All posts by Mrs MACKINNON

P3 Curriculum Update – Term 2

Welcome back! We have had a great start to Primary 3, and it has been wonderful to get to know the children and really settle into our routines. The children are already making good progress and we are looking forward to another great term.

At the beginning of our first term, we explored the UNCRC Rights of the Child, and together created a meaningful Class Charter to ensure that our classroom is a place where we feel safe and where we can learn and grow together. As we continue into term 2 we will refer back to this ensuring our Class Charter is relevant and ‘felt’ within our classroom.

Here is an update on the upcoming term.


We will be looking at a range of fiction and non-fiction texts this term. We will look at the features of both types of text and will use these for our reading and comprehension tasks. We will be focusing on continuing to develop reading fluency as well as becoming more confident using word attack strategies for unfamiliar words.

During writing, we will look at narrative writing. We will explore the structure of this genre and write our own narrative pieces. We will continue to have a focus on the use of accurate punctuation and the use of more sophisticated vocabulary as well as beginning to develop the skill of proof reading our work.

Spelling will take the form of active spelling activities and the children will experience phonemes and blends at their working level.

Numeracy & Maths

Using our place value knowledge and skills, we will continue to look at a range of strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems. The children will participate in a daily number talk activity as we develop our confidence in the use of mathematical language to explain our thinking.

In Beyond Number, P3 will explore measure with Mrs Terras, looking at the various instruments including rulers, metres sticks, measuring jugs and scales.


Health and Wellbeing

This term we will continue with the PATHS programme, reflecting and discussing a range of emotions and what these might look and feel like. We will also continue with the Do Be Mindful programme which will allow us, through the use of a range of strategies, to look at ways we can take a mindful moment each day.

We will look at our physical wellbeing and how we can keep ourselves safe, how to respond in a range of emergency situations and how to stay safe when walking, cycling and in a vehicle.


PE is on a Monday and Friday. This term we will be covering;

  • Dance
  • Football

Children will require PE kit each PE day.  Please make sure your child is not wearing jewellery on these days as they will be unable to participate in the lesson for health and safety reasons. If your child cannot take part for any reason, please contact the school.


We will be looking at some basic French phrases and numbers this term through, songs, activities and games.


We will be exploring the role of the Romans in Scotland. We will use the text, ‘What the Romans Did For Us’ as a basis as we explore the topic, this will link with some of our literacy tasks.

Expressive Arts 

During art, we will use various mediums to create some beautiful artwork to link with various areas of the curriculum. As we approach Christmas, we will complete a range of Christmas arts and crafts.

The children will learn  Christmas songs and carols which will be performed during our Christmas Nativity, allowing us to experience the energy and excitement of performing for an audience.

Mrs Terras will complete a range of drama activities during which we will have the opportunity express and communicate ideas, thoughts and feelings through drama.

Religious Education

This term we will be continuing to learn a range of well-known prayers and will have opportunities each day for quiet prayer and reflection time. We will look at what a saint is, and think about how we are all called to be saints with the help of the Holy Spirit.

During Catholic Education week, we will think about how we are pilgrims of hope, looking at the meaning of the word pilgrim and how our faith brings us great hope and joy.

As we enter the holy season of Advent, we will look at the meaning of the Advent Wreath and reflect upon the importance of this great season of preparation.

Homework will be distributed on a Monday to be completed, and returned by Friday.

Keep an eye on the School App and your child’s Learning Journal profile for a snapshot of some of our wonderful learning!

Thank you as always for your support and I’m looking forward to a really great term with P3.

Mrs. MacKinnon.

P3 – Curriculum update for Term 1

Welcome back! We hope you have all had an enjoyable summer. It has been fantastic to see P3 settle in to their new classroom and routines. We have had a great start to the term, and look forward to a fun filled term with lots of fabulous learning taking place.

Here is an update on the upcoming term.


During our first few days, we explored the UNCRC Rights of the Child, and together created a meaningful Class Charter to ensure that our classroom is a place where we feel safe, where we can learn and grow together.



