We at Mount Carmel are so proud of our Primary 7 leavers. Well done to each and every one of you. Go on your adventures and be AWESOME!!!
We at Mount Carmel are so proud of our Primary 7 leavers. Well done to each and every one of you. Go on your adventures and be AWESOME!!!
Get the tissues at the ready… Here is the link to the Primary 7 leavers assembly. The password for this will be shared with the main contact of the children involved. We ask that you do not share this password with anyone outwith your immediate family. Everyone at Mount Carmel wishes our Primary 7s the very best of luck for the future, we know you will be AMAZING!!!
From August there will be some changes to the entrance gates and lining up areas for each class.
P1, P1/2 and P2/3 should enter the school grounds from the side Infant Gate.
P4 – 7 should enter the school grounds from the Main Gate.
Please look at the map below to see where your child’s class should line up at 9.00am each morning. This is also the door from which they will be dismissed at 3.00pm.
We ask that no parents/carers are in the playground for morning drop off. New P1 parents/carers only will be in the playground for the first full week (23rd – 27th August).
At afternoon pick up parents/carers are asked to wait in the playground area closest to their child’s access door. Please remember to wear face coverings and socially distance from other families at these times.
Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support.
#togetherweareteamMC 💙
Thank you to everyone who has donated to our Uniform Exchange. We now have a wide range of items in various sizes available for families.
These can be collected from outside our main school office until 12.00pm today. In the new term these items will continue to be available daily in our main foyer.
Primary 4 had a wonderful time this morning at our special celebration to mark the 1st Holy communions that have recently taken place throughout June. It was lovely to celebrate all together in school and have some snacks and dancing in our big hall!!
And a big thank you to Mrs McConville for organising our beautiful cake and Mrs Fergusson for sorting the music!! 🎉🎉🎉
Here are our new house captains and vice captains…
As part of our property pledge, Primary 5 were tasked with coming up with a slogan and designing a poster promoting how we can keep our school nice and tidy. The children came up with the slogan ‘Tidy Friday’ which all classes will be involved in come the new session. Emily also designed the winning poster. A great big well done to Emily!!!
Here is the link to our Mount Carmel sports day. You will require a password to access the sway which will be sent out to your child’s main contact. We politely ask that this password should not be shared outwith your immediate family. Many thanks.
The Primary 7s enjoyed this fun week. All the activities were great and everyone loved them. Firstly we got to do bubble football then had the Dean Park visit, bowling+movie, yearbook+ leavers assembly video and of course pizza, a special Mount Carmel Funday and lastly we got to go to Crawfordland Estate. Also thanks to Mrs McConville and FOMC for organising. These pictures document what we have done during our fun week:by: May and Evie
Primary 1 had a great day on Friday. We bounced, we played and we even got an ice cream or a slush puppy for our little treat. Have a look at our photos.
Primary 3 had a great fun day on Friday. We wanted to share some of our photos with you. Mrs Fergusson and Father Martin joined in on the fun too!!
We were lucky enough to spend the day at the beautiful Dean Park and wanted to share some of our photos with you. Enjoy!
Thank you to everyone who has donated to our Uniform Exchange. We now have a wide range of items in various sizes available for families. These can be collected from outside our main school office until 12.00pm on Friday.
Please remember that when accessing the Uniform Exchange adults should wear face coverings and maintain social distancing from other families. Hand sanitiser will also be available.
Thank you.
Primary 6 had a great day on Friday at our fun day. We even had a VIP. See if you can spot who it was…
A special end of year gift from Mrs Dunsmore is available for collection from outside the main school office. Many of the gifts have already been passed on to siblings within the school. If you have still to receive your gift please collect it by 12.00pm on Friday.
Please remember when collecting the bags adults should wear face coverings and maintain social distancing from other families.
Thank you.
During our sports day, we were lucky enough to have a shot at long jumping, javelin, target practise, speed bouncing and many more activities. It was great fun. A great big thank you to our primary 6 and 7s for helping us as well as Mark Devlin, our active schools co-ordinator.
Primary 5 had a brilliant time at the fun day. We bounced, we zorbed, we danced and we ate. Have a look at some of our pictures.
We had a BRILLIANT day!!
The gift bags for our new P1 pupils are all ready and waiting to be collected from outside the main school office. Each bag is individually labelled with your child’s name and will be available until 12.00pm on Friday.
Please remember when collecting the bags adults should wear face coverings and maintain social distancing from other families.
Thank you.
Primary 1/2 had lots of fun during their visit to Dean Park. They loved exploring the grounds of Dean Park, playing at the playground and joining in with ball games at snack time. Primary 1/2 also had lots of fun on Friday at the fun day. They LOVED bouncing on the inflatables and thought their ice cream was so yummy! Have a look at some of the fun Primary 1/2 had on these special days.
Primary 1/2 had the BEST time EVER!!
Mrs Dunsmore x
On Friday Primary 7 can bring in a shirt to be signed by their classmates.
A reminder that Friday 25th June school finishes at 1pm.
We wish all of our children a fantastic holiday and look forward to seeing them all again on Thursday 19th August.
Mrs McGahon
As we enjoy our final week of term in Mount Carmel, we are busy preparing for the start of our next school year.
We have prepared very special gift bags to welcome your child to Mount Carmel. As well as some lovely starting school treats, these bags include the P1 2021 Yearbook and information about the House Teams.
Gift bags are labelled with each child’s name and will be available to collect outside our main school entrance on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ( until 12.00pm) of this week. When collecting gift bags, we ask that adults please wear face coverings and maintain social distancing .
Thank you.
It was agreed that Option 1 of the Proposed School Holiday Arrangements report submitted to Cabinet on 16 June 2021 be approved as the school holiday arrangements for academic session 2022/2023.
This information has been updated on our website which can be found via the following link:
In addition, please note an update to the School Holidays for 2021/2022. The local holiday on Monday 30 May 2022 is subject to change in alignment with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
Primary 4 had an absolutely fantastic fun day on Friday. The highlight of their day was the bouncy castles and inflatable fun runs, although they did enjoy the ice cream cones too!!