Breakfast Club 23/24 Session

Now that the closing date has passed for applications to be completed for the 23/24 session of breakfast club.

We will notify all parents/carers w/b 19/6 as to whether or not there child(ren) have been successful in being offered a place for session 23/24

Please note that all outstanding payments for session 22/23 must be paid before a place for session 23/24 will be offered.


Blair Drummond Information

A reminder that the pupils MUST be in school no later than 8.15am on the morning of the trip as the buses will be leaving at 8.30am sharp and are unable to wait for any latecomers.

Buses are scheduled to return to the school at 3.30pm. All children will then be dismissed at 3.30pm from their classes.

Children to wear school jumpers, comfortable clothes and comfortable shoes. Snacks should be eg fruit, crisps etc – no large bags of sweets or crisps and as always no fizzy juice.

Please send your child with a plastic bag with their lunch/snack in it.

No schoolbags on the day.

Do not send money with your child as we will  not be visiting the gift shop.

KFC-Football Camp

Image result for free clip art football camp
Good afternoon,

I’m getting in touch to let you know of our Summer Camp that will be running throughout July and August with Kilmarnock Football Club.
The camp will take place over the summer holidays for 5 weeks, at Rugby Park:
 Monday 3rd – Friday 7th July
Monday 10th – Friday 14th July
Monday 24th – Friday 28th July
Monday 31st July – Friday 4th August
Monday 7th – Friday 10th August
Each day will be led by Killie Community Coaches, from 10am – 3pm each day, where each young person (aged 5 -12) will have the chance to take part in fun, educational, outdoor activities and receive a footballer’s lunch each day.
The total price for one full week is £80 and the total price for one half week is £40.
Places can be booked via the link below.
We would be grateful if you could share this with parents and/or on your school app if possible.
You can also keep up to date with all of our activity via our social media accounts:
Facebook –
Twitter –
Instagram –
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
Kind Regards,


Claire Todd

Admin and Marketing Officer

The Killie Community (SC045968)

Rugby Park



Costumes – Senior Summer Show

Our wonderful senior summer show is fast approaching. Below is a reminder of clothes required for the different parts. The school will provide the different accessories for each of the parts.  Please bring in the clothes for Friday 9th June. 

Please put clothes in a carrier bag and staff will put a name label on the bag in school. 

The Munchkins 

  • Black leggings
  • Plain bright coloured t-shirt or top
  • Bright shoes or dance shoes

The Winged Monkeys

  • Black leggings/joggers/trousers
  • Black long sleeved t-shirt/top
  • Black shoes and socks

The Mice 

  • Grey leggings/trousers/joggers
  • Plain grey coloured t shirt/top
  • Grey socks or shoes

Everyone for The Emerald City scenes

  • Anything green (hats, clothes, sunglasses, hair accessories, socks, shoes, other accessories) NO FOOTBALL COLOURS PLEASE!

Thank you for your support!

Mrs Terras


On Wednesday 14th June our afternoon performance of The Wizard of Oz/P1-5 Summer Songs will now start at 1.15pm instead of 2.00pm.

Doors will open at 12.45pm and light refreshments will be available to purchase in the small hall until the assembly hall is open at 1.05pm.

All ticket holders for this performance will also be sent a text message with this information.

Sports Day Clipart - Sport Children, Children Clipart, Cartoon Child ...

We are very excited to be holding our Sports Day on Thursday 8th June and are keeping our fingers crossed for good weather! Parents/carers are invited to come along on the day in t the main car park gates and making their way through the upper playground to the grass area at the rear of the school.

Signs will be in place to follow.

We are encouraging the children to wear House colours where possible. If your child does not know what House they are in , please contact the school office.

Children should bring with them comfortable clothes as they will take part in different activities throughout the day. They should also bring sun cream, a hat, sunglasses and plenty of water.  

Can we ask that immediately after your child’s races that you exit the school grounds to make way for the next group of Parents/Carers to attend and so on. Thank you.

Here is the running list for the races for each class:

  • Primary 1     9.10am-9.40am
  • Primary 2      9.40am-10.10am
  • Primary 3      10.10am-10.40am
  • Primary 4      11.30am-12noon
  • Primary 5      12noon -12.30pm
  • Primary 6      1.30pm-2.10pm
  • Primary 7      2.10pm-2.50pm

Fr Martin

It was with heavy hearts today that we listened to Fr Martin announce he would be moving parish to take up a new post in Troon.

