All posts by Mrs McCreadie

Primary 7 leavers assembly

Get the tissues at the ready… Here is the link to the Primary 7 leavers assembly. The password for this will be shared with the main contact of the children involved. We ask that you do not share this password with anyone outwith your immediate family. Everyone at Mount Carmel wishes our Primary 7s the very best of luck for the future, we know you will be AMAZING!!!

Go to this Sway

Drum roll please…..

Here are our new house captains and vice captains…

FIRE             CAPTAIN – Poppy        VICE CAPTAIN – Callum

EARTH       CAPTAIN – Tymek        VICE CAPTAIN – Kirsty

AIR               CAPTAIN – Magda        VICE CAPTAIN- Erin

WATER     CAPTAIN – Regan          VICE CAPTAIN – Michael-John


Infant return on Monday 22nd February

The infant staff at Mount Carmel are very excited to welcome the children back to school on Monday. In preperation for this, the team have prepared a short video for each of the classes to get the children ready for their return. We would really appreciate it if our parents could make sure the children watch these videos as there is information for parents and children regarding the new rules we have put in place. Your class teachers will send you these videos on the usual platforms (email for P1 and P2 and TEAMS for P3)See you all on Monday!!

Health focus

This Thursday and Friday will look a little different as we take a focus on our Health and Wellbeing. The tasks that will be assigned for these days will look at the social, emotional and mental well being of our children with some fun acitivites to be completed along the way. There will also be some outdoor learning ( weather permitting) so if your child attends school on these days , then please ensure they are wrapped up for the weather.  An example of a time table for these two days will be sent to you by the class teachers.  As always, thank you for your on going support.


Image result for health and wellbeing clipart

Outdoor play in hub

Dear Parents and Carers,

Happy New Year!!

As part of our daily routine within the hubs, we are hoping to get the children out to play as often as possible (weather permitting). We would really appreciate your help in assuring that if you are planning on sending your children to our hub that you make sure they have warm clothing and also send in a spare set of trousers in case they get wet or dirty from outdoor play. We will, as always, ensure your child is safe whilst out playing in the cold weather.  We are looking forward to welcoming the children back into school. As always, a big thank you from all the staff for your ongoing support.

Free Winter Jacket Clipart, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on Clipart  Library


We have some very exciting news here at Mount Carmel. Our Christmas showcase is ready for your viewing pleasure. We have all worked really hard on this and had great fun making it so we hope you enjoy it.  This production will require a password in order for you to view it which will be sent out to the main contact for each of our children. To ensure the safeguarding of our children we kindly ask that this password is not shared with others.

Here is the link to the programme:

Virtual Christmas Show Programme


Hello boys and girls

Hi boys and girls.

I am so excited to be the teacher in the Willow room and Oak room next session. I might not be working with many of you…BUT…. I still want to see your lovely little faces around the school so remember to say hi when you see me. If you are going to be part of the nurture classes, I cannot wait to work with you, we are going to have great fun!!

I am missing you all lots and cannot wait to see you in August. Have a great summer with your families and I will see you all soon.

Lots of Love from Mrs McCreadie xxxx

Willow Room

Hi boys and girls.

I hope you are all taking care. I have been busy getting ready for your return to school in August. I am really missing you all and hope you all have a brilliant summer. Here are some photographs of what the Willow room will look like in August. I know that the classrooms look very different but I do not want you to worry. The teachers have all been working hard to make sure that you are all safe, but most importantly that we can have fun when you come back.

Lots of love, Mrs McCreadie

Image result for love heart clip art



Primary 3 home learning grids week beginning 22.6.20

Hi Primary 3. Well done for making it to the last week of school. I am so proud of how well you have engaged in your learning during lockdown and can see how much you have all grown up since we last seen each other in March. Below is your final weeks work for literacy, numeracy and topic. Try to do what you can whenever you can and remember to email me to say hello!! Missing all of your gorgeous little faces. Speak to you all very soon…probably when you are big Primary 4s and are too cool to speak to me!!


Literacy mat primary 3 22.6.20

green Spelling word for the week beginning 22.6.20

red Spelling word for the week beginning 22.6.20

Blue Spelling word for the week beginning 22.6.20

sun safety


P3 Numeracy Learning Grid 22.6.20

number bonds to 20



P1 to 3 IDL Grid 22.6.20


Fireworks in a Glass


Primary 3 home learning for week beginning 15th June

Hi Boys and girls.

I hope you are all well and your families are staying safe. I am very proud of the way you are dealing with lock down and how you are embracing this special time with your families. Here are your learning grids for the week ahead. I hope to hear from you all soon, Love from Mrs McCreadie xxx


Literacy mat primary 3 15.6.20

Blue Spelling word for the week beginning 15.6.20

Green Spelling word for the week beginning 15.6.20

red Spelling word for the week beginning 15.6.20


Blue.Green maths problems

P3 Numeracy Learning Grid 15.6.20

Red maths word problems


5 senses scavenger hunt

P1 to 3 IDL grid 15th June

Primary 3 home learning tasks. Wk Beg 8th June 2020

What a beautiful week it has been in the sunshine. I hope yu have all been out playing and going lovely walks. This week is health week. Normally we would do this in class but as you are at home, I have added lots of fun activities for you to complete with your families. I want you to get more active and get healthier this week and we are praying for some more gorgeous sunshine to help us with this. As always there are core tasks for you to complete as well as optional tasks. Complete as many as you can but remember, there is no expectation for all of these to be completed. Send me lots of pictures of you completing your health week activities including exercise, healthy eating and even cooking (with your adults of course!) I cannot wait to hear from you about what you have been up to. Speak soon, lots of love from Mrs McCreadie xxx

