Class Structure 24/25

Our staffing for next session has now been confirmed and we can  confirm   our teaching staff is as follows:

Primary 1 – Mrs Duff

Primary 2 – Mrs Travers

Primary 3 – Mrs McKinnon

Primary 4 – Mrs Crawford/Mrs McIntyre

Primary 5 – Miss Carr/Mrs Terras

Primary 6 – Mrs McCreadie

Primary 7 – Mr Bertoncini

Nurture – Mrs Dunsmore

NCCT – Mrs Terras

In certain circumstances class restructuring may have to take place during the summer break, after a school session has started or, in very exceptional circumstances, at any point during the year.

Children spent time with their new class teacher on Thursday afternoon.

Clean Green Awards

We are so proud of the hard work of our wonderful pupils at Mount Carmel for all of their efforts towards making our school more eco friendly. Our Eco Committee have helped to drive forward changes within our school to gain our ‘Highly Commended Bronze Award’ through the Clean Green initiative as well as our green eco flag. This is only our first year in our eco journey so we are immensely proud of these achievements.

A special mention to Hannah and Sophia (P7), who introduced many eco strategies across the school and  monitored their impact. Also, Mrs McGahon, our Eco Champion who has led our Eco Committee and supported our children throughout the year.

Hannah and Sophia attended the Clean Green Awards to collect our award and flag. They had a fantastic day networking with other schools. They enjoyed listening to all the eco friendly changes other schools have made.

World of Work Day

The World of Work | Teaching Resources


Next Thursday 20th June is World of Work Day for the whole school. Children can come to school dressed as they please or as a profession they want to be.

Some of our wonderful parents/carers have kindly given up their time to come in to speak to and demonstrate their professions with the children. We have people  from the Fire Service, Police, Health  Visitors  and Nurses to name a few. We will also have coaches from Kilmarnock Football Club  and there will be refreshments for the adults. 

Missio Newsletter April 2024-Father Martin

We were delighted to receive copies of the most recent Missio Newsletter which features  some lovely pictures of some of our pupils and a touching tribute to Father Martin. The feature details the hard work both he and Mount Carmel Primary dedicated to Missio Scotland and to making Mount Carmel a five star Missio Scotland School.

You can view the newsletter below :

Missio Newsletter April 2024 – Father Martin

Additional Show Tickets Available

Ticket Clipart Images | Free Download | PNG Transparent ...

We have a limited number of  tickets left for both the afternoon and evening performances of our school show.  If you have not purchased your tickets yet please do so  now to avoid disappointment. If you have already purchased your limit of 4 tickets per family and would like additional tickets you can now do so on Parentpay.

Additional tickets will be allocated on a first come first served basis.


We are planning to go ahead with our sports day plan tomorrow and are looking forward to inviting our parents and carers in to see their children race. A few gentle reminders…

Please ensure that all children come to school dressed for sports day – they should not come dressed in school uniform and should wear sports clothing (as always – no football colours)

Please ensure that the clothes the children are wearing are weather appropriate – sensible shoes and a jacket if needed.

Please also ensure that the children have enough water for the day, they will be busy all day and have a timetable full of events.

Parents of classes are invited in as follows…

Primary 1 – 9:10

Primary 2 – 9:40

Primary 3 – 10:10

Nursery children – 11:00

Primary 4 – 11:30

Primary 5 – 12:00

Primary 6 – 1:30

Primary 7 – 2:10


We ask that when the classes have finished their races that the parents please leave swiftly to allow the next class set of parents to come in.

As always, we thank you for your support. Here’s hoping we get some sunshine!



Matilda Tickets-Parentpay

Important information. Important information speech bubble icon. Vector ...

We have had several phonecalls regarding the purchase of tickets on Parentpay . 

Just to clarify; the tickets are £4 each, however, when multiple tickets are initially added to Parentpay the cost is showing as considerably more, and parents/carers are being put off purchasing them due to this.

Please be assured that when you continue with the transaction to the final payment stage, the total will be corrected.

Thank you 

Sports Day-Thursday 6th June

Kids Playing Sports Clipart | Free download on ClipArtMag

Our Sports Day  will be held on tomorrow, 6th June.

We are very excited to be holding our Sports Day tomorrow June and are keeping our fingers crossed for good weather! Parents/carers are invited to come along on the day through the main car park gates and making their way through the upper playground to the grass area at the rear of the school.

Signs will be in place to follow.

We are encouraging the children to come to school wearing their sports clothes, House colours where possible. If your child does not know what House they are in, please contact the school office.

Children should bring with them comfortable clothes as they will take part in different activities throughout the day. They should also bring sun cream, a hat, sunglasses and plenty of water.  

Can we ask that immediately after your child’s races that you exit the school grounds to make way for the next group of Parents/Carers to attend and so on. Thank you.

Here is the running list for the races for each class:

  • Primary 1     9.10am-9.40am
  • Primary 2      9.40am-10.10am
  • Primary 3      10.10am-10.40am
  • Primary 4      11.30am-12noon
  • Primary 5      12noon -12.30pm
  • Primary 6      1.30pm-2.10pm
  • Primary 7      2.10pm-2.50pm




House raffle donations

Parents and friends of Mount Carmel would like to thank you for all of your wonderful donations for our house hamper.

We still welcome any more donations this week and next and hope to raise a lot of money through our raffle tickets.

Raffle tickets can be bought through parentpay for £1 each as well as on sports day. Raffle winners to be drawn during our fun day on the 26th June.

As always, we thank you for your support

Parents and Friends of Mount Carmel 💙


We kindly ask that all children bring in their costumes ASAP as we are hoping to fit in a couple of dress rehearsals next week before our big performances. The chorus for our show are wearing white shirts, grey trousers or a skirt, white socks and black shoes.

We do really appreciate your support with this and without it we would be unable to put on such a spectacular show.

With thanks, always,

MC staff 😊

MATILDA Sneak Peek…

With our rehearsals well under way we wanted to share a little sneak peek with you all. I think you would agree the children are all excellent. We cannot wait to welcome you in to see our performance. Remember, get your tickets on Parentpay as we have limited numbers available.

We would like to give a great big thank you to Beth from Take A Bow who is giving up her own time to choreograph our dancers.


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