For our reading focus this term, we will be developing our comprehension strategies such as prediction and visualisation through our class book ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch.’ We will also use our Bug Club readers as we develop our reading fluency as well as continuing to develop our word attack strategies for unfamiliar words and make links with common words from across the curriculum.

During writing, we will continue to work on our sentence structure and the use of description bubbles for various descriptive pieces, with an emphasis on punctuation and the use of spelling strategies. We will work on enhancing our descriptions with amazing adjectives and adverbs.

Spelling will take the form of active spelling activities and the children will experience phonemes and blends at their working level.

Numeracy & Maths

The class will review Place Value knowledge and will use this to build on their sense of number. We will look at 2 and 3 digit numbers and we will read, write order and recite these numbers. Through our place value work, we will be able to identify the value of each digit.

We will then progress to looking at our addition strategies. The class will participate in a daily number talk, to develop of mental maths strategies.

In Beyond Number, P3 will explore 2D and 3D shapes with Mrs Terras, learning to sort and describe shapes based on certain criteria. Pupils will have the opportunity to explore and examine shapes through practical games and activities. We will also look at the use of mathematical language to describe and record directions.


Health and Wellbeing

This term we will be begin our PATHS programme for P3. Lessons will include setting up our class rules, looking at individual emotions, building friendships and community within the school, Self-Control and Anger Management.  We will also continue with the Do Be Mindful programme which will allow us, through the use of a range of strategies, to look at ways we can take a mindful moment each day.


PE is on a Monday and Friday. This term we will be covering;

  • Team Games
  • Hockey
  • Badminton

Children will require PE kit each PE day.  Please make sure your child is not wearing jewellery on these days as they will be unable to participate in the lesson for health and safety reasons. If your child cannot take part for any reason, please contact the school.


We will be looking at some basic French phrases and numbers this term through, songs, activities and games.


P3 will use our book studies as a basis for a range of activities across various areas of the curriculum, we will link ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ to the idea of healthy eating, and we will also use our creative and technical skills to build our own lighthouses.

Towards the end of the term, we will introduce ‘The Romans’, looking specifically at the Romans in Scotland.

Expressive Arts 

In Music, Mrs Terras will lead P3 through a singing and listening unit of work called ‘Music is in My Soul’, where pupils will explore changes in dynamics within the songs they learn.

During art, we will use various mediums to create some beautiful artwork to link with our book study and our IDL topic.

Religious Education

This term we will be reflecting on our uniqueness and thinking about our God given talents. We will reflect on the importance of friendship and link this with various stories from the Bible. The children will take part in class prayers and School Masses, and we will continue to build on our knowledge of common prayers and Mass responses.

Homework will be distributed on a Monday to be completed, and returned by Friday.

Keep an eye on the School app and your child’s Learning Journal profile for a snapshot of some of our wonderful learning!

Thank you as always for your support and I’m looking forward to a really great term with P3.

Mrs. MacKinnon.

P4 reflect on Our Lady

During the Month of May, our Primary 4 Missio Champions have been continuing on their journey to be friends of Jesus.

We have a beautiful May altar in our classroom and have been reflecting on the life of Our Lady as well as praying the rosary to help us deepen  our appreciation of Mary and learn how she can help us to become missionaries of God’s love too.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel pray for us.

May is the Month of Mary

May is a month traditionally dedicated to Our Lady and the Rosary. Mary, the mother of God, was a loving mother and a model for us all.

During this month, all our classes are making a special effort to pray the Rosary to help us to reflect on the life of Mary and Jesus.

As the Mount Carmel Missio Champions, Primary 4 put together some ideas to help us all learn about Mary and to pray the rosary.  We distributed these to all classes.

Our Lady, Queen of Peace, pray for us.

P4 First Holy Communion Preparation

Thank you to Fr. Jim and Sisters Mabel and Juliet for an interesting and fun morning in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church.

We really enjoyed learning all about the sacred vessels such as the chalice, paten, and ciborium used during Holy Mass, and we even had an opportunity to hold them.

