Sports Day- Thursday 8th June 2023

Sports Day Clipart - Sport Children, Children Clipart, Cartoon Child ...

We are very excited to be holding our Sports Day on Thursday 8th June and are keeping our fingers crossed for good weather! Parents/Carers are invited to come along on the day in time for their child’s races, accessing the school via the gate to the right of the main car park gates and making their way through the upper playground to the grass area at the rear of the school.

Signs will be in place to follow.

We are encouraging the children to wear House colours where possible. If your child does not know what House they are in , please contact the school office.

Children should bring with them comfortable clothes as they will take part in different activities throughout the day. They should also bring sun cream, a hat, sunglasses and plenty of water.  

Can we ask that immediately after your child’s races that you exit the school grounds to make way for the next group of Parents/Carers to attend and so on. Thank you.

Here is the running list for the races for each class:

  • Primary 1     9.10am-9.40am
  • Primary 2      9.40am-10.10am
  • Primary 3      10.10am-10.40am
  • Primary 4      11.30am-12noon
  • Primary 5      12noon -12.30pm
  • Primary 6      1.30pm-2.10pm
  • Primary 7      2.10pm-2.50pm




Summer Show Tickets

Image result for free clip art wizard of oz

Do you have your tickets for our school show yet?

If not, please return your request slip asap as tickets are selling fast!

All of our children will be taking part in the show in some form. The  closing date for getting your tickets is now Friday 26th May. Those who have made a request for additional tickets via our ballot will be informed in due course after this date.

5+ Wizard Of Oz Clipart - Preview : Wizard Of Oz Clip | HDClipartAll

P7 St Joseph’s Transition Information 2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

I would like to welcome you to our St Joseph’s Academy community, I hope your young person has enjoyed the transition events so far and they are looking forward to the transition days which will take place on 22nd May, 6th June, 7th June, 15th June and 23rd June 2023.  Pupils have received their timetables alongside other important documents which are required to be returned to St Joseph’s Academy.  Documents which require to be returned will be collected on the22nd May during the first full induction day.

In preparation for your child starting at St Joseph’s Academy in August I would encourage you to familiarise yourself with our school handbook: Within this document you will find information on key members of staff involved in your child’s education as well as our uniform policy, lunch portal and our assessment and reporting policy.

If you are eligible for Free School Meals, I would urge you to apply for this prior to starting at St Joseph’s. Please also note that if you are eligible for Free School Meals, you then gain access to the school clothing grant. However, you would need to complete a separate application form, I have attached both below: 

Super Show Rehearsals

Many cast members of our summer show, Wizard Of Oz ,have been practicing  their scenes and working together to put together a fabulous show!


Our terrific tech team has been busy sorting out the lights and discussing lighting affects for our show.

The advertising team have been creating some fantastic posters and front covers to be put around  the school to help advertise our show!

Our art and design group have made a start on some fantastic props and have been using tinkercad!

Everybody has been working very hard and we are very excited to see our show come together!

By Cole and Emily W


Summer Show Tickets


Image result for free clip art wizard of oz

Do you have your tickets for our school show yet?

If not, please return your request slip asap as tickets are selling fast!

All of our children will be taking part in the show in some form. The  closing date for getting your tickets is now Friday 26th May. Those who have made a request for additional tickets via our ballot will be informed in due course after this date.

5+ Wizard Of Oz Clipart - Preview : Wizard Of Oz Clip | HDClipartAll

Image result for free Clip Art Wider Achievement

Has your child recently celebrated a special event outside of school? If so, please send a photograph into the school so that we can celebrate those achievements at our Wider Achievement Assembly on Thursday 25th May. Please have any entries to the main school email address below by Tuesday 23rd May.

Children are also encouraged to bring their medals. shields, certificates etc into school with them on the day of the assembly.

Please send your photographs to: 

Walk to School Week

Through our work with Mission to the Moon we have been learning about the many important reasons to walk to school and the difference it can make for individuals, communities and the planet!

Walk to School Week begins on Monday 15th of May and we would like to invite you to make an extra effort to walk to school if you can – remember this can include park and stride as well as coming to school on your bike or scooter.

Each day will have a different theme –

Monday – walk wearing odd socks.
Tuesday – walk singing your favourite songs.
Wednesday – walk wearing sunglasses.
Thursday – walk wearing something bright to be seen.
Friday – walk with crazy hair/special hair accessory.

Bonus S-Miles will be awarded for those who take part each day.

We hope you enjoy Walk to School Week!


P7 Curriculum Update Term 4

Summer is nearly here and we’re into our last term.  The last term for our P7’s.  Where has the time gone?!  Here is a brief overview of our learning this term.


We are continuing to develop all reading skills through Bug Club guided reading texts but paying attention to summarising.  For writing, we are looking at responding to texts and will be conducting reviews of things we watch and read and giving personal opinions.


The emphasis of our numeracy this term is on algebra, number patterns and time.  We will continue to use Number Talk strategies to develop mental strategies using all four processes as part of our daily routine.  The class are also working on skills beyond number with Mrs MacKinnon and will be investigating measurement.

Health and Wellbeing

The PATHS focus this term is ­­­­­­­­­continuing to develop and use de-escalation techniques during conflicts as well as looking at transitions.  Pupil of the Day will also continue.

Our PE days are now on a Tuesday and Thursday.  We will be first playing cricket enhancing our throwing, catching and fielding skills.  We will also be participating in athletics activities in preparation for Sports Day.


The topic this term is politics.  We will be investigating how laws are made, the role of an MP and identifying the main political parties and some of their policies.  We will also receive a visit from MP Alan Brown for a Q and A with the class.


This term we will be aiming to complete God’s Loving Plan activities.  As this subject is sensitive, please discuss these issues with your child at home.


Mrs MacKinnon will continue teaching French with P7.  Through a range of talking, listening, reading and writing tasks, this term the focus will be on the French culture and other French speaking countries.


Summer Show

Preparations are already underway for the upper school show.  Pupils will be participating in lots of drama, art, technology and enterprising activities to make the show a success.  Keep your eyes peeled for further updates of our show

Mr Bertoncini






Reminder School Improvement Plan Survey

As you are aware our School Improvement Plan forms the basis of our school developments.  It is essential that parents and carers are fully involved in the creation of this plan.

Please take some time to put forward your views on the progress we have made with our plan for this year and share your views on what should happen next. This survey will remain open until Friday 12th May.

Please complete the survey below:

You will also require to review a copy of our Family School Improvement Plan.

Family SIP 2022-2023

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