All posts by Mrs DUFF

Primary 1 Home Learning Grids 8th June

Hello Primary 1,

I hope you have had a super week so far!!

Thank you for all the wonderful emails and photos once again – I always love hearing from you!!!

A very special thanks to those of you who accepted my “Special Task” and sent me a video clip – you still have time if you haven’t managed to do it yet!!!

All of our tasks for the week ahead have a “Health Week” focus so enjoy getting active and having fun!!

Missing you all!

Lots of love

Mrs Duff xxxx

Primary 1 Literacy grid 8th June

Primary 1 Numeracy Grid 8th June

Favourite Fruit sheet

P1 to 3 IDL grid 8th June

teeth brushing sequence

Primary 1 Learning Grids 1st June

Hello Boys and Girls!!

I hope you have all had a fabulous week in the sunshine! It has been a very short and quick week but once again a huge well done to all of the wonderful emails and photos I have been sent! You are all superstars!!

Your learning grids for next week are below. Please just do what you can and make sure you find time to get outdoors and have fun in the sun!!!

On your literacy grid there is a SPECIAL MISSION that I would love you to accept!! Have a look and see if you can help!!

Missing you lots and I look forward to hearing from you!!

Lots of love

Mrs Duff

Primary 1 Numeracy Grid 1st June

Primary 1 Literacy grid 1st June

Special Mission

o word pictures

Elmer colour by number French

P1 to 3 IDL grid 1st June

Here is an idea of how your day could look:

9am – Joe Wicks PE on Youtube

9.30am – 1 or 2 Literacy tasks from grid

10.30 am – Snack and play/walk outside

11am – 1 or 2 Numeracy tasks from grid

12 noon – Lunch and family time

1pm – Activity from IDL grid

2pm – Story time (cosy up with a book from home or online)

2.30pm – Cosmic Yoga/Go Noodle Pizza Song (YouTube)

3pm – Free Time!!!!!

Have fun everyone! xx




Primary 1 Learning Grids

Hello boys and girls,

I hope you have all had a lovely week. Thank you for your lovely emails and well done for having a go at your tasks.  You are all amazing!!

We have a lovely long weekend ahead so you have less tasks to choose from next week. Core tasks are in red text, but remember just to do what you can.

I wish you and all of your families a happy holiday weekend. Looking forward to hearing from you next week.

Lots of love Mrs Duff xx

Primary 1 literacy grid May 27th

Primary 1 Numeracy Grid May 27th

P1 to 3 IDL grid 27th May

french rainbow

French Greetings 27th may

Here is an idea of how your day could look:

9am – Joe Wicks PE on Youtube

9.30am – 1 or 2 Literacy tasks from grid

10.30 am – Snack and play/walk outside

11am – 1 or 2 Numeracy tasks from grid

12 noon – Lunch and family time

1pm – Activity from IDL grid

2pm – Story time (cosy up with a book from home or online)

2.30pm – Cosmic Yoga/Go Noodle Pizza Song (YouTube)

3pm – Free Time!!!!!

Have fun everyone! xx



Primary 1 Home Learning Grids 18th May

Hello Primary 1!

I hope you have all had a lovely week! Well done for having a go at some of your tasks – I have seen some amazing work!! Keep it up boys and girls – you are doing so well!!!

Here are your learning grids for the week ahead! Please remember just to do what you can. Being healthy and happy is the most important thing.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Love Mrs Duff xxx

Primary 1 Numeracy grid May 18th

Primary 1 literacy grid May 18th

i vowel pictures

number line to 20

P1 to 3 IDL grid 18th May PDF

Here is an idea of how your day could look:

9am – Joe Wicks PE on Youtube

9.30am – 1 or 2 Literacy tasks from grid

10.30 am – Snack and play/walk outside

11am – 1 or 2 Numeracy tasks from grid

12 noon – Lunch and family time

1pm – Activity from IDL grid

2pm – Story time (cosy up with a book from home or online)

2.30pm – Cosmic Yoga?Go Noodle Pizza Song (YouTube)

3pm – Free Time!!!!!

Have fun everyone! xx



Primary 1 Learning Grids

Hello everyone.

Hope you and your families are all well and have had a super fun week in the sun!

Well done to everyone who had a go at completing their tasks and thank you for all your wonderful photos and emails! I love seeing them all and hearing from you so keep it up!

Here are your learning grids for the week ahead! Remember just to do what you can and have a wonderful long weekend.

Love Mrs Duff xxxx

Primary 1 literacy grid May 11th

e vowel pictures

Primary 1 Numeracy grid May 11th

Repeating patterns sheet

P1 to 3 HWB grid 11th May PDF

Why we stay home PDF

Here is an idea of how your day could look:

9am – Joe Wicks PE on Youtube

9.30am – 1 or 2 Literacy tasks from grid

10.30 am – Snack and play/walk outside

11am – 1 or 2 Numeracy tasks from grid

12 noon – Lunch and family time

1pm – Activity from IDL grid

2pm – Story time (cosy up with a book from home or online)

2.30pm – Cosmic Yoga?Go Noodle Pizza Song (YouTube)

3pm – Free Time!!!!!

