Pupil Absence Protocol
If a child is absent from school , it is the responsibility of the Parent/Carer to inform the school by 9.30am at the latest. Please do this in the first instance by phoning the school on 01563 525897 and either speaking to a member of staff or if outwith normal school office hours, by leaving an absence message on our answering service.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Primary 4 Health Week Activities!
Primary 4 have had a very busy week with all the exciting activities that have been on offer during health week. We had lots of fun on Tuesday and Wednesday with football, basketball, rugby, meditation, yoga, making fruit kebabs, discussing the dangers of smoking and a special visit from PC Dempster about the necessity to keep yourself safe online.
Today, Friday, we were busy boxing with the coach from North West club, building outdoor houses for small wildlife with the staff from Dumfries House and had an input from the staff from the local Tae Kwon Do club. We also discussed the different drugs we may need to help us feel better and those which are illegal and dangerous. We finished the day with reward play, where the children chose to use their new skills outdoors in the afternoon.
It has been a fabulous week and we would like to thank Mrs McGowan and P5 for all the hard work that went in to organising this fabulous health week. Enjoy your weekend!
Thank you!
This week all the boys and girls have taken part in an amazing set of Health Week activities. This has been supported by Primary 5 and Mrs McGowan.
We as a a school would like to say a huge thank you to all of the people that have been involved in making this such as a special week.
Thank you for organising events:
Mrs Crawford
Mrs McGowan and Primary 5
Mr Bertoncini
Mrs McCreadie
Thank you to TESCO for providing fruit for the week.
Thank you to Stephanie and our amazing kitchen staff for healthy snacks.
Thank you for providing activities:
Active Schools – Mark Devlin
Dumfries House
North West Amateur Boxing Club
Phoenix Tae Kwan Do
Bellahouston Harriers
Kilmarnock Rugby Club
Kilmarnock Football Club
PC Dempster
And as always thank you to all of our amazing staff for other additional activities during the week.
Vibrant Communities App
You can find instructions on how to access the Vibrant Communities app using the link below:
PATHS – Parent Information Session
The Health and Wellbeing of our pupils is an area close to the hearts of the staff at Mount Carmel Primary. In order to provide continued support for this we are linked with PATHS.
We are delighted to offer a PATHS parent/carer information session presented by Jill McLarrie our PATHS partner. All parents/carers are invited to attend this informal session as well as our new primary 1 parent/carers.
This will be via vscene on Wednesday 12th May at 4pm.
If you would like to attend this please complete the form below and access details will be forwarded on.
April School Counselling Newsletter
Please click the link below to view the April School Counselling Newsletter:
P1/2 and P5 -Visit to Dean Park
Our Primary 1/2 and Primary 5 classes are excited to be having their rescheduled visit to the Dean Park next Wednesday, 5th May. The children will be leaving the school at approx. 9.15am and walking to the park. They will be back at school in time for lunch.
Children should wear appropriate footwear, a waterproof jacket and bring a snack with them to have at the park.
Permission forms were given to the children yesterday and should be returned as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Health Week -Lunch choices
As you will no doubt be aware our Health Week is next week:(wk. beginning 3rd May):
There will be some healthy dessert choices added to the school lunch menu that week as follows-
Tuesday 4th – Fruit Kebabs
Wednesday 5th- Fruit Smoothies
Friday 7th – Beetroot Cake
New Parent Council Logo
Health Week – Week beginning 3rd May 2021
We are delighted to announce that we are having a special Health Week. This has been organised by Primary 5 and Mrs McGowan. The pupils will be taking part in a range of healthy activities throughout the week. Some of the activities will be completed by their class teacher and others will be completed by coaches.
The activities are:
Safety with PC Dempster
Running (P5-P7)
Tae Kwon Do
Boxing (P4-P7)
Children should wear suitable outdoor clothing throughout this week (no football colours).
Pupils should make a special effort to have a healthy snack everyday this week, and bring water to school.
Thank you you to all the groups who have offered to help for this week.
Primary 4 PE days!
Primary 4 have had a great first week back. The children have started a new topic all about magnets and have enjoyed some of the experiments we have carried out so far.
I have made a change to PE days. These will be on a Monday and Thursday so children should come dressed for PE on these days.
Homework is now being attached to our TEAMS page so be sure to check for updated homework tasks/activities for the week on a Monday. Reading books will be attached on Bug Club. There will be no hard copy of the text being sent home.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Travers
Parent Council Minutes
SCIAF total
We are delighted to let you know that we made an amazing total of £630 for SCIAF this year !!
Thank you to everyone who donated to our fundraising activities, your contributions are really appreciated. Our Class Easter Raffle was particularly popular and we will post pictures of our winners shortly!
First Communion Appointments
A reminder that homework will begin today for all children. Primary 1 and 1/2 will have this emailed directly and Primary 3-7 can access this via TEAMS. All completed homework should be emailed directly to the class teacher on a Thursday or earlier.
School Counselling March Newsletter
Please click the link below for the March edition of the School Counselling Newsletter:
Active Schools Free Easter Activities
P6/7 Movie day
Tomorrow, P6/7 will watch Descendants as part of the pyjama and movie day. As it is rated a PG , should you NOT wish your child to watch this film, please contact the school tomorrow morning.
Thank you and enjoy your Easter break.
Mr Bertoncini
P4 Dean Park Visit!
Primary 4 had a lovely morning visiting Dean Park today! The weather was good, so we managed to have a lovely walk around the park, meet some animals, play at the swing park and even had time for a few games. The children enjoyed some ball games and a blind folded animal game, which they really enjoyed!
Primary 3 – Dean Park
Primary 3 had fantastic fun at the Dean Park today. They spotted some frog spawn, went on a fairy trail, found signs of spring and had lots of fun playing with their friends in the play park!
Primary 4 Movie Choice!
The primary 4 children had a vote in class today, for the movie they would like to watch tomorrow during our movie/PJ day and have chosen the live action version of Aladdin! This is a PG, so if any parent would not like their child to watch the above movie, contact the school and we can make other arrangements for your child during our movie time.
Check back later for some photos from Dean Park today
Virtual Choir
Please follow this link to view a beautiful piece of work by Ms Donnelly and some of the pupils from Mount Carmel. Ms Donnelly has continued to run the school music service virtually for our pupils and they have enjoyed taking part in this.
Primary 6 movie and pyjama day
Tomorrow (Thursday 1st April) Primary 6 have chosen to watch ‘A Night at the Museum’. This is a PG movie.
If you DO NOT wish your child to watch this movie please notify the school tomorrow morning.
Thank you,
Miss Mudge
Reminder- Easter Burger Bash lunch
Easter Raffle tickets-Last day to buy !
School closure 2.30pm tomorrow
Pyjama and Movie Day
Homework will resume from Monday 19th April. This will now be issued weekly via MS Teams for Primary 3-7 and via email for Primary 1 and Primary 2.
Homework will consist of:
Literacy – phonics/spelling tasks and Bug Club reading tasks
Numeracy – mental maths and an appropriate maths task
Primary 6 and 7 will receive additional project work.
Homework will be issued on a Monday and should be returned via email to the class teacher by Thursday evening. Homework can be completed on paper if preferred and photographs of this emailed to the class teacher. Stationery and jotters can be provided if requested.
Crazy Hair Day – SCIAF
A reminder that tomorrow (Tuesday) is an optional Crazy Hair Day to help raise funds for SCIAF- £1 via ParentPay.