We enjoyed listening to Fr. Jim explain importance of the Eucharist, and we talked lots about our upcoming First Communion Days.

Please keep us in your prayers as we take this beautiful step in our faith journey.

P4 Curriculum Update for Term 4

Welcome back! I hope you have all had a restful time over the Easter break. It is lovely to see all the children back in class and ready for our last term of Primary 4! Here is an overview of term 4.


For our reading focus, the children will explore a range of text. We will start the term looking at ‘How to Trap A Dragon’ as a basis for our reading and comprehension tasks, this will link with our writing tasks. As the term progresses, we will move on to looking at non-fiction extract that will link to our science topic which is the human body. We will also link literacy to the upcoming summer show, looking at the features of play-scripts and lyrics.

During writing, we will look at instructional and response writing. We will look at the features of these writing genres and use of reading and notetaking skills to link our reading and writing tasks.

Spelling will take the form of active spelling activities and the children will experience phonemes and blends at their working level.

We will continue to build on our knowledge of various elements of grammar, linking this to our reading and writing tasks. We will also continue to develop our notetaking skills and look the idea of giving our own opinion and being able to give reasons for this.

Numeracy & Maths

The children will continue with a daily number talk, to develop a range of mental maths strategies. We will be looking at the concept of fractions and will develop understanding of the notation and vocabulary associated with fractions. Through a range of practical activities children will become familiar with ordering fractions, finding equivalent fractions and finding the fraction of an amount.

In beyond number, the children will continue with their money topic, this will link to our IDL topic later in the term. Measure will also be covered during this term.

Health and Wellbeing

We will be continuing with our PATHs programme focussing on making good choices and working effectively with others.

We have been following the Do Be Mindful programme, focussing on mindful attention; we will continue with this programme with a focus on mindfulness outdoors. During science, we will be looking at the human body and will investigate some of the main body organs. We will also look at how we keep ourselves fit and healthy.


PE is on a Thursday and Friday. This term we will be covering;

  • Athletics
  • Tennis

Children require PE kit for all PE days. Please ensure that all items of uniform and PE kit have your child’s name clearly marked on them.  Please make sure your child is not wearing jewellery on these days. If your child cannot take part for any reason, please contact the school.


We will be continuing with our French conversational skills, as well as a range of listening and writing activities, we will learn how to talk about the seasons of the year and will be investigating what school is like in France.


This term our IDL topic will be related to an enterprise topic, for which we will plan a Spring Tea. We will link this to our social studies and RE learning, looking how we can help others as we are inspired by the life and work of St. Vincent de Paul. We will investigate what roles are needed within an enterprise.

Expressive Arts

This term, primary 4 are very excited to a part of the Summer School show. In preparation for this, we will participate in a range of art, music and drama related activities.

Religious Education

This term we will be working towards First Holy Communion. We will be looking closely at the meaning of the Last Supper, and becoming more familiar with liturgy of the Eucharist during Mass.

During the month of May we will be thinking about Our Lady in a special way, and will have our own Mary altar in the classroom. The children will take part of class prayers and School Masses, and we will continue to build on our knowledge of common prayers and Mass responses.


Homework will continue in the same format as last term, it will be distributed on a Monday to be completed and returned by Friday.

As we start preparation for First Communion, there will also be some home tasks sent home in the First Communion Work book for those children preparing to receive their First Communion in May or June.

Keep an eye on the School blog and Learning Journals for updates on some of our wonderful activities and learning.

Thank you as always, for your continued support.

Mrs MacKinnon.


Mount Carmel becomes a Five Star Missio School!

Primary 4 are absolutely delighted to have helped Mount Carmel Primary become a Five Star Missio School, making us the very first school in East Ayrshire to acheive this; what a wonderful achievement!

To become a Five Star Missio Scotland school takes lots of work and commitment. Primary 4 took on the role of Missio Champions within the school and have been very busy highlighting the work of Missio  and reminding the whole school community that we all have a mission to love and serve others.

