father Martin –

Father of kindness and of all calm, help us to find peace in you.

You showed your friends how to find happiness through love.

Touch our hearts that we will always know that you are with us and that we are not alone.

Teach us that we can find your love in our brothers and sisters, in our family and friends. 

Help us to find you and your love every day of our lives.

This prayer we ask through Christ our Lord.


Continue to stay safe boys and girls. We love and miss you all very much.

Together we are #Team MC


Willow Room Tasks w/b 27th May

Hello Willow Room boys and girls.  I hope you are all safe and well and managing to complete some of the activities from the grids I have been sending to you.

Below are links to the tasks I would like you to try next week.  As Monday 25th May is a holiday and Tuesday 26th is an inset day,  its just a short week and therefore there is a smaller amount of tasks than normal to complete.  Give them a try and let me know how you get on.

Willow Room Task Grid

Could you also try a few activities from our IDL grid? There are a couple of attachments to go with this grid.

P1-3 IDL Task Grid

French Rainbow w/s

French Greetings

As always, please take care, stay safe and I hope to see you all soon.

Mrs Travers

Information for our P7 children and their families

Important information from Mr Kane and Mr Boyle from St. Joseph’s Academy

Message from Mr Kane

We have not forgotten about you. We are still gathering all data files from associated schools, and will be in touch in late May/early June to introduce you to staff and life at St. Joseph’s. We do not know when we will be able to welcome you formally, but staff are working to prepare an online introduction for you later in the month. As soon as we have all contact details we will be in touch with parents/carers. We would rather wait for all records to be with us than to send information to some families and not others. I would stress that the timeline for record transfer is as normal, but know that pupils and families will be more aware of the move to St. Joseph’s while schools are closed.

Message from Mr Boyle

A welcome video will go out this week or early next week. S1 classes are completed in terms of allocation. We consulted with Primary Heads and P7 teachers on positive peer groupings, as the Pastoral visits that would normally help with this were cancelled due to closure. There will be 4 S1 classes and an intake of 104.

All ASN information has gone to Mrs Hoy and she is aware of those requiring Learning support as Transition 1 meetings took place prior to closure.

Packs including timetables, transport information and school/East Ayrshire policies will be emailed in to P7 parents in June.

Individual departments may put their own introductory videos in the coming weeks.


Thank you so much to all of the boys and girls who entered the competition to design a new t-shirt for Marty.

There were so many wonderful designs that Marty had to ask Mrs McConville to help him choose! We are very pleased to announce that the winner is Katie MacKinnon. Well done!

Mrs Taylor has her sewing machine at the ready to turn your design into a real t-shirt for our favourite bear!






Hi boys and girls,

We hope you enjoyed today’s story. It is one of our favourites as it has lots of numbers and things to count!!

Why don’t you watch and listen to the story again and point to the numbers you see. Do you recognise them? Perhaps you could count the animals/birds on each of the pages.

Now that you have finished the story, do you think you could go on a number hunt around your house or when you are out on a walk?? Look out for any of the numbers you saw in the story today! Where do you think you might find numbers?

Here are some that Marty has spied already!



We would love you to take a photograph of any numbers you do find, and if possible, could you send them in to Mrs McGahon?

Happy Number Hunting!!

Lots of love,

Mrs Duff and Mrs Dunsmore xxx


Meet the Team

Hi boys and girls. My name is Mrs Webb. I love working in the infant department and cannot wait to see your smiling faces. We have a fabulous school and wonderful teachers.


Hello boys and girls. My name is Mrs Jeffers. I like to paint, dance and play lots of playground games. I’m excited to meet you all and hear all about what you enjoy. See you soon. x




Another week of learning and making memories with your families. Hopefully the good weather will return for lots of garden adventures.  This week is National Mental Health Week, some excellent resources available on the Education Scotland website.  A few quick tips if any children require support…

A thought for the adults…

And some Monday Motivation…


Stay Safe. Together we are Team MC.

Have a Little Adventure!

Growing Your Brain (for more kids’ journal ideas)

Try this activity at home. When we make a mistake, it causes our brains to spark and grow. In fact, when we get something right, our brains do not grow. What a wonderful fact to learn… it’s okay to make a mistake!! In fact, mistakes help us learn and grow.

