Health Week – Week beginning 3rd May 2021


We are delighted to announce that we are having a special Health Week.  This has been organised by Primary 5 and Mrs McGowan.  The pupils will be taking part in a range of healthy activities throughout the week.  Some of the activities will be completed by their class teacher and others will be completed by coaches.

The activities are:



Safety with PC Dempster



Running (P5-P7)

Tae Kwon Do


Boxing (P4-P7)

Children should wear suitable outdoor clothing throughout this week (no football colours).

Pupils should make a special effort to have a healthy snack everyday this week, and bring water to school.

Thank you you to all the groups who have offered to help for this week.


Primary 4 PE days!

Primary 4 have had a great first week back.  The children have started a new topic all about magnets and have enjoyed some of the experiments we have carried out so far.

I have made a change to PE days.  These will be on a Monday and Thursday so children should come dressed for PE on these days.

Homework is now being attached to our TEAMS page so be sure to check for updated homework tasks/activities for the week on a Monday.  Reading books will be attached on Bug Club.  There will be no hard copy of the text being sent home.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Travers

Primary 4 Movie Choice!

The primary 4 children had a vote in class today, for the movie they would like to watch tomorrow during our movie/PJ day and have chosen the live action version of Aladdin!  This is a PG, so if any parent would not like their child to watch the above movie, contact the school and we can make other arrangements for your child during our movie time.

Check back later for some photos from Dean Park today


Homework will resume from Monday 19th April.  This will now be issued weekly via MS Teams for Primary 3-7 and via email for Primary 1 and Primary 2.

Homework will consist of:

Literacy – phonics/spelling tasks and Bug Club reading tasks

Numeracy – mental maths and an appropriate maths task

Primary 6 and 7 will receive additional project work.

Homework will be issued on a Monday and should be returned via email to the class teacher by Thursday evening.  Homework can be completed on paper if preferred and photographs of this emailed to the class teacher.  Stationery and jotters can be provided if requested.


Easter Extravaganza Week

Mount Carmel Primary is organising a special Easter Extravaganza for the children l to help raise money for SCIAF, a charity that is very close to the heart of our school.

This will take place on the week beginning Monday 29th March.  There will be a special theme for each day and we are asking for a £1 donation to take place on ParentPay for each item.

Monday 29th March – Silly Shoes and Socks

Tuesday 30th March – Crazy Hair Day

Wednesday 31st March – Decorated egg competition (please bring a decorated egg to school, one winner will be announced per class).

There will also be a special Easter raffle for each class.  Raffle tickets can be purchased via ParentPay – £1 for 5 tickets.  Each class raffle will be drawn on Thursday 1st April.

Our Magic Mount Carmel Theme Day will take place on Thursday 1st April (no donation for this).  Our theme day will be a pyjama and movie day.

Each class will also enjoy a Spring Walk to Dean Park.  A letter and permission form has been issued today.

A Message from our Head Teacher

Dear Parents/Carers,
I am delighted to say all of our children are now settling into Mount Carmel after such a long time at home. They have so enjoyed seeing their friends and teachers and it has been a joy to see them.
As there is still instances of Covid 19 in our community we continue to be vigilant and observe all the mitigating factors such as hand washing, social distancing and wearing face coverings. I would ask that you continue to social distance from other adults when dropping of or picking up your children.
We have adapted our playground zones to ensure children are remaining in their social bubbles as much as possible. We have adapted our routines at lunchtime meaning children no longer need to eat in their classrooms. We will continue to adapt any arrangements or routines as circumstances change and develop. Indeed, after yesterday we have changed the exit gate for P4 and P6/7 and we will always look to make things the best we can for our school community.
It has been a very long year. When Mrs Fergusson and I closed the school In March 2020 we didn’t think we would still be having to manage Covid 19 as a factor of our daily school life in March 2021. Hopefully things are beginning to change for the better.
As always, if you have any concerns or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kindest regards


East Ayrshire Council Site

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