We were delighted to welcome Gerard from Missio Scotland to our assembly on Monday, during which we received our 5 stars and our very own Missio mascot –  ‘Martin Moo’   (very aptly named in memory of our much loved Fr Martin).

Well done Primary 4, we are so proud of your wonderful achievement and we are looking forward to continuing our work with Missio Scotland.

P4 Curricular Update – Term 3

Welcome back! I hope that you have all had a restful time over the festive period. It is lovely to see all the children back in class and ready for another busy term. Here is an overview of term 3.


For our reading focus, the children will explore two class books. In January we will read, ‘The Treasure of the Loch Ness Monster,’ this will tie in with our Scotland theme as we explore Scottish stories and poems. The children will have an opportunity to develop their comprehension skills such as metalinguistics, prediction and summarising.

We will then move on to a non-fiction text,’ Cool Castles’,  which again will be linked to our learning about Scottish Castles. The children will look at the features of this non-fiction text. We will look at the skills of summarising and note taking. Children will continue to be assigned a Bug Club reader as part of their homework tasks.

During writing, we will look at report and explanatory writing. We will look at the features of these writing genres and use of reading and notetaking skills to link our reading and writing tasks.

Spelling will take the form of active spelling activities and the children will experience phonemes and blends at their working level.

We will continue to build on our knowledge of various elements of grammar, linking this to our reading and writing tasks.

Numeracy & Maths

The children will continue with a daily number talk, to develop a range of mental maths strategies. We will be looking at various strategies for solving multiplication and division problems.

In beyond number, the children will continue to look at time before moving on to money.

Health and Wellbeing

We will be continuing with our PATHs programme focussing on making good choices and working effectively with others.

We have been following the Do Be Mindful programme, focussing on mindful attention, we will continue with this programme as well as our various daily mindful tasks.

We will also look at the various ways of staying safe and how to respond to emergency situations. We will link this to the world of work.


PE is on a Thursday and Friday. This term we will be covering;

  • Fun fitness
  • Basketball

Children require PE kit for all PE days. Please ensure that all items of uniform and PE kit have your child’s name clearly marked on them.  Please make sure your child is not wearing jewellery on these days. If your child cannot take part for any reason, please contact the school.


We will be continuing with our French conversational skills, and will be looking at numbers beyond 20. The children will engage in a range of listening, talking and writing tasks. We will be looking at the months of the year and will be investigating what school is like in France.


This term, we will be exploring the topic of Scottish Castles. We will look at the features, location and history of these historic buildings. We will link this learning with our literacy tasks and our expressive art tasks, where we will be looking at line drawings and adding shape, shade and tone.

Expressive Arts 

This term, we will be linking our learning in RE with our drama activities, allowing us to retell the story of the lives of some well-known saints. We will work on our characterisation skills and develop our sense audience and space.

We will link our artwork this term with our topic. Using the elements of tone, shape and shade the children will enjoy various art activities.

Religious Education

This term we will be looking at the importance and meaning of the Sacrament of Confirmation. We will explore the story of Pentecost and look at the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how we can use these in our daily lives. We will read about the lives of some well-known saints, and reflect on how they are an inspiration to us.

As the term progresses we will look at the meaning of the season of Lent. The children will take part of class prayers and School Masses, and we will continue to build on our knowledge of common prayers and Mass responses.


Homework will continue in the same format as last term, it will be distributed on a Monday to be completed and returned by Friday.

As we start preparation for the Sacraments, there will also be some home tasks sent home in the Confirmation Work book for those children preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in February.

Keep an eye on the School blog and Learning Journals for updates on some of our wonderful activities and learning.

Thank you as always, for your continued support.

Mrs MacKinnon.


Reverse Advent Calendar

P4  have distributed boxes to each class for collecting donations for the Reverse Advent Calendar. 🎁🎄

We are kindly asking for any donations you can manage, for this wonderful cause. All items collected will be added to St. Matthew’s foodbank to help local families this Christmas.

Items can be brought into school between now and the last week in December. ( Please do not hand in perishable foods)

Thank you.

Primary 4 visits to Crossgates

Primary 4 have been really enjoying their visits to Crossgates.

