Christmas Jumpers

Image result for free Clip Art Christmas Jumper

Tomorrow the children are welcome to wear a Christmas Jumper to school along with the rest of their school uniform. 

If you have any spare Christmas jumpers that you no longer need, we would be grateful if you could drop them off at the school. Likewise, if your child wishes to borrow a Christmas jumper for the day, we do have a very small selection kept in school. 

Image result for free Clip Art Christmas Jumper


Reverse Advent Calendar 2022

Image result for free clip art reverse advent calendar

We are delighted to be continuing with our annual Reverse Advent Calendar initiative this year. This is a wonderful project which helps local families who may be struggling this Christmas.

Pupils can begin bringing in to school any items similar to those listed below. We will collect items up until Wednesday 21st December when Father Martin will then uplift them and take them to the Food Bank.

Please do not hand in perishable food stuffs

Nativity Performances- Important Information

Image result for free CLIP ART Christmas Crafts

Doors will be open for access to our small hall half an hour before each performance, where parents/carers will be able to purchase items from our class Christmas crafts, order school class calendars and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee.

Doors open on Wednesday 14th at 1.30pm (performance at 2pm)

Doors open on Thursday 15th at 5pm (performance at 5.30pm)

Check back here shortly for pictures of the Christmas crafts which will be on sale. 

Image result for free CLIP ART tea and coffee

Health Reminder

We have a number of children across the school with Gastro symptoms, Diarrhoea and/or vomiting.  After seeking advice from the Health Protection Team they have asked for parents/carers to be reminded about the importance of washing hands and if a child does show symptoms they must be without these for 48hrs prior to returning to school.

Thank you for you cooperation with this matter.

Shout Card Application Form

See the source image

The SHOUT discount card is for children from birth to 11 years old living, or attending primary school, in East Ayrshire

The aim of the SHOUT is to provide children and families across East Ayrshire the opportunity to access an array of leisure services, visitor attractions and commercial services, ensuring that cost is not a barrier.

The cards are free and the benefits include:

Save money with lots of discounts to local visitor attractions and local stores*

  • Discounted entry for various playsport and leisure activities across East Ayrshire*
  • Free SHOUT swimming during seasonal periods at Galleon Leisure Centre, Kilmarnock and Visions Leisure Centre, as well as East Ayrshire Leisure Trust pools at Auchinleck, Doon Valley and Loudoun (*where applicable)
  • One off SHOUTcher special offers and deals

Should you wish to apply for a SHOUT card for your child please use this link:


Christmas Fayre

Hi everyone.

Our Christmas Fayre is fast approaching with only 11 days to go and we really need your help. We are looking for donations of raffle prizes, tombola prizes and bottles for the bottle stall (if these could be handed in as soon as possible we would really appreciate it) as well as home baking nearer to the actual date of the fayre.  There is lots of stall holders for you to come and visit as well as singing from our wonderful choir. We haven’t been able to hold our amazing fayre for a couple of years now so let’s make this one amazing!!

All donations are very much appreciated and can be handed into the school office. 

Thank you and we cannot wait to welcome you back into our wonderful school. Details below.

Date: 2nd December 2022 

Doors open at 6:15pm with choir singing at 6:30pm (stalls etc will open after the choir has sang.)

Price: £2.50 per adult and children get free entry (all tickets get you a free hot drink)

Special visitor: Santa will be attending and for £2 your child can visit him and receive a special present. 


Christmas Clipart, Christmas Time, Merry Christmas, - Merry ...

Returning Book Fair Slips

See the source image

If you have purchased or have still to purchase a book from the Book Fair using your child’s “Book Fair Wish List” please return the completed slip to the school so your book(s) can be ordered.
Please do this no later than Monday 21st November.
Please check you have completed the following on the form prior to returning:

Child name and class
Payment Reference Number
Name and value of book

Thank you.

East Ayrshire Council Site

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