Pantomime Cost Reduction

Grants For Schools – Field Studies Council

We are pleased to let you know that we have received a grant from “The Great British School Trip” which we will put towards the cost of our pantomime visit in December. This will therefore reduce the cost of the pantomime for every child from £15 to £12.

If you have already paid the pantomime in full, you will receive a £3 refund back to your Parentpay account. If you still have instalments to make,  these will be amended and reduced by £3. 

P4 visit Crossgates (Pt1)

Primary 4 have enjoyed their weekly visit to our neighbours at Crossgates Care Home. Together, we have enjoyed making lots of new friendships with the residents and staff, sharing stories, playing games and making crafts with plenty of fun and laughter with our new friends.

Here are some pictures of some of our recent visits from designing and carving Halloween pumpkins, colouring together, solving crossword puzzles, wordsearches and games such as ‘Play your cards Right’…a favourite with residents as to whether it was ‘higher’ or ‘lower’ !

Here are some pictures of our time together…









Leisure and Culture Review

Dear Parent/ Carer,

Following yesterday’s Council meeting,  I wished to send you the following link to provide further information around the Leisure and Culture review:

Leisure and Culture Review obtains Council approval | East Ayrshire Council News

I would like to reassure all parents, carers and young people, that there are no plans to reduce or remove Instrumental Music Services as a result of the move of services to the East Ayrshire Leisure Trust.

Kind regards,

Linda McAulay-Griffiths

Chief Education Officer and Head of Education

P4 Curricular Update -Term 2

Welcome back! What a great first term Primary 4 have had; the children have settled well into their new class and routine and are making good progress. We are looking forward to another fun filled term with lots of fabulous learning taking place.

Here is an update on the upcoming term.


For our reading focus, we will continue to build on the use of our reading comprehension skills, such as prediction, visualisation, metalinguistic and summarising. The children will engage with a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts which include their Bug Club readers and our class novel, ‘There’s a Viking in My Bed’ which is linked to our Viking Voyagers topic.

During writing, we will continue to build on the skills developed during our descriptive block and we will now focus on narrative writing. The children will explore the features of narrative writing and will create their own narrative pieces.

Spelling will take the form of active spelling activities, and the children will experience phonemes and blends at their working level and will continue to practise their spelling strategies.

We will continue to build on our knowledge of various elements of grammar, linking this to our reading and writing tasks.

Numeracy & Maths

The children will continue with a daily number talk, to develop a range of mental maths strategies. We have been looking at various strategies for solving addition problems and will move on to subtraction problems. With Mrs McIntyre, the children will be working on telling the time at different intervals, as well as looking at 24hr time and durations. We will also be focusing on word problems and times tables weekly

Health and Wellbeing

We will be continuing with our PATHs programme focussing on making good choices and working effectively with others. We have been following the Do Be Mindful programme focussing on mindful attention, we will continue with this as well as our various daily mindful tasks. This term, P4 are delighted to be taking part in a range of intergenerational activities with the residents at Crossgate’s Care Home. As a class we have discussed various ideas that we think they would like such as arts and crafts, reading, singing, board games and bingo.


PE is on a Wednesday and Friday. This term we will be covering social dancing, hockey and gymnastics. Please make sure your child has a full PE kit with them (includes suitable indoor shoes), this can remain on their peg within school.

Thank you for making sure that no jewellery is worn on PE days.


We will be continuing with our French conversational skills and greetings. We will be looking at numbers t0 100. The children will engage in a range of listening, talking and writing tasks. We are also learning our ‘Hail Mary’ in French. As the term progresses, we will also look at Christmas traditions in France.



The children have really enjoyed getting started on our new Novel ‘There’s a Viking in My Bed’ which is related to our Viking Voyagers topic this term. We will explore the life of Vikings, including their culture, voyages and influence on Scotland. We will develop our skills in reading and writing through our topic.

Expressive Arts 

We will link our artwork this term to our topic, exploring and creating Viking artefacts using various materials and techniques. Last term we have been learning about rhythm and beat with our glockenspiels, we will continue to develop our skills this term and we will start to learn Christmas songs as the term progresses. We will also share some of our musical skills during our visits to Crossgate’s Care home.