Today, we presented the residents and staff with an Advent wreath. During a previous visit the children, residents and staff designed handprints, we used these to create a joint Advent Wreath to remind everyone of the lovely friendships that we have built with our new Crossgates friends.  We have one in our classroom and there is now one displayed in Crossgates. 🎄

Today we enjoyed making Christmas themed play-doh creations. We shared stories and had lots of fun and laughter with our new friends.



P4 Missio Champions

P4 have been enjoying their role as ‘Missio Champions’ within the school.

As we all get ready for the beginning of Advent, P4 put together and distributed some fun Advent activities for all the classes.

We also gave everyone a Missio Advent Calendar to remind us all of the importance of keeping Jesus at the centre of our Advent Journey.

We hope that everyone has a wonderful and prayerful Advent.


Advent calendar


Primary 4 Curriculum Update Term 2

Welcome back! What a great first term Primary 4 have had, the children have settled into their new class and routine and are making good progress. We are looking forward to another fun filled term with lots of fabulous learning taking place.

Here is an update on the upcoming term.


For our reading focus, we will continue to build on the use of our reading comprehension skills, such as prediction, visualisation, metalinguistic and summarising. The children will engage with a variety of texts including their Bug Club readers and our class book, ‘The Great Kapok Tree’ which is linked to our rainforest topic.

During writing, we will continue to build on the skills developed during our descriptive block, and will focus on narrative writing.  The children will explore the features of narrative writing and will create their own narrative pieces.

Spelling will take the form of active spelling activities and the children will experience phonemes and blends at their working level.

We will continue to build on our knowledge of various elements of grammar, linking this to our reading and writing tasks.

Numeracy & Maths

The children will continue with a daily number talk, to develop a range of mental maths strategies. We have been looking at various strategies for solving addition problems and will move on to subtraction problems.

With Mrs McIntyre, the children will continue their shape work before moving on to looking at time.


Health and Wellbeing

We will be continuing with our PATHs programme focussing on making good choices and working effectively with others.

We have been following the Do Be Mindful programme focussing on mindful attention, we will continue with this as well as our various daily mindful tasks.

This term, P4 are delighted to be taking part in a range of cross generational activities with the residents at Crossgates Care Home.


PE is usually on a Thursday and Friday, during the first 4 weeks of term, this will change to Tuesday and Thursday as the class are excited to be participating in football activities with Kilmarnock Football Club. This term we will be covering;

  • Hockey
  • Football
  • Social Dance

Children require PE kit for all PE days. Please ensure that all items of uniform and PE kit have your child’s name clearly marked on them.  Please make sure your child is not wearing jewellery on these days. If your child cannot take part for any reason, please contact the school.


We will be continuing with our French conversational skills, and will be looking at numbers beyond 20. The children will engage in a range of listening, talking and writing tasks. As the term progresses, we will also look at Christmas traditions in France.


The children have really enjoyed getting started on our comparison study of the rainforest and the Arctic. We will continue this topic, looking at the similarities and differences in the vegetation and animals in both areas. We will consider climate and environmental differences and how these affect living things in each area. We will link this with our writing and art tasks.


Expressive Arts 

We will link our artwork this term with our topic. Using the elements of tone, shape and shade the children will enjoy various activities.

As the term progresses, we will learn some Christmas songs. We will also share some of our musical skills during our visits to Crossgates Care Home.


Religious Education

This term we will be reflecting on the lives of various saints including St. Margaret, St. Ignatius, St. Francis and St. Columba. We will also look at the meaning of the Liturgical Calendar and become familiar with the meaning and importance of the various feasts and associated liturgical colours. The children will take part in  class prayers and School Masses, and we will continue to build on our knowledge of common prayers and Mass responses.


Homework will continue in the same format as last term, it will be distributed on a Monday to be completed and returned by Friday.

Keep an eye on the School blog and Learning Journals for updates on some of our wonderful activities and learning.

Thank you as always, for your continued support.

Mrs MacKinnon.