Have fun everyone! xx



Primary 1 Learning Grids – Week Beginning 4th May

Hello Primary 1,

I hope you are all well and have had a fun week!

Here are your learning grids for the week ahead. Remember the core tasks are in red text and the optional tasks are in black.

As you know,  I love to see any of your work and catch up with what you have been doing so please email me any of your pictures or news!!

Here is an example of how your days could look:

9am  – Joe Wicks PE on Youtube

9.30am – 1 or 2 Literacy tasks from grid

10.30 am – Snack and play/walk outside

11am – 1 or 2 Numeracy tasks from grid

12 noon – Lunch and family time

1pm – Activity from IDL grid

2pm – Story time (cosy up with a book from home or online)

2.30pm  – Cosmic Yoga (YouTube)

3pm – Free Time!!!!!

Primary 1 literacy grid May 4th

Primary 1 numeracy grid May 4th

Calendar months – go to May!

P1-3 IDL grid May 4th

Bug Hunt worksheet for IDL grid

Have fun!

Love Mrs Duff xxx



Primary 1 Learning Grids for Week beginning April 27th

Hello Everyone!!

I hope you are all well.  Please find below your new Literacy, Numeracy and IDL grids for the week ahead.  Remember the core tasks are in red text and the optional activities are in black.

I would love if you could send me photos of any of the tasks you have written down.  It is wonderful to see all the hard work you are doing at home!!

Remember it is important to have fun and exercise too, here is an idea of how your day could look:

9am  – Joe Wicks PE on Youtube

9.30am – 1 or 2 Literacy tasks from grid

10.30 am – Snack and play/walk outside

11am – 1 or 2 Numeracy tasks from grid

12 noon – Lunch and family time

1pm – Activity from IDL grid

2pm – Story time (cosy up with a book from home or online)

2.30pm  – Cosmic Yoga (YouTube)

3pm – Free Time!!!!!

Primary 1 Numeracy place mat April 27th

Primary 1 literacy activity mat april 27th

P1-3 IDL April 27th

superhero template

P1 Home Learning Grids – Week beginning April 20th

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well and have managed to have some lovely family time over the last two weeks.

Please find below links to this week’s home learning grids for literacy, numeracy and modern lanaguages.  The core tasks are in red and the optional tasks are in black.  For one or two tasks, I have asked that responses are sent back to me via email if possible.

Primary 1 Literacy Grid April 20th

Primary 1 Numeracy Grid April 20th

p1-3 modern languages.docx



Primary 1 Term 2 Update

Primary 1 are working harder than ever!! Have a look and see what we are learning this term.


Phonics – we know almost all of the single letter sounds in the alphabet and will be working hard to use these to make and break words. We will also be looking at some sounds which are made up of two letters, eg sh, ch, th, wh.

Reading – We are progressing through our reading books using our increasing knowledge of common words. We are also trying hard to use our letter sounds to help us “decode” the words we are unsure of. To develop our ability to understand what we are reading, we are discussing texts and relating them to our own experiences.

Writing – We are continuing to develop our letter formation skills. We are also developing our ability to create our own beginnings and endings for stories, linking these with traditional tales.


Number – In number we are continuing to learn the addition facts up to 10. We are strengthening our knowledge of these by learning to “count on” and exploring doubles and near doubles.

Following this we will be learning about subtraction and linking this with our addition facts to 10.

We will also be exploring the numbers to 20, thinking about how the teens numbers are made and recorded.

Beyond Number – Primary 1 will be learning about the different aspects of time. They will explore clocks and will learn about the seasons through our “Weather” topic.


Health & Well-Being

P.E. – In gym this term we are developing our gymnastics skills by focusing on our jumping, rolling and balancing.

We will also be exploring Dance and creating our own dance sequences to music.

Social & Emotional Health – As part of our PATHS programme, we are exploring the different emotions we experience and discussing ways of managing them.

We will also be continuing with our “Pupil of the Day” initiative, taking the time each day to make someone feel special by paying them compliments.


In RE we are reminded of God’s love and how it is present all around us. We will be listening to stories from the Bible, the first being the “Story of Creation”. We will consider the wonder of the world we live in and use our senses to explore our local environment.

During Lent we will try to become a closer “friend of Jesus” by showing kindness to others. We will explore the Lord’s Passion and develop an understanding of the Easter Story.

Interdisciplinary Learning

We will finish off our “Senses” topic this term with a trip to the farm at Dumfries House.

Following this, we will be using the context of “Frozen” as a means of learning about the weather and seasons.

We will be investigating hot and cold, linking these to the changes in weather. We will also look at the changing state of water, exploring freezing and melting. Through these investigations we will have the opportunity to measure, record and report our findings.

Art work will be linked to our topic and will focus on the visual elements of line and colour.


ICT – we will continue to use ICT as part of our daily learning through use of the ipads and laptops.

We will focus on keyboard skills this term, learning how to change font, colour and size when word processing.

Outdoor Learning

Following our February break Primary 1 will be taking part in Outdoor Learning every Friday afternoon so could we please ask that the children come to school with wellies and suitable outerwear on those days.

Thank you for your continued support.