Religious Education

This term we will be reflecting on the lives of various saints including St. Margaret, St. Andrew, St Ignatius, St. Francis and St. Columba. The children will be preparing for Advent and their forthcoming Sacrament of Reconciliation by taking part in class prayers and School Masses, and we will continue to build on our knowledge of common prayers and Mass responses. Approaching Advent, we will also look at the meaning of the Liturgical Calendar and become familiar with the meaning and importance of the various feasts and associated liturgical colours.

Homework will continue in the same format as last term, it will be distributed on a Monday to be completed and returned by Friday.

Keep an eye on the School blog and Learning Journals for updates on some of our wonderful activities and learning.

Thank you as always for your continued support,

Mrs McIntyre & Mrs MacDonald.

Primary 5 Term 2 Update

Primary 5 – Term 2 Update 

Hello everyone, 

Welcome to the P5 update for Term 2. 

Interdisciplinary Learning (IDL) 

This term, our interdisciplinary topic will be ‘The Victorians in Scotland’. We will be exploring the life of Queen Victoria and the many accomplishments during her reign that had a significant impact on the people and children of Scotland. Additionally, the class will be learning about influential groups, as well as notable scientists and artists from this period whose visions helped shape the modern world. The children will be able to act out a day in the life of a Victorian school pupil and take part in a Victorian P.E. lesson. 


We have almost finished last term’s class novel, The Butterfly Lion and will be deepening our knowledge of comprehension strategies and questioning this term with our new class novel, Rivet Boy by Barbara Henderson. 

In writing, we have started work on narrative stories and after this, will then move onto response pieces. The class will continue to edit and redraft their work to improve clarity and detail.  

For talking and listening, there will be a health and wellbeing focus on friendships and what makes a good friend. We will also be improving our listening skills and the importance of listening to others. 


Our focus for Numeracy in Term 2 will be Addition and then Subtraction. Groups will expand on their prior learning and add and subtract with 2, 3 and 4 digits, carrying and exchanging, what this looks like using practical materials and then spending some time exploring negative numbers and their real-world contexts. 

On Thursdays, Mrs Terras will be teaching the children about money and then moving on to measuring area. 

Health and Wellbeing 

Our P.E. sessions are scheduled for Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings. Please ensure that your child brings in their P.E. kit on the correct day.  

The key areas for this term will be Gymnastics with myself and Football with Mrs Terras.  

Within our P.A.T.H.S lessons children will be looking at ‘The Control Signals’ (Stop, Make a Plan and Go) that help us calm down when we are faced with a problem. This will also link in with our friendship focus in Health and Wellbeing.  

We are broadening our studies in Health and Wellbeing to look at why groups of people may avoid certain food groups, viewing some of the statistics surrounding obesity in Scotland and how adverts we see on various platforms contribute to this. 


In term 2, we will be looking at many different topics such as Remembrance, how we honour our departed and the promise of eternal life through the month of November. December will be a month for learning about Advent as well as composing our own prayers. In both months, we will be researching some of the many Saints, how they were the models of Christian life and how they can help us through prayer. Mrs Terras will concentrate on the life of St Vincent de Paul on a Thursday. 

Expressive Arts 

Our expressive arts will be interwoven through our learning of our new class topic. We will experience techniques such as printing, allowing the children to create their own stamps and prints using everyday materials.  

Mrs Terras will be focussing on drama this term with the class using drama games, creating and evaluating group performances. 


We have been working on getting groups of pupils onto the school Glow network, resetting passwords and accessing educational resources as well as their pupil emails. I will be sending reminders of children’s glow log ins and Bug Club passwords home with them in the coming weeks, please keep an eye out for this.   

Our ICT time will also be used for word processing our narrative and response writing pieces, learning how to save those files and retrieve them.  

1+2 Languages 

Primary 5 will be learning some Spanish phrases to say hello, goodbye, introduce themselves as well as ask someone else’s name. In French, Mrs Terras will be looking at classroom vocabulary as well as the use of ‘le’, ‘la’ and ‘les’ before nouns. 