P4 Curriculum Update Term 4

Welcome back to term 4. We hope you have had a restful time over the Easter break. We are looking forward to a wonderful new term of lots of new learning, fun and new experiences with our fantastic P4 class. 


For our reading focus this term we will continue to look at building expression and fluency in our reading aloud. We will use the comprehension strategies we have been learning and look at what inferential and evaluative questions are and how we can use the text to help us with this. Please ensure your child accesses their Bug Club weekly to support their reading in these lessons. 


In writing, we will look at persuasive writing, focusing on our use of persuasive language and how to structure a persuasive piece of writing. This term, we will also start to incorporate the use of ICT for re-drafting some of our pieces of writing.  

Spelling will take the form of active spelling activities and the children will experience phonemes and blends at their working level. 


Numeracy & Maths  

This term we will continue to build on our work with the four operations and will explore how fractions are related to division. We will look at the meaning of the numerator and denominator and will be able to order and compare fractions.  

In Beyond Number we will finish looking at time, children explore digital and analogue time as well as solving time duration problems.  


Health and Wellbeing  

We will continue with our PATHs programme, looking at problem solving and the idea of fair/unfair and accident and on purpose. We will continue with our Pupil of the Day, so keep a look out for your children coming home with their compliment sheet! 

The class are also engaging in a mindful activity each day. Through our Do Be Mindful programme and other class activities, we are learning about building and developing life enhancing skills, tools and habits that will foster emotional and mental wellbeing.  



PE is on a Wednesday and Friday. This term we will be covering; 


Tennis /Badminton 

PE kit must be brought in and left at the start of each term. Before the holiday, the kit was sent home for washing to be freshened up and should now be returned for the current term. Lessons may be outdoors if weather permits.   



This term along with developing our basic conversational vocabulary, we will look at ‘Sports’, ‘Our home’ and ‘Famous French People and Landmarks’. 



P4 will be continue from our fairtrade topic last term to look at Food production. We will complete a comparison study between food production in Scotland and in another country. In May, we are very excited to visit Dumfries House to participate in their ‘Spring Festival of Farming.’ We are really excited for this visit and it will be a lovely ending to our topic.   

We will then move on to our new topic, Charities. We will look at a range of charities both at home and further afield and the work that they do in supporting and helping those in need. We will also look at how we can give back to our community in different ways. 



Religious Education  

This term we will be focusing on the importance of the Eucharist, linking to the Last Supper. We will also focus on the Mass as the source and summit of our Christian life and will continue to become familiar with the part of The Mass, including the various prayers and responses. We are all very excited to support our P4 children who will celebrate their First Holy Communion later this term.  

In May, we will focus on Our Lady, we will learn about the Rosary and become familiar with this beautiful prayer.  


Homework will be distributed on a Monday to be completed, signed and returned by Friday. Keep an eye on the class blog for regular updates to what is happening in class, recent learning and relevant upcoming events.  

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to a wonderful term with P4! 

Mrs MacKinnon and Mrs McIntyre. 

Prayer Partners

Some of our fabulous Primary 6 children, who are working on their ‘ Pope Francis Faith Award’,  spent some time with the Primary 3 children who are preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

They shared their memories of their First Reconciliation and also wrote a special prayer for their Primary 3 prayer buddy.

Thank you Primary 6, it was a lovely morning together.


Primary 4 Term 3 Curricular Update

Welcome back to term 3. We hope you have had a restful time over the festive period. We are looking forward to a wonderful new term of lots of new learning, fun and new experiences with our fantastic P4 class.


For our reading focus this term, we will continue to focus on developing our comprehension strategies using our class readers as well as non-fiction resources to link with our topics this term. These will incorporate reading for information, visualisation tasks, metalinguistics and using our prediction skills.

In writing, we will spend a few weeks on descriptive writing tasks, and we will then move on to response writing.

During the month of January, we will look at Scots language, and some well-known Scots poems. We will link this with a mini Scotland topic.

Spelling will take the form of active spelling activities and the children will experience phonemes and blends at their working level.

Numeracy & Maths.