Suggested Timetable
8:00am Get up and get dressed.  Have a healthy breakfast
9:00am Some exercise Joe Wicks , Cosmic Yoga or just dance.
10:00am Maths activity
11.00am Break/ healthy snack
11.30am Literacy activity 
12.30pm Help make some healthy lunch and try to get outside
1.30pm IDL task


Literacy mat primary 3 8.6.20


blue Spelling word for the week beginning 8.6.20

green Spelling word for the week beginning 8.6.20

red Spelling word for the week beginning 8.6.20


P3 Numeracy Learning Grid 8.6.20



P1 to 3 IDL grid 8th June

teeth brushing sequence

Primary 3 home learning for week beginning 1st June 2020

Hello boys and girls,

What a beautiful weekend we are having. I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine.  I am very proud of you all for all of the hard work that you have completed this week and i love photos that you are sending me. Keep up the hard work.

I have attached your home learning work for the week; however, remember there is no expectation that you should complete all of the tasks. There are core tasks and a mix of online and written works that can be completed. Remember that you can also complete some of the tasks we used to do in class.

I am missing you all very much and hope to speak to you soon. Keep yourself and your family safe, Sending lots of Mount Carmel hugs.

Love from Mrs McCreadie

8:00 – 9:30 Get up/Get Dressed/Eat Breakfast

9:30 – 10:00 Cosmic Yoga

10:00 – 10:30 Literacy/Numeracy Task (Choose 1)

10:30 – 10:45 Outside Play/Snacktime

10:45 – 12:00 Literacy/Numeracy Task (Choose 1)

12:00 – 12:30 Lunchtime

12:30 – 1:30 IDL Task (Choose 1)

1:30 – 2:00 Outside Play

2:00 – 2:30 Literacy/Numeracy Task (Choose 1)

2:30 Free Time!!


Literacy mat primary 3 1.6.20



blue Spelling word for the week beginning 1.6.20

green Spelling word for the week beginning 1.6.20

red Spelling word for the week beginning 1.6.20


P3 Numeracy Learning Grid 1.6.20

8 times table wheel

friendship (1)


P1 to 3 IDL grid 1st June

Elmer colour by number French-1

Primary 3 home learning tasks week beginning 25th May 2020

Hello Boys and girls,

Here are your learning tasks for the week ahead. You are doing an amazing job so far and I am so very proud of all of you. I have included  an example of what your day could look like but just complete your tasks whenever you can. There is no expectation for all of these tasks to be completed. This week you will also notice there are fewer tasks. This is because Monday and Tuesday are holidays for you all. This means you have a lovely long weekend and I would love to hear all about it. Send me an email of some of the wonderful things you have been doing. Hope to hear from you all soon. Lots of love, Mrs McCreadie x

Possible daily routine

08:00-09:00 – Breakfast/ cartoons/ outside play/ get dressed

09:00 – 10:00 – Exercise time – Joe Wickes/ just dance / Cosmic yoga

10:00 – 11:00 – Home learning – Literacy task – choose 1 activity

11:00 – 11:30 – Snack and play

11:30 – 12:30 -Home learning – Numeracy task – choose 1 activity

12:30 – 1:30 – Lunch and play

1:30 – 2:30 – walk or some exercise

2:30 – 3:00 – Home learning – IDL grid – choose one activity

3: 00 – RELAX!! Nice Emoji Clipart

Literacy mat

Numeracy mat

IDL grid

french rainbow

French Greetings

P3 home learning tasks for the week beginning 18th May 2020


I hope you and your families are healthy and happy and are enjoying some very special time together. Here is your learning for the week ahead.

Remember there is no expectation that you should complete all of the things on the grids, you do what is right for your family circumstances.

I love hearing from all of the children and I am super proud of each and every one of them.

Keep being awesome!!

Take care,

Love from Mrs McCreadie xx

Literacy mat primary 3 18.5.20

P3 Numeracy Learning Grid 18.5.20

Blue Spelling word for the week beginning 18.5.20

green Spelling word for the week beginning 18.5.20P1 to 3

IDL grid 18th May PDF-1

red Spelling word for the week beginning 18.5.20

Primary 3 Learning grids for week beginning 11th May

Hi boys and girls,


I hope you have all had a fantastic week. Friday the 8th of May is a holiday so no school work on Friday… You have the day off!!

I am absolutely loving all of the photos and activities that you have been completing and sending me.  Keep up the good work!!

Finally, Mr McMillan retired today. He has been a janitor at our school for a very long time. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he begins a new chapter in his life.

Below are links to your home learning grids this week. Do what you can when you can.

Hope to hear from you all soon and have a lovely long weekend.

Love from Mrs McCreadie

P1 to 3 HWB grid 11th May PDF

Why we stay home PDF

Literacy mat primary 3 11.5.20

P3 Numeracy Learning Grid 11.5.20


Tasks to be completed week beginning 20.4.2020

Hi boys and girls,

I hope you have had a great break over Easter with your families.  I hope you had lots of chances to play outside in your gardens and with your pets and siblings. Please find below your literacy, numeracy and french tasks for this week.  Keep emailing me and tell me what you have been up to. I am missing you all and will speak to you all again very soon

Love from Mrs McCreadie

P3 Numeracy Learning Grid 20.4.20

Literacy mat primary 3 20.4.20

Modern Languages Grid P1-3