Think of a time you made a mistake. How did you feel? When you stuck with it and figured out how to get the right answer, did you feel a sense of achievement?

Our brains need lots of things to help it grow and work properly, like exercise, sleep, new learning and healthy foods. Try doing the activity on the blue page above and look at all the ways we help our brain to grow!

Nature Treasure Box

Why not have a Welly Wednesday walk (it doesn’t have to be on Wednesday, it can be any day you have time to do this as a family). Our Willow Children always enjoy exploring nature and the great outdoors.

Take an empty egg box and fill each empty compartment with an item from nature, you found on your walk. It’s a great way to have a little piece of nature at home and a lovely memory box of your family walk.

Why not take a photo of your nature box and send it to me. I’d love to see them:

As always, stay safe, take care, together we are Team MC!

P3 home learning tasks for the week beginning 18th May 2020


I hope you and your families are healthy and happy and are enjoying some very special time together. Here is your learning for the week ahead.

Remember there is no expectation that you should complete all of the things on the grids, you do what is right for your family circumstances.

I love hearing from all of the children and I am super proud of each and every one of them.

Keep being awesome!!

Take care,

Love from Mrs McCreadie xx

Literacy mat primary 3 18.5.20

P3 Numeracy Learning Grid 18.5.20

Blue Spelling word for the week beginning 18.5.20

green Spelling word for the week beginning 18.5.20P1 to 3

IDL grid 18th May PDF-1

red Spelling word for the week beginning 18.5.20

P6 Home Learning Week Beginning 18th May

Hello P6,

I have enjoyed your updates on how you are getting on and the photographs of your fabulous work. You are all stars!

Please find below the Home Learning Tasks for the week beginning 18/5/20.

There is a Numeracy, Literacy and Health and an IDL grid based on Family.


Numeracy Learning Grid

Co-ordinates Task


Literacy Learning Grid

IDL Topic

Family P4-7

Remember to try to complete the core tasks and some of the additional tasks. There is no expectation that all tasks should be completed.

Here is a possible daily routine but remember to do what suits you and your family.

8.00-9.00 Breakfast, play outside
9.00-10.00 Exercise time: You could do some Joe Wicks on YouTube/ Just Dance/ Cosmic Yoga.
10.00-11.00 Home Learning – Literacy task
11.00-11.30 Snack and play outside
11.30-12.30 Home Learning- Numeracy tasks
12.30 – 1.30 Lunch and play outside
1.30-2.30 Walk or exercise
2.30-3.00 Home Learning – Health and Well-being Grid

Take care,
Mrs MacKinnon

P5 Home Learning Grids w/beg 18th May

Hello P5,

It’s been great to see all the work and pictures from those who have sent some this week. Please continue to share your work with us and check in with us weekly on glow email.  Keep working hard!

Here are next weeks grids and accompanying worksheets:


P5 Literacy Grid May 18th


Maths & Numeracy

P5 Numeracy Grid 18th May

Circles dividing decimals

Circles & Rectangles w/sheet AP

Rectangles Simplifying fractions

Squares Subtraction

Squares w/sheet 1 Area/Perimeter

Squares w/sheet 2 Area/Perimeter

‘Family’ Learning Grid

Family P4-7

Remember to complete core tasks and if you can try some of the optional ones too – There is no need to complete all tasks. Only do what you can and whenever you can manage as there are plenty things to work on.

Take care and stay safe!

Mr Bertoncini and Mrs McIntyre




Primary 2 Learning Grids WB 18.5.20

Hello Primary 2,

I hope you have had a great week filled with lots of fun with your lovely families. Thank you to everyone who sent me photos of your hard work. I love to see the excellent effort you are putting into your tasks. Well done, you are superstars!! Keep up the fantastic work Primary 2, I am so proud of you all!

Below you will find the links to your new learning grids for next week WB 18.5.20.  I have sent out your task sheets for numeracy and literacy to your individual email accounts and set your new challenges on Sumdog. Remember, do what you can. There is no expectation that all tasks will be completed. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me if your unsure about anything.