This term we will look at strategies for solving multiplication and division problems. We will continue with our number talk and mental maths activities to further develop our use of mathematical language and confidence in solving a range of problems.

In Beyond Number, we will conclude our money focus in January leading into our next topic of measure until Easter.

Health and Wellbeing

We will continue with our PATHs programme, with a focus on relationships; how we develop and grow our friendships and the importance of a good manners and having a sense of responsibility.

We will also link our Health and Well-being with our topic work, looking at food choices, and how our diet can help us to stay healthy.

We will continue with our Pupil of the Day, so keep a look out for your children coming home with their compliment sheet!


PE is on a Wednesday and Friday. This term we will be covering;

  • Gymnastics
  • Developmental play (Parachute games/Team-building challenges)

PE kit must be brought in and left at the start of each term. Before each holiday, the kit will be sent home for washing to be freshened up and returned on the first day back.

Expressive Arts

After lots of fantastic work in art before Christmas including 3D modelling and craft work, P4 will continue to develop their artistic skills focusing on colour, tone, line drawings and using varied materials. We will be looking at famous artists and imitating their unique styles in our own way.

In Class, we will undertake drama lessons each week looking at various conventions such as improvisation, mime, hot seating, freeze- frame as well as building confidence in our presentation skills for any shared learning within school.


In French we will look at using everyday language in different conversational situations e.g., buying food, ordering in a café, school life (subjects/classroom objects) and finally sports and hobbies. We will also learn topic specific vocabulary nearing Easter and a French prayer during Lent.


Our topics this term will include a mini-Scottish focus in January.

In February and March, we will then look at ‘Fairtrade and Food Production’ as our topic focus with links to science (food chains / food webs). We will be having a “Sharing the learning session” for parents and carers on 24th March during which the children will showcase some of their learning. Further details will follow, we hope that you can join us!

 Religious Education

This term we will looking at some of the political, historical, social and religious elements of first century Palestine to help us gain an understanding of Jesus’ life on earth.

As we journey towards Lent, we will reflect on the signs and symbols of the season and relate these to our own personal journey.

In preparation for the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation, we will be looking at the meaning of the sacrament and learn more about the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives.


Homework will be distributed on a Monday to be completed, signed and returned by Friday. For the children who will be celebrating the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion, there will be some tasks sent home to complete, please assist your child with these tasks as they prepare for an important step in their faith journey.

Keep an eye on the class blog for regular updates to what is happening in class, recent learning and relevant upcoming events.

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to a fabulous term with P4!

Mrs McIntyre and Mrs MacKinnon.

P4 Curricular Update

Welcome back to term 2. What a great start we have had in Primary 4, the children have settled in well and there has been lots of amazing learning taking place. Here is an update of our learning for this term.



For our reading focus this term, we will be continue to develop comprehension strategies such as visualisation and metalinguistics through a range of reading materials, including shared texts in class and our individual reading books. We will be looking at the differences between fact and fiction texts and the features of these. The children will continue to develop their skills of skimming and scanning and text and looking at note taking.

During writing in Term 2, we will continue to focus on building on our skills in creating a report using factual information and an interesting layout. We were introduced to this before the holidays and this will complement our reading for information focus.

Spelling will take the form of active spelling activities and the children will experience phonemes and blends at their working level.

Numeracy & Maths

This term we will look at strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems, this will link to the mental maths strategies that we are looking at during our daily number talks. We will use a range of these strategies to solve number and word problems.

In Beyond Number we will be focussing on 3D shape and its properties for identification. Pupils will have the opportunity to make their own 3D shapes and identify lines of symmetry and right angles.


Health and Wellbeing

We will continue with our PATHs programme, looking at the importance of making good choices, listening to others and why fair play rules are important. We will continue with our Pupil of the Day, so keep a look out for your children coming home with their compliment sheet!