Fr Martin has supported our children on their faith journey in a unique and caring way. We will be sad to see him leave on the 30th June, however, we wish him well in his new role.

Fr Martin has been central to our Mount Carmel Family and will continue to always have a special place in our hearts.

The Wizard of Oz – Cast Interviews

Primary 6 and 7 are deep into rehearsals for our Summer show spectacular ‘The Wizard of Oz’!

This week some of our lovely cast were interviewed about the show. Thank you to Danny and Louis (P6) for being excellent interviewers!

Emily W (The Wizard of Oz) 

  1. What’s the best thing about your character?

I get to be shouty and bossy.  

  1. How is your character like you?

I get to oversee everything 

  1. What is your favourite part of the show?

When the wicked witch makes her entrance down the aisle 

 Darci R (A Mouse) 

1. What is your Favourite part of the show? 

Me going on stage and being a mouse. 

  1. Why do you like your part in the show?

I just like being a mouse! 

3. What is your favourite part of the show? 

All the main characters linking arms on stage  

 Maia (Dorothy)  

  1. What is your favourite part of the show? 

The winged monkeys taking all 4 of us away 

  1. What sort of person is going to love the show? 

Our parents! 

  1. What is your favourite song in the show? 

One short day  

 Hannah (A Munchkin) 

1. Who is going to love the show? 

All the Mums and Dads  

  1. What is your favourite song in the show?

One short day  

 Millie F (Winged Monkey) 

1. What sort of people are going to like the show? 


2. What is your Favourite song in the show? 


 Chloe G (Captain of the Winged Monkeys) 

1. What is the best part about your character? 

Being a part of the evil side  

  1. How is the character like you?

I’m good at the acting part and being the bossy one  

  1. What is your favourite part of the show?

Going up on stage   

Orlagh (The Scarecrow)

1. What is the best thing about your character? 

I get my own solo 

  1. How is the character like you?

I’m funny and Scarecrow is also funny  

 Skye (The Wicked Witch of the West) 

1. What is the best thing about your character? 

That I get to be a main character 

2. How is the character like you? 

People say that it was the best role for me 

3. What is your Favourite part of the show? 

When I melt  

 Madison (The Cowardly Lion) 

1. What is the best thing about your character? 

I wear a fluffy costume 

2. How is the character like you? 

We’re both cowardly  

3. What is your Favourite part of the show? 

The poppy field because we get to rest on the stage    

Taylor (The Tinman) 

1. What is the best thing about your character? 

Being one of the main characters 

2. How is the character like you? 

Being laid back and I have no idea what’s going on sometimes  

3. What is your favourite part of the show? 

Getting the oil put on me by Dorothy and being able to move again  




Wider Achievements-June

Image result for free Clip Art Wider Achievement

Thank you for sending in all your wider achievements for our recent assembly.

What a talented school we are! 

Our next Wider Achievement assembly will take place on Friday 23rd June. 

Children are encouraged to bring their medals. shields, certificates etc.  into school with them on the day of the assembly.

Please send any new  photographs for our June assembly  to: 

Sports Day Reminder- Thursday 8th June

Sports Day Clipart - Sport Children, Children Clipart, Cartoon Child ...

We are very excited to be holding our Sports Day on Thursday 8th June and are keeping our fingers crossed for good weather! Parents/carers are invited to come along on the day in t the main car park gates and making their way through the upper playground to the grass area at the rear of the school.

Signs will be in place to follow.

We are encouraging the children to wear House colours where possible. If your child does not know what House they are in , please contact the school office.

Children should bring with them comfortable clothes as they will take part in different activities throughout the day. They should also bring sun cream, a hat, sunglasses and plenty of water.  

Can we ask that immediately after your child’s races that you exit the school grounds to make way for the next group of Parents/Carers to attend and so on. Thank you.

Here is the running list for the races for each class:

  • Primary 1     9.10am-9.40am
  • Primary 2      9.40am-10.10am
  • Primary 3      10.10am-10.40am
  • Primary 4      11.30am-12noon
  • Primary 5      12noon -12.30pm
  • Primary 6      1.30pm-2.10pm
  • Primary 7      2.10pm-2.50pm


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