Thanks as always for your continued support

Miss Carr & Mrs Terras

P7 Term 2 Curriculum update

Hello again everyone.  Here we are in term 2 with Killieween just gone and Christmas already on the horizon, where does the time go!  Here is a brief update of our learning focus this term.


We will continue to read and complete our class novel, before moving onto developing ALP strategies through Bug Club guided reading texts.  There will be a particular focus on paraphrasing and identifying the man idea as well as continuing to explore and improve answering and asking a variety of question types. For writing, we are concentrating on persuasive pieces then looking at report writing and aim to use these skills on a topic that interests them.


This term our numeracy focus is on multiplication and division incorporating aspects of fractions decimals and percentages.  We will continue to use Number Talk strategies to develop mental strategies related to multiplication and division.

Health and Wellbeing

The PATHS focus this term is ­­­­­­­­­looking at organisation skills before moving on to working on resolving conflicts.  We will also continue to praise and compliment children through Pupil of the Day.  We are also exploring food and dietary requirements of people and factors which influence food choices.  We will also be investigating different nutrients groups and the importance of each.

In school, our PE days will be a Wednesday and Thursday where we will be focussing on gymnastics and football. In gymnastics, we will develop our knowledge and execution of shapes, jumps, turns, balances and rolls and even try some mini parkour.  In football, we aim to develop coordination and adopt different team roles.  We will also spend a short time looking at traditional Scottish dances.


Our topic this term is science based and is forces and friction.  We will be investigating the life of Sir Isaac Newton and his 3 laws of motion and discovery of gravity.  We will also be conducting some scientific experiments and discussing fair testing and hypothesising.


In the month of November P7’s will be looking at the lives of Saints and understand that this month is dedicated to remembering the dead.  We will also investigate the notion of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory.  We will also look at the period of Advent focussing on the story from different Gospels and how Jews were waiting for a saviour.


This term’s focus for French is ordering food from restaurants and associated vocabulary.


This term P7 will access 3D graphics programme and use Tinkercad to create a variety of 3D designs.


This term pupil will be looking at some articles from the CRC in celebration of World Children’s Day and Human Rights Day.


Mr Bertoncini






P3 Curriculum Update – Term 2

Welcome back! We have had a great start to Primary 3, and it has been wonderful to get to know the children and really settle into our routines. The children are already making good progress and we are looking forward to another great term.

At the beginning of our first term, we explored the UNCRC Rights of the Child, and together created a meaningful Class Charter to ensure that our classroom is a place where we feel safe and where we can learn and grow together. As we continue into term 2 we will refer back to this ensuring our Class Charter is relevant and ‘felt’ within our classroom.

Here is an update on the upcoming term.


We will be looking at a range of fiction and non-fiction texts this term. We will look at the features of both types of text and will use these for our reading and comprehension tasks. We will be focusing on continuing to develop reading fluency as well as becoming more confident using word attack strategies for unfamiliar words.

During writing, we will look at narrative writing. We will explore the structure of this genre and write our own narrative pieces. We will continue to have a focus on the use of accurate punctuation and the use of more sophisticated vocabulary as well as beginning to develop the skill of proof reading our work.

Spelling will take the form of active spelling activities and the children will experience phonemes and blends at their working level.

Numeracy & Maths

Using our place value knowledge and skills, we will continue to look at a range of strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems. The children will participate in a daily number talk activity as we develop our confidence in the use of mathematical language to explain our thinking.

In Beyond Number, P3 will explore measure with Mrs Terras, looking at the various instruments including rulers, metres sticks, measuring jugs and scales.


Health and Wellbeing

This term we will continue with the PATHS programme, reflecting and discussing a range of emotions and what these might look and feel like. We will also continue with the Do Be Mindful programme which will allow us, through the use of a range of strategies, to look at ways we can take a mindful moment each day.

We will look at our physical wellbeing and how we can keep ourselves safe, how to respond in a range of emergency situations and how to stay safe when walking, cycling and in a vehicle.