PE is on a Wednesday and Friday. This term we will be covering;

  • Hockey (Oct/Nov)
  • Rugby (Oct/Nov)
  • Social Dancing (Nov/Dec)

PE kit must be brought in and left at the start of each term. Before each holiday, the kit will be sent home for washing to be freshened up and returned on the first day back.  Pupils will be asked to remove any watches or jewellery  and if unable to will not be able to take part unfortunately. If your child cannot take part for any reason, please contact the school.


In French,  we will build on our number skills for use in active games and look at learning everyday language in topics such as food, our home and school. We will be able to say what we like and dislike. Later in the term we will focus on Christmas in France and learn some French Christmas songs/hymns.


P4 will be continuing to learn about the Vikings. We will be looking at the Vikings in Scotland and life at the time. Writing, ICT and expressive arts lessons will link to our Vikings topic.



P4 will investigate the forces exerted by magnets on other magnets and magnetic materials, we will look at how magnets are used in everyday life and demonstrate how magnets work through various practical activities.



Religious Education

This term we will be reflecting the life of the saints and how they listened to God’s word and responded to it and, how we can look to their example. As we move into the season of Advent we will reflect on our own Advent journey and will focus on the place of the Magi in the Christmas narrative.


Homework will be distributed on a Monday to be completed, signed and returned by Friday. Keep an eye on the class blog for regular updates to what is happening in class, recent learning and relevant upcoming events.


Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to a fabulous term with P4!


Mrs McIntyre and Mrs MacKinnon

P4 Curriculum Update.

Welcome back! We hope you have all had an enjoyable summer. It has been fantastic to see P4 settle into their new classroom and routines.

We have had a great start to the term, and look forward to a fun filled term with lots of fabulous learning taking place.

Here is an update on the upcoming term.


For our reading focus this term, we will be developing our comprehension strategies such as visualisation and metalinguistics through our class novel ‘Venus Peter saves the Whale’. This will also incorporate themes such as science, the environment, animals and friendship.

During writing, we will focus on building our characterisation through descriptive skills and language in our narrative writing. We will then progress our note taking skills using headings and paragraphs to present different types of information in a report.   Writing activities will also be based around a mini novel study on the ‘Mr Gum’ series of books.

Spelling will take the form of active spelling activities and the children will experience phonemes and blends at their working level.

Numeracy & Maths

The class will review Place Value knowledge and will use this to build on their sense of number. We will look at 3 and 4 digit numbers and we will read, write order and recite these numbers. Through our place value work, we will be able to identify the value of each digit.

We will then progress to looking at our addition strategies. The class will participate in a daily number talk, to develop of mental maths strategies.

In Beyond Number, the class will start with information handling, looking at data, surveys and creating charts, graphs and tables.


Health and Wellbeing

This term we will be begin our PATHS programme for P4. Lessons will include setting up our class rules, looking at individual emotions, building friendships and community within the school, Self-Control and Anger Management.


PE is on a Wednesday and Friday. This term we will be covering;

  • Games
  • Basketball
  • Football

PE kit must be brought in and left at the start of each term. Before each holiday, the kit will be sent home for washing to be freshened up and returned on the first day back.  Please make sure your child is not wearing jewellery on these days as they will be unable to participate in the lesson for health and safety reasons. If your child cannot take part for any reason, please contact the school.


We will be revising the alphabet, basic French phrases and numbers this term through, songs, activities and games.


P4 will be learning about the Vikings. We will be looking at the Vikings in Scotland and life at the time. Writing, ICT and expressive arts lessons will link to our Vikings topic.


Expressive Arts 

This term, we look at the illustrations from our class novel and use these as inspiration to create our own artwork using a variety of materials.

As we move on to our Vikings topic, we will create Viking art and models.


Religious Education

This term we will be reflecting on our uniqueness and thinking about our God given talents. We will reflect on the importance of friendship and link this with various stories from the Bible. The children will take part of class prayers and School Masses, and we will continue to build on our knowledge of common prayers and Mass responses.


Homework will be distributed on a Monday to be completed, signed and returned by Friday. Keep an eye on the class blog for regular updates to what is happening in class, recent learning and relevant upcoming events.

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to a fabulous term with P4!

Mrs McIntyre and Mrs MacKinnon