P2 Numeracy Learning Grid 18.5.20

P2 Literacy Learning Grid 18.5.20

P1 to 3 IDL grid 18th May PDF

Suggested Timetable:

9:00 – 9:30     Get up/Get Dressed/Eat Breakfast

9:30 – 10:00   Cosmic Yoga/Outside Play

10:00 – 10:30   Literacy/Numeracy Task

10:30 – 10:45    Brain Break/Snacktime

10:45 – 12:00   Literacy/Numeracy Task

12:00 – 12:30  Lunchtime

12:30 – 1:30  IDL Task

1:30 – 2:00  Just Dance

2:00 – 2:30  Literacy/Numeracy Task

2:30  Free Time!

Have a lovely weekend everyone, stay safe!

Mrs Dunsmore xox

Primary 1 Home Learning Grids 18th May

Hello Primary 1!

I hope you have all had a lovely week! Well done for having a go at some of your tasks – I have seen some amazing work!! Keep it up boys and girls – you are doing so well!!!

Here are your learning grids for the week ahead! Please remember just to do what you can. Being healthy and happy is the most important thing.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Love Mrs Duff xxx

Primary 1 Numeracy grid May 18th

Primary 1 literacy grid May 18th

i vowel pictures

number line to 20

P1 to 3 IDL grid 18th May PDF

Here is an idea of how your day could look:

9am – Joe Wicks PE on Youtube

9.30am – 1 or 2 Literacy tasks from grid

10.30 am – Snack and play/walk outside

11am – 1 or 2 Numeracy tasks from grid

12 noon – Lunch and family time

1pm – Activity from IDL grid

2pm – Story time (cosy up with a book from home or online)

2.30pm – Cosmic Yoga?Go Noodle Pizza Song (YouTube)

3pm – Free Time!!!!!

Have fun everyone! xx



Primary 4 – Home Learning 18.5.20

Good morning primary 4,

Another fantastic week of home learning. I really appreciate all of the hard work that you are doing at home. I love receiving your emails on Glow with all your fantastic work, photos and updates of how you are getting on. Keep doing what you can do and if you need anything send me a message and i’ll help as best as i can!

These are the learning grids for Monday 18.5.20

Literacy – P4 18.5.20


Mindfulness Quotes

Numeracy – P4 18.5.20

Moji maths mystery

Family P4-7

Take care,

Mrs Strachan x

P7 Home Learning Grids w/b 18th May

Hello Primary 7,


Primary 7 Literacy Grid wb 18th May

Yellow Group Grammar

Green Group Grammar

Blue Group Grammar

Novel Scavenger Hunt Sheet

If you are unable to access the Literacy Shed activities then try these writing challenge cards instead –

Writing Challenge Cards


Primary 7 Numeracy Grid wb 18th May

Circles Maths

Circles Statistics Challenge Cards

Triangles Maths

Triangles – Data Handling Challenge Cards

Squares Maths


Family P4-7

Do not panic if you’ve forgotten how to do anything in the grids. I am on Teams from 9am – 3pm.

P1 Photos 

I sent an email last week asking for your P1 photos. Ask adults at home to help you find one. Thank you to the P7’s who have sent me them already 🙂

Love Miss Mudge

Home Learning Assembly

Good morning boys and girls and welcome back to our next Home Learning Assembly.

We hope you had a lovely long weekend and were able to enjoy some time in the sunshine.

We are now in the month of May when we honour Mary, Mother of God. St Teresa of Calcutta once said, “if you are ever upset call upon our Lady”

Let’s start this week’s assembly with this simple prayer.

Mary, Mother of Jesus please be a mother to us now and look after everyone we love.  Help us to live like Jesus and have faith in his love.


We know it is difficult being away from family and friends and we are all missing you too. We hope you are enjoying the tasks and activities and we enjoy seeing and hearing what you have been up to. The most important thing is that you and your family are happy and healthy, so do what you can when you can. Remember we are always here if you want to contact us.

Last Thursday was Mr McMillan’s last day as our janitor.  It was a sad day for all of us but he will be able to spend much more time with his family soon. He was telling us he is going to teach his 5 grandchildren to swim. A lot of the staff from our school met in the car park to clap for Mr McMillan as he has been our hero for many years.  He was very surprised to see us. When we get back to school we will have a very special celebration for him.