PE is on a Monday and Friday. This term we will be covering;

  • Dance
  • Football

Children will require PE kit each PE day.  Please make sure your child is not wearing jewellery on these days as they will be unable to participate in the lesson for health and safety reasons. If your child cannot take part for any reason, please contact the school.


We will be looking at some basic French phrases and numbers this term through, songs, activities and games.


We will be exploring the role of the Romans in Scotland. We will use the text, ‘What the Romans Did For Us’ as a basis as we explore the topic, this will link with some of our literacy tasks.

Expressive Arts 

During art, we will use various mediums to create some beautiful artwork to link with various areas of the curriculum. As we approach Christmas, we will complete a range of Christmas arts and crafts.

The children will learn  Christmas songs and carols which will be performed during our Christmas Nativity, allowing us to experience the energy and excitement of performing for an audience.

Mrs Terras will complete a range of drama activities during which we will have the opportunity express and communicate ideas, thoughts and feelings through drama.

Religious Education

This term we will be continuing to learn a range of well-known prayers and will have opportunities each day for quiet prayer and reflection time. We will look at what a saint is, and think about how we are all called to be saints with the help of the Holy Spirit.

During Catholic Education week, we will think about how we are pilgrims of hope, looking at the meaning of the word pilgrim and how our faith brings us great hope and joy.

As we enter the holy season of Advent, we will look at the meaning of the Advent Wreath and reflect upon the importance of this great season of preparation.

Homework will be distributed on a Monday to be completed, and returned by Friday.

Keep an eye on the School App and your child’s Learning Journal profile for a snapshot of some of our wonderful learning!

Thank you as always for your support and I’m looking forward to a really great term with P3.

Mrs. MacKinnon.

Primary 2 Curriculum Update

Primary 2 Curriculum Update Term 2

Welcome to our curriculum update for term 2. It is sure to be a busy term as we prepare for all the fun and exciting activities, we will be part of in the run up to advent and Christmas!



Last term our focus had been predicting what might happen in our books and to think about sequencing parts of a story we’d read. We also began to think about what the ‘blurb’ on the back of a book may tell us. During term 2, we will further increase our skills by summarising the key parts of the book, looking to context clues to help us decipher unfamiliar words.

We will begin to answer both literal and inferential questions orally whilst beginning on identifying key features of a book i.e. fiction/non-fiction, index, contents and labels. We will also continue with our usual spelling and common word activities that help pupils retain and recognise their spelling sounds/phonemes and common words in books.

In writing children will begin to explore narrative writing, building on their knowledge of sequencing the main parts of a book. They will then create, plan and write their own narratives. This will mostly be in the form of imaginative writing, however they may do personal writing in the form of a narrative of a diary entry. Children will also use their knowledge of nouns from term 1 and will learn more about verbs and adjectives, identifying these in texts we are accessing in class.

During term 2 we will also partake in some listening and talking games and activities to help children develop the key skills needed when in whole class or group discussions. These skills will be further developed when we begin weekly sharing information in our class ‘Show and Tell’ activities too.


Our focus in maths will be to revisit place value, recognising sequences and patterns in numbers 0-99 and how these patterns continue in larger numbers just beyond 100.  Last term the focus was addition and in term 2 this will move to subtraction and recognising the link between addition and subtraction in our fact families.

Children will spend time mentally counting on in 2s, 5s and 10s and developing mental strategies for the skills we have worked on so far. The will continue to recite numbers to 100 whilst developing their knowledge of money. Children will work with coins up to an including £2 and will consider different combinations of coins and different ways of paying for an item or giving change. This will be developed through our toys topic and our in toyshop.

In beyond number we will build on our knowledge of 2D shapes and their properties by learning about symmetry using mirrors to help us find the line of symmetry. Pupils will also develop skills measurement, using non-standard and standard units to work out an items length, height or weight. Children will regularly use their ‘Buys Bee’ jotters to develop problem solving skills, applying knowledge of number to new contexts and develop strategies for any number problems.

Health & Wellbeing

All children will have the opportunity to be pupil of the day for a second time in term 2 and will continue to explore emotions, comfortable and uncomfortable and how we recognise these emotions within ourselves and in others. We will look at strategies for helping us deal with uncomfortable emotions and how we can help our friends if they are experiencing these emotions.