Congratulations to all our Primary 7s who have received their Pope Francis Faith Award.  Special congratulations go to Alfie, Tosia, Abbey, Sarah and Olivia Smith.  They received a Parish Commendation from Fr. Martin for their positive contributions to the life of the Parish.   Well done everyone. We will arrange for you to receive your certificates when we have them.

One thing we are doing a lot of is washing our hands and using a lot of soap and water.

We have a special challenge for you this week. All across the country this is National Water Week. We would like you to design something that either reduces water wastage or collects water.  I know this is something that our Eco Committee knows all about. You can draw a picture or make a model and take a picture. Send your pictures to your class teacher.  We will display some of the most ingenious at a later assembly.

This unusual time has given us the opportunity to think about all the people around us and how much they do for us. We are all very proud of all the boys and girls in Mount Carmel and over coming weeks the staff will share what makes them proud.

This week Mrs Travers and Mrs Crawford share their Proud Cloud.

We finish our assembly today by thanking God for our families, our NHS and key workers.

Continue to stay safe boys and girls. Show love to the people around you, we love and miss you all.

All the staff at Mount Carmel Primary School.

Together we are #Team MC

Proud Cloud!

Proud Cloud!


We have so many reasons to be proud of ourselves and others during these unusual times. We loved seeing the ‘Shout Outs’ over the last few weeks and would like to give you the opportunity to shine once more. Below is an example of a ‘Proud Cloud’. It details things that fill you with pride, it can be about a family member or a friend and can also be about you! Staff will also be completing Proud Clouds for you to see.  If you email me your Proud Cloud (with parent/carer permission) I will share them on the Wellbeing Blog on a Thursday;  we are desperate to hear about your amazing achievements, BIG or small. Include your name (FIRST NAME ONLY) and class on your cloud.

We are proud of you all. Stay Safe. Together we are Team MC.

Clap for Carer Shout Outs!!

Clap for Carers!!

Our Final Shout Outs!

Well done to everyone that got in touch requesting a shout out for their family heroes!

We will still clap for you all each week, keep an eye on the Wellbeing Blog today for a new celebration idea!

Today our school community want to say a big, enormous, massive thank you to…

Olivia in P7 has asked for a shout out for her dad, he is continuing to work during this time, she would also like to nominate all the MCPS staff for keeping the pupils busy!

Sophie in P2 would like a BIG SHOUT OUT for her Aunt Christina; she is working for the NHS as a Physiotherapist and her Aunt Nicola, a nurse.

Jamila in P6, Kamili P5 and soon to be P1 Ntale would like to nominate their mum a nurse and dad, a housing officer, both working hard at this time.

Alfie in P4 has organised a shout out for his Gran Alison who works for the NHS and his Papa Josie, a bin man.

Mrs Taylor has nominated all the parents/ carers who are keeping all the pupils safe at this time!

Nathan in P5 and Chloe in P4 are clapping for their dad, he is working hard as a delivery driver.

Dean, P2 would like a shout out for his mum, she works in a care home and his Aunt Kirsty who is a support worker!

We are so proud and grateful to all of you. We will clap for you all tonight. Together we are Team MC.



Fun in the Sun

Hello boys and girls!

We hope you have all been having lots of fun in the sun this week! Marty has been playing in the garden with his friend Colin.  They were playing on the slide and the scooter! Mrs Duff had to make sure they played nicely with each other and took turns.


Marty is still feeling a bit warm so it would be fantastic if a few more of you could send in your t-shirt designs for him to choose from. It would also be lovely to see any more pictures of yourselves that you have drawn!  Remember you can email them to Mrs McGahon at

Lots of love,

Mrs Duff and Mrs Dunsmore xx

Helping children understand wearing masks

This is a frightening and worrying time for everyone, but especially for our children. One of the strangest things for them to deal with is seeing people around them wearing masks of any description , whilst out and about.

The website link below explains this in a child-friendly way . Please have a read , we hope it helps to allay any fears your child/children may have .

These pictures taken from the website can help you explain wearing masks with your child/children :

East Ayrshire Council Site

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