In P.E, our sessions will continue to be on a Tuesday and a Thursday and our focus in term 2 will be gymnastics and social dancing.  Children will also have the opportunity to partake in some fun activities which support teamwork whilst focusing on developing their listening skills, awareness of space and how to keep ourselves safe whilst using apparatus.


Our focus during R.E sessions will be on the Mother Mary in October, moving to Saints and Remembrance in November before visiting Advent and the nativity throughout December.

Topic (IDL)

In term 2 the focus of topic will be on science and how energy around is used to operate different toys we use. This will include electronic, battery operated and push and pull toys of now and in the past. The children will have the opportunity to explore different materials used in toys and predict what might happen during our experiments and toy building challenges.  Pupils will research the impact of energy and how toys have changed over the last century.


French (Modern Languages)

Children continue to familiarise themselves with basic greetings and expand their knowledge of number by increasing this to 20. Pupils will become more familiar with questions they can ask to learn someone’s name or age. As Christmas approaches we will also learn about how Christmas is celebrated in France.

We hope this is the start of another very successful term and that the pupils will continue to enjoy learning new topics across the curriculum.

Take care,

Mrs Travers

Primary 6 Curricular update – term 2

Primary 6 – Term 2

Hi everyone. I hope you all had a lovely October break. Primary 6 have worked extremely hard last term with lots of excellent learning taking place. They have settled well into their new classroom and routines. I am very proud of how they have adapted to the changes and embraced the responsibilities that they have inherited this year. Here is an update of what is coming in the term ahead.


This is a new part to our updates and is the United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child. We have looked at this convention as a class and chosen articles from it that we wanted to focus on as a class. We decided on the following: Article 19 – ‘We have the right to be safe’, Article 28 – ‘We have the right to learn’, Article 29 – ‘we have the right to work and play in a clean environment’ and Article 31 – ‘we have the right to play.’ The class understands that with these rights come responsibilities. For example, if they have the article ‘we have the right to be safe’, the children know that they have a responsibility to try their very best to keep themselves safe also and avoid unsafe situations. We will be learning about this through our assemblies and community times.


Our interdisciplinary topic of Tornadoes, Hurricanes and Wildfires will continue into term 2 as we only briefly started it last term. During this topic, children will learn about the responses that are available by the emergency services, charities and international agencies during natural disasters. The class will also develop an awareness of the processes that actually causes natural disasters. There will be opportunities for learning through social sciences, literacy, expressive arts, health and well-being and technologies during this topic. The children will also be encouraged to complete an independent research task on a famous natural disaster that interests them.


The class are loving reading our class novel, ‘Wonder’ by R.J Palacio. They have been completing tasks relating to the text and I am really impressed with their understanding of the text as well as their ability to analyse it. We will continue to complete tasks relating to this novel right up until the end of this term. In terms of bug club reading, this will continue to be completed at home for homework and in class as personal reading time.

Our writing genre for the term ahead is report writing and this will link into our IDL topic of tornadoes, hurricanes and wildfires.  The class will be working on writing their piece, editing it and re-drafting it, focussing on layout in order to engage their reader. They will also look at headlines, sub titles and access all the success criteria that makes for an excellent report. This is when the children will access ICT in order to type their re draft piece of writing. The class will be encouraged to improve their writing through feedback received. In terms of the tools for writing, the children will continue to look at more sophisticated punctuation such as apostrophes, colons and semi-colons. I hope you will enjoy reading some of their spooky stories at our pupil progress meetings! They were absolutely wonderful!!

In terms of our listening and talking element of literacy, the children continue to contribute to discussions in relation to the class novel. They will also be encouraged to share their learning through a short independent research task which links into our topic.

As always, the class will complete handwriting every week within class and we would ask that this is promoted at home in terms of homework also.


The use of number talks to encourage different learners to use and understand different strategies will continue this year. The children show an excellent understanding of the strategies taught so far and are always eager to share their understanding with their peers. Alongside Mrs Terras, the children will also be looking at 2D and 3D shape as well as measure.

Our core learning through number processes will concentrate predominantly on addition and subtraction this term. We are still also going to be learning about money with a particular focus on budget and money management.

Health and Wellbeing

Our P.E. days are a Wednesday and a Friday. We are currently learning 8 different Scottish dance routines as we prepare to showcase this alongside other schools for East Ayrshire’s day of dance I November. I can honestly say, I am extremely impressed with the children’s attitudes and maturity when learning these dances. Our other topic within P.E will be football and the skills that are required for this. Alongside our football P.E. lessons, we will be taking a look at the ‘show racism the red card’ commitment made by the SPL.

Primary 6 already participate in mindfulness every day, this is something that the entire class benefit from and have been doing this since the beginning of Primary 4.

Our PATHS programme will help the children to develop positive relationships within the class and school.  Delving into the emotions that the children feel will help them to understand why they are feeling this way as well as giving them the tools to cope with these emotions. The children are also participating in the PATHS buddy scheme that helps support the infants in ‘how to play’ during lunchtimes.

Our core health and wellbeing teaching will focus on substance misuse and what affects these substances have on our bodies. Linked with our P.E. once again, we will look at how we accept people who are different from us individually, whether that is in colour, religion, culture, or even interests and link this to our R.E, and schools values.


In learning about our faith, the month of November focuses predominantly on All Souls and All Saints days. There will be specific focusses on different saints as we move towards Advent and prepare for Christmas.

The class will also begin their Pope Francis Faith Award journey. This will span the remainder of their Mount Carmel journey with some of the award being completed this year and then some in Primary 7. The Pope Francis Faith Award is an award of the Bishops’ conference of Scotland, designed to help children show “signs of love” in their daily lives.

Expressive arts

This term, the class will be focussing on art through our IDL. We will look at blending colours and tones using different materials such as oil pastels and pencils. Mrs Terras will continue to teach music throughout this term. The children have enjoyed learning how to play musical instruments and this will be a focus moving forward into term 2.


The children have an excellent knowledge of how to use the computers and glow. They will continue to develop their understanding of how to research certain topics and how to transfer the information from what they have learned to a document that can be saved and retrieved at a later date. The children will also continue to practise emailing myself and their classmates (whilst using their emails responsibly and appropriately). This is the same as last term as we still need practise at completing these tasks. This will gradually become more difficult when we use attachments, hyperlinks and copy and pasting URL addresses for quick access to sites. The children will be using their knowledge of ICT to research natural disasters and will also use ICT to help present their findings to the class.

Modern Languages

This term will focus on learning how to describe objects using their colour and size in French. As the term develops, we will begin to learn about the French names for different animals.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, as always, for your ongoing support. This term will be a busy one and I look forward to seeing everyone again at our Pupil Progress meetings. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate in contacting me.

Take care,

Mrs McCreadie


Primary 1 – Term 2 Curricular Update

Welcome back to everyone and I hope you all had a wonderful October break.

Primary 1 are back on the learning train! We have a busy and fun filled term ahead. We have started the term with some spooky Halloween activities and look forward to celebrating our first Christmas as part of the Mount Carmel school community.


This term we will continue to practise our letter formation and pencil control skills to ensure we can write the letters we have been learning.

Now that we know some of the sounds the letters of the alphabet make, we will be “blending” these together to make words. These words will help us with our reading and writing tasks.

We are very excited that we are becoming “readers” in Primary 1 and will soon be bringing home our first texts with words in them. We will be answering questions about the stories we read in class, to check our comprehension skills.

During writing activities, we will be trying to use descriptive language to describe a range of items. Some of us will try to write using the sounds we have been learning.


Now that we have explored the numbers to 10 fully, identifying quantities which are “more” and “less”, we will be focusing on the concept of addition. We will begin by combining two quantities and understanding that when you do this, the quantity gets bigger. This will lead us on to learning the addition facts, where we learn the different ways to “make” our numbers. These number stories (or facts) are the building blocks to which all of our calculations are built upon, so we will spend a lot of time on these, ensuring they are well embedded before moving on.

Numbers are tricky to write, so number formation will continue to be reinforced in class and through homework tasks.

Through our topic we will be exploring Position and Movement by using directions and positional language.

Health & Wellbeing

We will continue to welcome our PATHS puppets to help us talk about our emotions and friendships. We have been talking about the kinds of things friends do together and have discussed what makes a good friend.

We have been exploring our emotions and sharing our experiences and we will be looking at ways to help us manage our feelings.

We will also be talking about ways to keep ourselves safe when indoors and outdoors.

During PE sessions we will be continuing with ball skills before moving onto our first block of gymnastics. In preparation for our Christmas parties, we will also be taking part in social dancing.


Our topic this term is “Maps and Mapping”. We will initially be exploring our community and identifying buildings, roads, grassy areas with a view to creating our own maps. Through play we will create a range of maps for our cars and small world toys.

We will also be using our knowledge of direction and positional language to direct our friends to specific destinations.


During RE we will continue to give thanks for God’s love.

We will also explore the Bible story of ‘Creation’, developing our awareness of the natural wonders of the world around us, in particular the seasons of Autumn and Winter.

As the term progresses, we will celebrate advent together, preparing for the birth of Jesus by showing love and kindness to those around us as much as we possibly can. We will be exploring the story of the nativity through songs, role play and craft activities.

Expressive Arts

The seasonal themes of Autumn, Winter and Christmas will be the focus of our drama, music and art activities this term.

A very exciting and busy time ahead. Now that we are getting into the colder weather, could zipping/fastening up please be practised at home so we can be cosy in the playground.

Thank you,

Mrs Duff


At the start of this school year, all children at Mount Carmel completed the Glasgow Motivation and Wellbeing Profile (GMWP) to enable monitoring and tracking of wellbeing across all stages.

The Wellbeing Profile is a 20-item questionnaire that explores motivation and sense of wellbeing in the learning context. This initial profile allows us to have meaningful dialogue in relation to wellbeing and identify next steps and/or if additional support is needed. Questions within the profile are based upon 4 key themes; Agency (skills and success), Affiliation (sense of belonging), Autonomy (embracing responsibilities), and Healthy and Safe.

Class teachers will be sharing the data from the questionnaires with pupils and individual/class targets will be set to ensure progress is made.

This intervention is a positive step towards better supporting your child’s overall wellbeing.

We thank you for your continued support.

East Ayrshire Youth Awards 2025

EA Youth Awards 2025

Nominate now for East Ayrshire Youth Awards 2025

Do you know a child or young person who deserves to be recognised for their efforts or achievements?

The East Ayrshire Youth Awards will be taking place in March 2025 and East Ayrshire Council wants to hear about any young people who you think should receive an award from the following categories:

·                Diversity and Inclusion Champion

  • Climate Change Champion
  • Intergenerational Champion
  • Young Volunteer Champion
  • Sporting and Physical Activities Champion
  • Unsung Hero: Young Carers’ Champion
  • Youth Voice Champion
  • Champion Apprentice
  • Wellbeing Champion
  • STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) Champion
  • Inspiring Young Person of the Year
  • East Ayrshire’s Young Champion (overall winner – Depute Provost’s Award)

Nominations can be made for any child or young person up to the age of 25. Those shortlisted will be invited to attend an Awards Ceremony in March 2025.

Closing date for nominations is Friday 6 December 2024 at 5pm.

For further information, please email

Pupil Christmas Art Work

Our children have worked hard in creating beautiful Christmas Art designs.

Parents/Carers have the opportunity to view and purchase various products that showcase your childs individual image should they wish to do so.  With any purchases made a percentage of this will go towards fundraising for various school activites.

Pupils have been provided with a leaflet today detailing how parents/carers are able to view their childs design as well as purchase any products should they wish to do so.



Halloween Disco Reminder

A reminder that our Halloween Disco is this Thursday evening. The disco is organised by FOMC, therefore please do not bring any money or tickets back into school. 

Tickets cost £2.50 and have a part on the reverse to fill in with child’s name, contact number, and whether they are walking home or being picked up.

Please  bring the ticket and money to the school on the night of the disco. 

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